
[The young man]

This story is about a young man who woke up in a forest, he has knowledge that is his but not his at the same time. He doesn't know what happened to him or how he got there. For some reason he sees a blue hue inside or surrounding, everything around him. He begins to start his adventure going through the unknown forest, walking for days with a sense of unease. He doesn't know why but he continues on his journey till he makes it to... The art is not mine it was made by someone called H-ItamI on deviant art.

Fantasy_Reader52 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The young man in the forest

On a bright auburn morning, a young man appears. Not inside a car, not from a plane, but out of nowhere. He himself wonders where he is, but he can't seem to make up his mind. The young man paces back and forth to no end, he looks around to see if there are any clues to where he might be. As he looks around he realizes that he is surrounded by forest, not regular forest but a mystical one. As he pays more attention to his surroundings he begins to notice the peculiar trees surrounding him, they were glowing with a green hue the entire time but he didnt notice due to him being stuck in thought. As he begins to pay even more attention to his surroundings, he starts to look at the insects on the ground. Each insect has a similar hue, but blue and it was more concentrated in one area than spread out like with the trees. The man begins to look at himself, he realizes that he also has this same blue hue. After a while he begins to move, thinking to himself that there is no point in staying in a place he doesn't know anything about. As he begins to walk he stumbles to the ground, after falling he starts noticing everything around him, each tree has a similar but different hue. They're all the same color being brownish with a woody rough exterior, but inside the tree he can see that the blue shade is spread in different areas. The man starts to think about his life, but he can't seem to remember what has happened. The only thing he knows are the facts about him, he's a male, well built, he has brown hair, and his age is exactly 20. Other than that all he has is knowledge that seems foreign to him, almost like it isn't his but it is. The young man starts to walk towards the direction the sun is facing towards, whistling an ominous tune. He didn't know why he felt like whistling, or even how he knew what or how to do it, but he just felt that it was natural. As he walked he started noticing a certain condition, he didn't know how to explain but it felt… uncomfortable. He had been walking till the sun had set, and felt that he was missing something. He started wondering why he felt something was wrong, but after a while he continued on as if forgetting about it. As the sun began to rise, and his vision began to get better he started moving faster. He started sprinting, smiling while running, he ran like that continuously running around the trees till the sun once again started to set. Then he began to walk, once again a similar thought popped up in his head of something being wrong. He hadn't felt anything wrong with his body. He checked himself just in case but once again he found nothing out of the ordinary. He started to forget about it once again. As he looked up he decided to see the shining stars, he knew what it meant and what they were but he for some reason didn't know what they looked like. He stared at the sky for hours, looking at the shining balls of plasma. He didn't know why, he just thought they were mesmerizing. After a couple of repetitive days, the young man started to notice the thinning out of the trees near the forest. While walking he started noticing more and more wildlife, he stopped to look at them every once in a while. For some reason whenever he saw them he got a pleasant feeling, he didn't know what it was but it felt like when he looked at the stars. While on his journey he would look at the wildlife. Each wildlife had a blue hue but some more concentrated in one place than others, for some reason he couldn't pinpoint what the animals were. He had memories of similar animals, but each animal he saw had different appearances, some had horns, some had wings, some even had scales. Most of the wildlife he saw had different features compared to his memories. He thought about all the wildlife and how his knowledge was of no help, however while stuck in thought he came out of the forest into a clearing. Beyond the forest all he could see were endless rows of flowers, green hue's surrounding them all. It was like something described as an aurora, the light was surrounding the plain. There were different shades of green surrounding the flowers, after the young man looked around for a bit he noticed that it was starting to turn dark. As he was about to start walking again he saw something different, instead of a blue hue, there was a red one. It wasn't just one either there were thousands, as soon as he saw the hue he looked for what was making it. Looking closer he could see bugs, these he had knowledge of. These bugs were called fireflies. After realizing that he knew what they were he lost interest fast, even though it was a new colored hue he had seen many hue's before and had gotten used to the colors of the wildlife and plants. After walking farther into the plain he finally saw something, it was blue, round, and seemed to be a liquid and a solid. He didn't have any memory of this creature, however the most peculiar thing about it was that its hue took the form of a ball. All of the hue was focused into a crystal like core. He decided to go up to it, to see what it was, it reminded him of a description of a water creature called a clam. As he went up to it he realized it was docile, unlike all the other creatures that ran away, this creature just continued on its path. The young man had decided to grab it, it was the size of a puppy so he had no trouble. It was squishy, not like it would just be squished and stay that way. But squishy with buoyancy, after a while he started to focus on the pearl-like core. He tried flattening his hand then pushing against the creature. When he did, the creature started to shake, he didn't know why it was shaking, maybe because he had put his hand inside it? He didn't know but he continued, he grabbed the core and slowly took it out. After completely taking the core out the creature seemed to shake even more intensely, after about ten seconds it started to melt in his hand. After 20 seconds it disappeared. However the core that the young man had did not disappear…

This is my first time writing in this viewpoint so if someone could give me some feedback I would be extremely grateful, thankyou.

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