
[The young man]

This story is about a young man who woke up in a forest, he has knowledge that is his but not his at the same time. He doesn't know what happened to him or how he got there. For some reason he sees a blue hue inside or surrounding, everything around him. He begins to start his adventure going through the unknown forest, walking for days with a sense of unease. He doesn't know why but he continues on his journey till he makes it to... The art is not mine it was made by someone called H-ItamI on deviant art.

Fantasy_Reader52 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Experiments & a dream

As the young man looked at the core he found that the hue inside of it started to come closer to his body. It looked as if the hue was a magnet and his body was metal. As he stared at it closer he found that the hue started fading but his started growing, the more the core faded the more his hue grew. It felt as if mist was going inside him. While it grew the young man noticed that he felt excited or maybe a better word for it would be euphoric, the more the core faded and his hue grew the more excited he became. It felt…addicting. The young man started looking around for more, he found another spherical looking animal. And yet again decided to pick it up and take its core; as he started absorbing the hue, he felt that the sensation didn't feel as strong. As an experiment the young man decided to see if he could control the hue coming from the orb to be absorbed by him faster. He focused on it and thought of what it felt like when the hue went into him, as he thought of it the hue inside of the core began to fade faster. The young man noticed that instead of feeling like a mist it felt like water was going inside of him. He couldn't explain it, and did not have an explanation for what it was but he knew that it wouldn't hurt him. At least that's what he thought, after the young man finished absorbing the hue he decided to do another "experiment." He walked up to a tree and tried to do the same thing, he didn't know if it would work but he thought it was worth a try. As he tried to do the same thing he realized that he couldn't, he started thinking of why he couldn't do it. The more he thought about it the more curious he got. He decided to look around the tree to see if it had something similar to the core that the animal had. As he looked around it he noticed that certain branches on it had more hue than others. As he was curious he decided to climb the tree and take a branch, when he climbed towards the branch he started shaking it up and down to snap it. After he got the branch he started to climb down the tree, jumping down at a safe height. After he got down he resumed his experiment once again, as he tried it with the branch, he found that it also didn't absorb. After failing twice he decided to try something new, instead of taking the hue he decided to give it. He started his experiment once again, as he imbued the branch with hue he found that his head started to ache a small amount. However as he continued imbuing the hue into the branch he saw something strange. The branch started glowing with hue, the more he imbued the more it glowed. As he gave it even more he found that the branch started growing, he started thinking of what it meant. He thought of two probabilities: the first was that the branch grew due to it not being able to store enough of the hue. The second was that the hue that he imbued, made the tree branch grow. After about a minute of the young man imbuing the hue the branch had grown to the size of a cane. The young man decided once again to try an experiment, he wanted to see if he directed the hue in a certain direction would he be able to make it grow in a way that he wants? As he started on yet another one of his experiments he found that his eyes began to feel droopy. He had not felt tired during the entire time he had been in the forest or in the meadow, however the young man didn't realize that this was rather strange. As the young man fell asleep he had a dream, it was vivid and lucid, he was being held by someone. He didn't know who was holding him, but he knew that he was angry. The man who was holding him had just hit another person, on the face. The person he hit seemed to be female. She wore a black jacket that was half unzipped along with a gray shirt, and black pants The man that was carrying him wore a white shirt, along with tan pants. He couldn't see her face due to her being on the floor on her knees crying. Through her hands however he could see a bright red mark across her face. He couldn't move his body, nor could he speak. He started screaming, it wasn't of his own volition but it felt as if there was someone else controlling his body, while he was just watching. As he cried the man that was holding onto him got even angrier, he brought him to a room that looked like a garage. While there he frantically looked for something, as he opened a drawer he pulled out something. In his hand he was holding a knife that seemed to have strange enscryptions on it. As the man brought it closer to the infant child in his hands, a loud bang sounded out. The infant child was covered in blood the color of crimson. As the man fell, so did the infant child with him, as he fell the child was released from his grasp and fell to the floor. In a forest covered with mysterious trees a young man started gasping for air appearing to have had a nightmare. He didn't seem to be scared however he was breathing in and out heavily. As he started to catch his breath he began to get up realizing that it was night. As he started getting up he reached for a strange cane, to help him stand. As he grabbed the cane a mysterious light shone from its exterior. It shone dimly, providing a meager light for a mere second before dwindling like embers of a fire.