
Chapter 1 [vol 1]: Fate's Card

As the sun rose up admiringly from the East, I gently rubbed my eyes as I reach out for my glasses. Everything was blurried. Everything were rather made out of dots. Who would've thought it's 7:00 am of Monday and you have to go to school? I prepared my clothes as mom cooks. I reached out for my bag and placed it beside me. The day was just... regular. Was just one of those non-exciting regular days. When I got to school, everyone take their seats as I take mine, beside my friend, Jonah. We'd been best friends for how old are us now. We always rely to each other. We always know everything about each other. Well, perhaps, it's because we both thought of each other as brothers. Our professor went in. Of course in a regular first day of school, we'd introduce ourselves, but, this one is, different. The professor made us play a game. He picked others to be partners with other students which goes for me too. He paired me up with someone I don't know. However, if there is one thing I knew, it's that his smile is charming. His looks are outstanding and that he is kind enough to remove the possible dirt in my eyes. I laughed gently as he was smiling. "I'm Toby, nice to meet you." he reached his hands towards mine asking for a handshake. He could be possibly asking for an answer I thought. "Dale, Dale Huckman. Nice meeting you too." I said and shook hands with him. As the professor explained the mechanics, each of us faced towardsour partner's eyes. This is difficult though. Imagine staring at the eyes of a charming person in front of you then you'll get disturbed as he was smiling. The game was, after staring at your partner's eyes for a few seconds, you have to guess their characteristics as they describe yours too. Me and Toby began. I described him from how I saw him. "You're charming." as I said that I know I must be careful with my words. He laughed when he heard what I said and he even pat me on my head. "Thanks, well you're.... smart?" he said as if he is wondering he is correct. "Correct" I said. And so the day continued and ended up me and Toby being close to each other. As I walk back towards my seat, he held my hand and said "Nice meeting you again Dale." I nodded and said the same thing to him.

As I went back towards my seat, there is a smile on Jonah's face I could possibly know why. "So what's her name?" I said. There's no other possible reason why he is smiling like that. "Audrey" he said. As we both laugh from outselves, the bell rang as a mark for dismissal. Well perhaps, sometimes, the regular days at school isn't gonna be bad after all. As the first day were interesting enough. There could possibly be more than what I know would happen.

Hi! This would actually be my first story. Please wait for the cover. Hope you like it's first chapter! I'm gonna release a chapter every two-three days in addition to volume 1.

ElegancedBlackcreators' thoughts