
[Rewrite Pending] Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter VII

Tercres paid rapt attention to Tomota's introduction to ki theory and manipulation. Unlike these kids who didn't have any memories of a life before their own, Tercres almost immediately noticed the glaring difference between not having any ki as a human of a different reality to then having 60 times the amount of an average human in the Dragon Ball universe after being released from his incubation pod.

To him, it was as if his entire body was saturated in it and after finding out that he was reincarnated as a saiyan, he immediately recognised that the energy was ki. You can imagine the frustration that went through his body when he couldn't easily summon it to his hands and create ki balls.

It just felt like he was slowly pushing a heavy object instead. The only thing he could do back then was using my ki to counteract the gravity of the planet and lift myself into the air. Now he had had some success in this department, evidence to his flying skills…

"Ki is the latent energy, tangible force that exists inside every living being. It is what we use to determine your power level. Us Saiyans are naturally adept at using ki and have no difficulty manipulating our energy.

Although young ones such as yourselves may have an instinctual grasp over it, it still needs to be trained to actually reach the level of creating ki attacks. Your control over your ki will increase as you get older and use them more in battle, unless you're a prodigy like His Highness, Prince Vegeta IV."

"Ki can be used for many different techniques and attacks, like so." Tomota said before holding hands out, palm facing the sky, as if he was holding a ball. Tercres leaned forward, eyes unblinking to not miss a single single.

A golden shining ball of ki as large as a small football formed easily hovering above Tomota's palm. Tercres couldn't help but widen his eyes at the sight of the glowing ball of ki. Tomota grinned, before continuing.

"It's all about focus and intent," he explained as he effortlessly flattened the ball into a disc, elongating it, "When you concentrate your ki, you can shape it into various forms and use it for different attacks," he said as he casually pointed the ki ball to a nearby mountain around the size of Mount Fuji, fifty kilometres away before releasing the yellow ball of energy at it. The yellow ball of streaked in the air, quickly disappearing from sight.

"Depending on your power level, this small ball of ki example…," Tomota paid no attention to it before continuing and seconds later a tremendous yellow light engulfed the entire mountain, "…can cause this amount of destruction."

Tercres absentmindedly nodded, too in awe at the level of destruction in front of his eyes. As the light subsided, there was nothing left of the mountain. It was completely obliterated. The energy contained in such a small blast must be equivalent to tens of hundreds of Tsar Bombs! So eager was he to learn more about how to create ki attacks and to use it in battle, that his tail almost cut him half!

A low rumble could be heard from the distance. It took a few moments for Tercres to realise that it was the sound of the mountain being obliterated reaching his ears. Despite the incredible speed of the ki blast, the sound wave still took several seconds to reach him, a testament to the immense distance that it had traveled.

"I know that most of you have already tried to manipulate your ki, some of you with some success while others are struggling. That is alright, continue struggling. It's been nearly eight months and some of you can just barely fly! What's the point of you being here? If it wasn't for you power levels I would have personally sent you to a low level planet like the low class scum you are! Anyways, those that can step forward I want to see your progress."

Tercres hesitated for a moment, feeling a little self-conscious. He had been practicing with ki for a few months now, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to demonstrate his progress in front of the other kids. He glanced at Tomota, who seemed to be watching him and a few others closely, and decided to step forward.

Tercres focused his intent on his ki, feeling it flow through his body. He'd come along way from just knowing how to fly. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he extended his hand and concentrated on forming a small ball of ki. A second later a yellow ki ball the size of a tennis ball materialised above his palm.

Tercres glanced around at the other kids, who were watching him with interest. Some of them looked impressed, while others seemed a little envious. Kolra was one of them. Normally when one's ki is increased, it is harder to control due to how concentrated it is. So he could understand Kolra struggling, afterall his power level was already 1,500.

Apart from a slight warm sensation on his palm, Tercres didn't know how to describe it but holding the ki ball felt as natural as walking, albeit it was a bit different but comparable to focusing on moving his arms or legs. It was there and his mind could sense like it was part of him.

Anyways, with the ball in hand pointed it at a distant rock formation and pumped some energy into it with the intent to fire it away from me. Like a speeding bullet, it shot away without being noticeably affected by the gravity of the planet. Tercres traced the ki ball as it flew in the air before it hit, causing an a explosion enough to swallow a large town.

Tomota seeing this, nodded approvingly, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. "Good job, Tercres. You're making progress," he said in a deep voice. "Keep practicing and you'll be able to create even more powerful attacks."

Tomota then turned his attention to the other students, watching them demonstrate their ki manipulation skills.