
[Rewrite Pending] Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter VI

Age 734

The Unit was a place that Tercres hated and loved at the same time. It was mid June here on this side of Planet Vegeta, and the heat had already started to show its hostility to the young saiyans below. The fact that the heat can even be felt to this degree with their power-levels reaching the high hundreds and some already having breached the thousand mark was testament to the suns's intensity.

"Kolra," Tomota called from his place in front of a single horizontal line formed by the children. A tall and muscular child stepped forward from his place in the line and crossed his arms, an arrogant smirk already displaced on his pre-pubescent face. Tomota's gaze swept past the line again, before calling, "Tercres."

Tercres had already anticipated his name being called after yesterday's fiasco. Today was the last day of combat training before they moved on, and although Tomota was currently an instructor, he was still a Saiyan warrior first and foremost. He almost always called upon Tercres and Kolra to fight each other due to them being the ones who improved the most fighting-wise, just because he liked to see a good fight. Tercres stepped out of his place in the line and made his way to stand opposite Kolra.

The moment he stood in front of him, Kolra did not waste any moment to insult Tercres. "I heard what happened two days ago. Its seems that you think you're better than me and thats why you refused my offer. Let me remind you why my family ranks…"

Tercres already tuned out Kolra's ramblings. Ever since he reincarnated and found out that he was in the Dragon Ball multiverse, nothing on Planet Vegeta could phase him. Compared to the beings he knows, Kolra here was nothing more than a bigger than average amoeba.

Tomota looked at both the boys - noting the disinterested expression on Tercres's face - before shouting, "Start!" Almost immediately all the saiyan children took off and flew a reasonable distance away to watch the fight - Tomota included.

At the same time, Tercres clenched his teeth and crossed his arms over his chest, forming an an X-shape while leaping back. It was no secret that Kolra was a the biggest battle junkie in their group, which is saying something in a race of warriors.

He winced as Kolra's fist connected with his crossed arms, soliciting a wider smile from his opponent. Although he was able to guard against the blow, it was still strong enough to cause quite the bit of pain. Tercres knew he had to act fast if he wanted to turn the tables on Kolra. He quickly stepped back and took to the skies. Here he won't be limited in his range of movements.

"Where you running too?"

But Kolra saw an opportunity to gain the upper hand. Taking to the skies as well he charged towards Tercres, delivered a powerful kick to his stomach, causing him to double over in pain, caught off guard by his sudden new found speed, followed up with a swift uppercut to his chin, sending him flying backwards.

Tercres quickly stabilised himself in the air, while gulping deep breaths of air and prepared himself for Kolra's next move. He knew that Kolra was stronger than him, but not to this extent. Sure enough, Kolra was already a few meters away from, arms outstretched and ready to strike with a fierce look in his eyes.

Tercres saw the blow coming and swiftly twisted out of the way, grabbing Kolra's left leg as he flew by and swinging him around to generate momentum before throwing him towards the rocky ground below.


Like a meteorite Kolra's impact was loud and painful, but not enough to keep him out of the count as he burst out from the massive dust cloud, skin and armor scratched but his eyes burning ever fierce. If Tercres didn't know any better, he would have thought that he was fighting Broly himself

Delirious from battle lust, Kolra shot forward at top speed, fists clenched and ready to pound Tercres into pulp. Tercres braced himself, bringing his arms up to block the flurry of blows.

Kolra's fists pounded against Tercres's arms and torso with bone-crushing force, finally breaking through his defenses when a lucky punch landed in his solar plexus. Tercres cried out, doubling over from the force of the blow.

Kolra seized the opportunity, grabbing Tercres by his neck, he began flying higher and higher, his fingers tightening around Tercres's throat with every ascending meter.

Tercres gasped for air, his vision starting to blur and darken around the edges. He knew that Kolra wouldn't kill him and Tomota would save him but that didn't stop him panicking. A drop form this height, unconscious at that, would be lethal but there was nothing he could do to escape the iron grip around his neck.

With the last vestiges of his mind descending into sleep, Tercres felt himself falling. Wind rushed by him as he plummeted towards the ground at terminal velocity.


Tercres woke up from the ground with a scream, jumping to his feet as he frantically checked himself for any signs of injury from his fall. The sound of laughter stopped him from his search, and looking around, he saw his peers, including Tomota, looking at him with what looked like disappointment. Kolra and his two lackeys, Alric and Rota, hovered behind him with a sadistic grin on their faces.

"Did you really think I would kill you?" Kolra asked. "That was just me putting you in your place."

Tercres couldn't say anything back. He just frowned before sighing and made his way back to the building. The only thing to show for his feelings was his trembling hands clenched into fists. He blamed himself for this behavior. Two wins against some weaklings and a stupid title as the second strongest were all it took to give him a sense of superiority and lose sight of his goal.

A few tears ran down his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away before anyone noticed.

"Ah...this sucks," he muttered to himself.