
[OLD] Konosuba: Love Circle!

This is an old story, read the official here. https://www.webnovel.com/book/konosuba-love-circle!-rewriting..._17855854405244205 Satou Kazuma died because he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital, but he passed on and is transferred to the afterlife where he meets the Goddess Aqua. The Goddess Aqua is very nice towards Kazuma but he's not going to be fooled by some stranger who looks to be cosplaying. He was given the choice to either go to heaven or reincarnate and bring something with him and unluckily, Kazuma choose Aqua, forcing the goddess to be his partner. Now together they try to live through this world they have been sent to. Kazuma slowly but surely wants to something to change for once. His previous life sucked ass so he decides he's going to have girls right up to his crotch, that's right. He wants girls on his dick. But Kazuma is not really lucky In general as he suffers most likely everyday. Megumin and Darkness later joined his party, or what he calls a harem and together, they explore and maybe have some quality time together when they get the chance to? And so, Kazuma officially starts his new life, but he will make it what he really wants when he was in Earth, at least he tries to.

Raseru_8586 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The Adventure Really Begins.

Aqua and Kazuma continue to work part time in trying to cover the debt, but they could clearly see they can't do this all day and every month so they decided it's time to be adventurers for real.

It has gone night again, Kazuma was bored as ever in trying to molest Aqua again, Aqua was clearly not liking this, but at the same time… She wants him doing it?

Eventually both get in trouble for Aqua's ballony which her ass got slapped for it again and now this is the day.

Of their first day of being adventurers, for real. I guess.

It's a very lovely morning in Axel.

It's a tough morning considering Kazuma has to punish Aqua for her misbehaviors yesterday.

Kazuma just sighs.


He wasn't expecting a life where he's going to just work and slowly become in debt and be threatened if he doesn't pay.

His life here with Aqua is kind of okay, but considering what she has done, it causes more stress for Kazuma.

Aqua is literally a baby.

She doesn't know when to do for shit.

She doesn't know how to work for shit.

Looks like, all she does mostly is slack around while in the montage, Kazuma was clearly working hard.

Now he has to take care of the debt.


Aqua yawns and stretches which Kazuma is waiting for because-

Aqua yawns and rubs her eyes as she sees Kazuma.

"Good morning…"


"Morning…? Are you kidding me...? It's almost noon! I've been waiting for you to wake up to do our kill quest so we can take care of some of the debt YOU have made!

Aqua sits up and rubs her eyes as she looks at Kazuma.

"hmnm... kill quest…? Oh yeah, I forgot about that.



"You always do."

Kazuma replied.




"You know Aqua, I wanna ask you. Where the fuck is the Devil king?! This place is nothing more than peaceful! It couldn't get any more peaceful in here!


"Hm… well, the demon king is far away from this land, I mean he has other businesses to attend to, he doesn't bother taking over a land full of beginners.

Aqua feels her ass hurting as she looks at her ass.

It seems that it's still red, and she looks at Kazuma.


"I didn't slap it while you were sleeping."



Aqua gets up and stretches before she looks at Kazuma.

"Alright, I'm more energized! Let's go to that kill quest now."

Aqua cheeky as ever tries to comfort Kazuma that everything is okay, he can rely on her.

She is a goddess after all.

Kazuma doubts that.

Even if she's a goddess.

She has many attempts to amaze Kazuma but all of them were mostly boring and stupid.

Maybe this time Kazuma can get a glimpse of what Aqua can really do since they're going on a kill quest.

Aqua gives a thumbs up to Kazuma grinning happily.

Kazuma just gives a thumbs up too, just so Aqua won't possibly cry about not getting a thumbs up back.





Both adventurers begin their true journey as they walk to the guild hall first because Kazuma is literally starving after 4 hours of waiting for Aqua to wake up.