
[Multiverse] Sex System In Highschool DxD

If You Want to Read Chapters Ahead Or Support Me, Please Head Over To My Page... Link: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara *** [SYNOPSIS] Mark was a college student who was in love with his childhood friend, Mai. One day, he decided that he would confess his love to his childhood friend Mai but was brutally rejected. Dejected by the rejection, he went into a trance for a moment, but that moment was all it took for him to be crushed by a speeding truck-kun that came uninvited and crashed into him, sending him straight to the afterlife. But that wasn't the end of his pitiful life as he met an omnipotent hentai goddess who made him her fiancée, and then she reincarnated him into the DxD World, the infamous erotic world with no logic, something that's only used as fap material by people. *** To read the advanced chapter, you can head to my page on Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the author is hôrny. Tags- Extremely OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, Anal, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incěst, Netori (Only mc NTR other), System, Harem, Large Hárem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. Also, No traps. *** Remember not to compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me, then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake, then kindly leave. Thank you for reading! *** I do not claim ownership of the cover picture nor the anime "Highschool DxD" If you're the rightful owner and you do not want it here, you can tell me in the reviews and I'll remove it after conforming your identity of being the owner of the picture.

AlmightyTRX · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 9: Seth's Jealousy [2]


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Seth gritted her teeth.

'Who does she think she is?' Seth thought to herself as she saw Izana enjoying a steaming cup of tea from Grayfia, 'How dare she enchant my master with her big melons?!'

"And that tea," Seth muttered possessively, "It must be laced with an elixir to make Master fall in love with her- That must be the reason,"

Seth felt an intense amount of protection- Her master was her everything and when he grew of age, there was always a chance that she would become a key member in his peerage, perhaps she would become a Queen but Seth would take any position her Master gave her.

She was a prominent fire mage, she was hot-headed, her master had pointed it out to her many times and she was incapable of making important decisions in the midst of battle. Even if she didn't get an evil piece, even if she didn't become a member of her Master's peerage- she wanted her master to love her.

She would give everything for it, he had drilled into all of his maids that they must not do everything to the best of their ability but to his satisfaction and she was aware that her Master was a perfectionist- he wanted his room cleaned always and he wanted each of his clothes washed and dried accordingly, he always wanted them to be cleaned.

Seth loved her master, more so than she did herself literally. If her master chose to defile her maidenhood, she would willingly allow him to do it- that was how submissive she was.

'But this woman,' Seth narrowed her eyes, 'Is she trying to take Master from us?'


Izana sat in his steaming hot tub, the steam rising into the air.

"You heated it a lot," Izana said, "I like it but you only get this riled up when you're angry,"

Izana made sure to know everything about his maids, he couldn't trust everyone in the castle but his maids were one of the only people he could actually confide in.

Seth blushed as she cleaned her Master's back, he had requested a thorough scrubbing and she was going to give it to him.

"Master, do you like Lord Lucifer's attendant?" Seth asked.

"Oh so that's what this is about," Izana replied with a sigh, "But since you're asking, yes I do like her,"

"Master, are you sure it's not the tea?" Seth asked, "if it's the tea that you like so much then I can surely learn how to make tea even surpassing that of Grayfia,"

Izana chuckled heartily and Seth's face turned into a deeper shade of red.

"Just admit you're jealous," Izana said without looking into her eyes.

"No master, I just care about your wellbeing," Seth said.

"Oh-" Izana said and went back to soaking in the hot tub, "If you aren't jealous, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Like I said, I care about Master's wellbeing," Seth said.

"Alright," Izana said, after he was done with Grayfia- he made a mental note to bring this woman out of her shell.

"Do you want to be my queen?" Izana asked.

"Ah Master. It's too early to be thinking about that, there must be better qualifications for queens than me," Seth replied with a bow.

"So you don't want to be my queen," Izana said and Seth shook her head.

"No I want to be your queen Master, but there must be better qualifications," Seth said, "After all, I'm not sure Master would want a queen that cannot make decisions mid-battle,"

"Yes, you're right," Izana said, "And surely there's another candidate I'm thinking of as well- She's quite younger than I am already but she has the potential to become a prominent magus,"


"If you truly don't want to lose to a girl younger than you," Izana said, "and if you truly want to become my Queen, then you will work on your problems and become the best version of yourself,"

Seth nodded and acknowledged his words.

"Alright, clean me up," Izana said, "I have to get to the study,"

"Yes Master," Seth said and did her work with the utmost dedication.


[Babe, you seem to like tea more now]

Izana sighed as he went through another page, it was true- In the past, he had been very picky about the kind of beverages he consumed. 

He only took Soda, Fanta and sometimes Coke- which was why he gained quite a bit of fat in his belly but in this life, he had slim lean muscles and a flat stomach.

'Tea is more healthy,' Izana thought, 'Soda and all the other soft drinks are sweet but they give the one drinking it a lot of fat as well,'

'Tea in the underworld doesn't have such impurities,' Izana thought and closed the book with a sigh.

He was bored but he had nothing to do.

"Perhaps I should get to some POD refinement exercises," Izana muttered to himself.

His POD was already a chaotic force in nature and refining it further might result in it ending up like Hakai, if they weren't already the same thing.

Suddenly a knock reverberated through his study.

"Master Izana, please we need you urgently," Maggie said.

"Yes Master~ your assistance is needed," His third maid, Olga said.

Izana hovered over to the door and opened it quickly revealing the two busty maids with curvaceous figures.

"Lady Venelana has urgently requested that you pick out some new clothes for Rias's birthday," Maggie quickly said, "She said the heirs would be invited and that you have to be on your best clothes,"

Izana gave a small sigh, as Rias was growing a year older- He too would be 6 years old in some months but the fact that the heirs would be here.

That meant there was going to be Riser… or so he thought.

He was planning to stop the wedding arrangements at all costs, after all if his sister wasn't happy- he wouldn't be happy.

But this didn't mean that he would spoil her, he didn't have any plans of spoiling Rias either.


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