
[Multiverse] Sex System In Highschool DxD

If You Want to Read Chapters Ahead Or Support Me, Please Head Over To My Page... Link: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara *** [SYNOPSIS] Mark was a college student who was in love with his childhood friend, Mai. One day, he decided that he would confess his love to his childhood friend Mai but was brutally rejected. Dejected by the rejection, he went into a trance for a moment, but that moment was all it took for him to be crushed by a speeding truck-kun that came uninvited and crashed into him, sending him straight to the afterlife. But that wasn't the end of his pitiful life as he met an omnipotent hentai goddess who made him her fiancée, and then she reincarnated him into the DxD World, the infamous erotic world with no logic, something that's only used as fap material by people. *** To read the advanced chapter, you can head to my page on Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the author is hôrny. Tags- Extremely OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, Anal, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incěst, Netori (Only mc NTR other), System, Harem, Large Hárem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. Also, No traps. *** Remember not to compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me, then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake, then kindly leave. Thank you for reading! *** I do not claim ownership of the cover picture nor the anime "Highschool DxD" If you're the rightful owner and you do not want it here, you can tell me in the reviews and I'll remove it after conforming your identity of being the owner of the picture.

AlmightyTRX · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 27: Do You Love Me?

A month had quickly passed and Izana had been chilling in the Gremory household- he had made plans to go ahead to the Sitri territory but he kept them behind for now.

The underworld was surely a wide place and Izana wasn't ecstatic enough to try and reach every different region- he felt cool with staying in the Gremory castle for now and then perhaps going to the Sitri castle, that was within his comfort zone.

In truth, he might have included the Agares territory if Seekvaira didn't come and visit him but she always did so there wasn't much he could do.

"So... Do you plan on going down to the Human world?" Seekvaira asked while adjusting her glasses.

"Yep," Izana replied with a small sigh, to be honest Izana would have preferred distancing himself from the Surface- and he didn't want to meet any Pink haired humans that looked like his best friend who he had long since forgotten her name lest he decided to ruin their future.

"Not now though," Izana said, noticing Seekvaira changing her expression to one of longing, he sighed a bit- she was already missing him.

Throughout the month, Izana knew he had done well in attempting to cultivate a romantic relationship with Seekvaira- actually he had done more than well and he could kiss her a ton of times which was a certifiable achievement considering Seekvaira was a girl that was hard to approach.

"Good," Seekvaira said.

"You know you can just play with Rias," Izana said, pointing at one of the most obvious reasons Seekvaira made her way to the Gremory castle- Rias was really cute and Izana was sure that it was only a matter of time before the Phenex filth chose to try and wed her to Riser and Izana wanted to be there not only to break some bones but get some things through as the future heir of the Gremory clan.

"But it's different from spending time with you," Seekvaira complained with a pout.

Izana smiled wryly, he truly had the girl obsessed with him- and he loved the feeling, although he didn't hold any sentimental or romantic feelings for Seekvaira... she would always have a place in his heart-

As the Toy of the century.

Seekvaira chose to be quiet and indifferent on the outside- but there were only a handful of people who could actually get on the inside, and Izana was one of them. He was the one of the most valuable things Seekvaira held dearly and using this position- He could control her just like a puppet.

As he learned in his past life- It was dangerous to let people close to your heart, once they were in it... they could wreak havoc and Izana had once been a prey to it but not anymore, his scope over things had evolved and he had now become the apex predator...

If he was truly interested in someone and wanted to make friends then he would have to open up to the other person in a way that they could see he was opening up to them when in reality- Izana was faking it, just like he did with Sairaorg.

The only way he showed his true colors was in the middle of Combat which was where his soul seemed to come alive- an important part of Survival of the fittest was the fact that two apex predators fought for dominance but he was going to be more than an apex predator... 

Izana planned to stand at the top of the food chain, his existence far surpassing that of gods that walked the world and even the Dragon gods would tremble at his almighty power- Multiversal travel was also quickly unlocked... all by the power of the Lazy lust system, once it was unlocked at least.

"I know," Izana said and spread his devil wings, extending his hand to Seekvaira with a smug face, "You want to head on a Flight?"


A Flight was the term Izana quipped soaring through the skies of the Underworld and he felt at ease when doing this.

His hands were spread as his wings flapped, they glistened with magic as Seekvaira flew next to him- admiring Izana's handsome face.

She had a fluttering feeling in her heart the more she gazed at Izana, her eyes never seemed to leave Izana and he was proud of his work.

Slowly Izana cocked his head in her direction and smiled.

"What you staring at?" Izana asked.

Seekvaira averted her gaze, turning away from Izana reluctantly and peeling her eyes shut.

"N- nothing," Seekvaira said and Izana smiled.

"You're really cute," Izana said and turned away from Seekvaira with a blush - on the inside, he was letting out the most evil smile ever... he totally had her heart bagged.

[But you are the most cuter one]

Izana's eyes snapped open in realization as the goddess spoke to him and a sly smirk bloomed between his lips.

'Nah, I'm not- evil guys don't smile or blush, they smirk,' 

[And yet... you smile every night you talk to me]

Izana could not admit that was a lie, he truly enjoyed the conversation he shared with the goddess as he learned more and more about not only the realm of the gods but about humanity-

They were steadily advancing and his Mom was still alive, those were the only two things Izana needed to hear... in fact, the world of High School DxD moved much more faster than that of the Regular human world so once Izana gained the Lazy Lust System and completes the requirements for Multiversal travel- he had a woman to visit.


Seekvaira's cute meek voice knocked Izana out of his thoughts as he noticed the girl blushing.

"Do you love me?" Seekvaira asked.

All of it hit so suddenly yet Izana was able to keep his composure- she had that look in her eyes, she wanted an answer now and Izana could swear that he once had that look but a girl had to end it all... He had a choice now, whether he could let Seekvaira take the same path that he did or he could tell a lie to his toy and continue toying with her emotions.

We all knew what Izana was going to pick right from the start...

"Yes, I love you Seekvaira,"


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