
[Multiverse] Sex System In Highschool DxD

If You Want to Read Chapters Ahead Or Support Me, Please Head Over To My Page... Link: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara *** [SYNOPSIS] Mark was a college student who was in love with his childhood friend, Mai. One day, he decided that he would confess his love to his childhood friend Mai but was brutally rejected. Dejected by the rejection, he went into a trance for a moment, but that moment was all it took for him to be crushed by a speeding truck-kun that came uninvited and crashed into him, sending him straight to the afterlife. But that wasn't the end of his pitiful life as he met an omnipotent hentai goddess who made him her fiancée, and then she reincarnated him into the DxD World, the infamous erotic world with no logic, something that's only used as fap material by people. *** To read the advanced chapter, you can head to my page on Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the author is hôrny. Tags- Extremely OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, Anal, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incěst, Netori (Only mc NTR other), System, Harem, Large Hárem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. Also, No traps. *** Remember not to compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me, then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake, then kindly leave. Thank you for reading! *** I do not claim ownership of the cover picture nor the anime "Highschool DxD" If you're the rightful owner and you do not want it here, you can tell me in the reviews and I'll remove it after conforming your identity of being the owner of the picture.

AlmightyOuterGod · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 16: Izana's Queen [1]

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Izana was surprised to hear that Sirzechs had arrived- at quite an unusual time, he hadn't seen his brother around for a long time. He managed to come by for Rias's birthdays although he made sure to avoid Grayfia during the events.

But this was the first time he had come for no reason and Izana wasn't sure he came here to relax, no there was no way Sirzechs would want to relax in the Gremory household.

But Grayfia let out a depressed sigh as she tucked her boobs into her bra and gave Izana a slight smirk, surely he underestimated how cute Grayfia could actually be.

Izana opened the door and closed it quickly.

"Master Izana, he personally requests to see you," Maggie informed and Izana nodded, taking another step forward only to disappear from Maggie's sight immediately, he warped away like a ghost and she could no longer sense his demonic energy.

That was how fast Izana had become and Maggie could only guess he was downstairs with Sirzechs.


"Good evening, Big brother," Izana said while taking a seat, it was only the two of them at the dining table-

"Good evening to you, Izana," Sirzechs said, "It's been quite a while,"

"Yeah, you don't show up to my birthday celebrations," Izana folded his arms and glared at Sirzechs, "But you strangely do for Rias's birthday every time,"

"Ah, I'm sorry- been busy," Sirzechs said while rubbing the back of his head nervously.

Izana impatiently waited for this to die down and then Sirzechs gained a stern look.

"Dad informed me that you wanted to take your Maid- Seth for intensive training for about a month or two, maybe three," Sirzechs said.

Izana nodded.

"That's true, I would have used Seekvaira's time barriers but I don't want to age more," Izana said, "At least not yet,"

"Alright I might have a suitable place for you to train her, It's an abandoned area so you could get enough time in," Sirzechs said and Izana gave a small nod.

"What's the catch though?" Izana asked and Sirzechs chuckled a bit.

"I want to know who the guy Grayfia likes," Sirzechs said.

"Bro, you're still hung up on that?" Izana asked as Sirzechs gave a small nod.

"I want to prove to her that I am more than the man that she likes," Sirzechs said and Izana gave a small chuckle, rising from the chair in a devilish manner.

"Well what would you do if it was your own brother, huh?" Izana taunted while staring Sirzechs straight in the eyes. He was unafraid of the Lucifer Maou… even as the terrifying pressure was brought onto his shoulders.

'What sort of pressure is this?' Izana thought.

It was far different from anything Izana had ever experienced before- This was truly the pressure of a Maou… Sirzechs's POD swirled mid-air, it's crimson aura painting the dining room in a red hue as Sirzechs stood up only to give Izana a smile.

"It can't be you," Sirzechs said as the pressure vanished- it was lifted instantly.

As quickly as it had come, The terrifying pressure left Izana's shoulders and all he was left with was ideas. He had actually thought he was getting closer to Sirzechs but it was now he was actually realizing the difference between their powers… there was no way he was near competing with Sirzechs.

He was silent, Sirzechs had apparently convinced himself that his brother could not betray him like that- and Izana couldn't blame him, he was on the good side of his brother.

"Anyway, I'll be here to carry you there- I suggest we leave now before it gets hectic," Sirzechs said and Izana couldn't deny.


And that was how Izana found himself in a wasteland with Seth, their eyes locked onto each other as he pursed his lips.

Sirzechs had long since left and given them resources to last a month or two, thankfully Seth could cook flawlessly.

"If you want to become my queen then you must prove to me you can hold such a position- Come at me with everything you got Seth because I shall be the one making the decision," Izana muttered under his breath and clapped his hands.

Compared to Sirzechs's aura, Izana's was far less threatening but it had that Malevolent touch that made his opponents tremble. He didn't actually want to use it on comrades or friends but his queen must be able to handle his own aura…

As Izana's aura spread across the battlefield, Seth felt her knees buck. She could see it- there was something dark behind her master, vibrating like a dark shadow- pulsating with each moment, she could see it's purple eyes look in her direction and then suddenly it disappeared…

No it started moving toward her, alongside her Master as if they were one- his speed was nothing short of astounding but Izana's next words sent the true chills down her spine.

"If you aren't prepared to kill me, you won't survive," Izana said as he appeared before her.

Seth could barely react as Izana threw a punch toward her face, her eyes narrowed as the punch stopped moments before connecting with her face only for Izana to crouch and slam her in the stomach with his fist.

'Master is not holding back-'

Seth noticed at once he was moving like the way he did with Sairaorg- in the heat of battle, her Master did not treat her like a friend but rather a foe.

Seth was sent propelling through the air but her gaze stiffened as she stared at the evening moon, casting a shadowy light upon her frail figure.

"How long has it been-?" She wondered as her maid costume burned into a crisp and an armor made out of spiky crimson flames adorned her skin, "Since I actually felt the thrill of battle,"

Her Master had told her not to hold back –

Her Master told her to come at the intent to kill –

So she was going to do it –

She was going to utilize her full power –

To Become his Queen!

Her eyes went back to her Master and she found that Monster that revolved around him gaze at her lifelessly but she could feel a sense of excitement in the air…

Brilliant arcs of flames descended from the sky, threatening to impale Izana within their glowering hit but his next words threw caution to the wind.



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