
[Multiverse] Sex System In Highschool DxD

If You Want to Read Chapters Ahead Or Support Me, Please Head Over To My Page... Link: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara *** [SYNOPSIS] Mark was a college student who was in love with his childhood friend, Mai. One day, he decided that he would confess his love to his childhood friend Mai but was brutally rejected. Dejected by the rejection, he went into a trance for a moment, but that moment was all it took for him to be crushed by a speeding truck-kun that came uninvited and crashed into him, sending him straight to the afterlife. But that wasn't the end of his pitiful life as he met an omnipotent hentai goddess who made him her fiancée, and then she reincarnated him into the DxD World, the infamous erotic world with no logic, something that's only used as fap material by people. *** To read the advanced chapter, you can head to my page on Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the author is hôrny. Tags- Extremely OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, Anal, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incěst, Netori (Only mc NTR other), System, Harem, Large Hárem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. Also, No traps. *** Remember not to compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me, then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake, then kindly leave. Thank you for reading! *** I do not claim ownership of the cover picture nor the anime "Highschool DxD" If you're the rightful owner and you do not want it here, you can tell me in the reviews and I'll remove it after conforming your identity of being the owner of the picture.

AlmightyTRX · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 14: Time Sparring [2]

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"Hmph, is that why you called me here? No," Seekvaira said as Sairaorg requested for training in a space where time ran slower.

They were going to start getting their peerages shortly and Sairaorg as well as Izana wanted to be really sure of their strength.

Izana was already aware his current strength was nearing that of Sirzechs and his manipulation over POD and Demonic magic was near the realm of experts but Izana truly wanted to be sure of his strength and the only way to test that was a disadvantageous battle- a battle without any demonic magic or POD with the resident Toji… Sairaorg.

"Come on Seekvaira, you know that I am doing this to get stronger," Sairaorg said and put on his puppy eyes.

Seekvaira turned away with a hmph and looked at Izana- she didn't want Sairaorg to ask her, she wanted Izana to so she could gladly do it.

These two thought they were Izana's friends but in reality they were just a pillar to get stronger - He had already thought about this from the day Rias had her third birthday.

Seekvaira's time manipulation powers were going to serve him a lot, although it was a shame that he couldn't turn her into one of his Peerage members but that didn't mean that he couldn't make her completely obedient to him- just like he did with Grayfia.

Sairaorg was a devil without demonic energy and even more so of a kind man, therefore he could always fall back on Sairaorg to fight his battles or to assist him in certain cases.

"Seekvaira, could you help us out? I need you to cover the entire backyard in that your time barrier- Sairaorg and I want to train," Izana said and Seekvaira steadily nodded.

"I'll do it just because you asked me to, Izana," Seekvaira said.

Seekvaira and Sairaorg were friends but not up to the point that Seekvaira would willingly accept a request from him, especially about using her Time barriers.


"So this is Seekvaira's time barrier?" Sairaorg asked as they were on the inside.

It was a Saturday morning and Izana told Seekvaira to deactivate it in 5 hours. Izana had been able to help Seekvaira out with this time barrier power.

Currently, an hour on the outside was equal to a day on the inside and they would be able to train 5 days… Izana would have activated it for a longer amount of time but Sairaorg and Seekvaira had a limited spending time here in the Gremory household.

Izana wore his Training tracksuit which had been lengthened by his mother, after all it was really difficult to get this kind of material- he had estimated it to last about 3-6 months but the fact it had lasted 5 years and there were no signs of wear sat well with Izana.

As Izana put his hands into his pockets, Sairaorg entered a combat stance.

"This was the same thing you were wearing when we met for the first time," Sairaorg said and Izana nodded.

"It's a pretty lasting material," Izana said and Sairaorg dashed toward him, after frequent sparring with Izana- he had already gotten far more stronger and Izana himself knew that there was still more room for development.

As Sairaorg closed the distance, Izana made sure to tone down his Demonic energy and POD outputs down to the lowest, a specific reinforcement formed around a devil's skin because of their demonic energy… was also deactivated. 

Sairaorg aimed a punch toward his face and Izana raised his hand up to block. The collision created a shockwave but Izana's hand stood firm.

Izana leaned downward and punched Sairaorg's mid section only for the Bael heir to block it without much effort.

"Let's change it up," They said at the same time and started exchanging blows, web-like cracks spreading across the ground below them as their exchange continued.

The girls had already went inside to have lunch while the boys engulfed themselves within mindless training.

Izana aimed a kick at Sairaorg's stomach and it connected sending Sairaorg propelling backward under the intense force.

Izana didn't let it rest there, he pushed off the ground and marked Sairaorg down- aiming to deal intense damage to him.

Only for him to spin around and bury his feet into the ground, Izana changed trajectory quickly and bounced backward.

"You got a lot of endurance, I'll give you that," Izana said.

As much as he wanted to say 'Fuck', Sairaorg was still 11 years old and that kind of language was not too suitable for someone like him.

"Thanks," Sairaorg said and took his combat stance once again, "You've grown quite fast since the last time we sparred,"

"Wasn't that yesterday?" Izana questioned mockingly.

He usually went to the Bael household to chill out with Sairaorg and by chill- he meant for hands down physical training, physical training to the maximum.

Since Grayfia had rejected Sirzechs, he had desisted from coming to the Gremory household- And Zeoticus had been far too busy to train him so here he was, training by himself.

"Yeah but still, you grow too fast," Sairaorg shot back and Izana entered his own combat stance.

"Are we gonna talk all day or we gonna fight?" Izana asked, "I can do either one of the two,"

And then they shot at each other again, colliding mid air and a shockwave that threatened to pull off the ground occured.

Sairaorg threw a punch at Izana but he quickly redirected the attack with his elbow and then proceeded to land a punch of his own.

"Not too shabby," Sairaorg quipped as he caught Izana's punch. Their oppressive auras filled the air as the training within the time barriers ensued.

Izana pulled his hand back and threw a punch to Sairaorg's face, Sairaorg chose to tank the punch and strike with a cross chop to Izana's head.

Only that the punch never came… Izana kicked Sairaorg right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of the boy.

"Too slow," Izana said as Sairaorg coughed out saliva.


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