
[Multiverse] Sex System In Highschool DxD

If You Want to Read Chapters Ahead Or Support Me, Please Head Over To My Page... Link: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara *** [SYNOPSIS] Mark was a college student who was in love with his childhood friend, Mai. One day, he decided that he would confess his love to his childhood friend Mai but was brutally rejected. Dejected by the rejection, he went into a trance for a moment, but that moment was all it took for him to be crushed by a speeding truck-kun that came uninvited and crashed into him, sending him straight to the afterlife. But that wasn't the end of his pitiful life as he met an omnipotent hentai goddess who made him her fiancée, and then she reincarnated him into the DxD World, the infamous erotic world with no logic, something that's only used as fap material by people. *** To read the advanced chapter, you can head to my page on Buy Me a Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/godlymadara Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the author is hôrny. Tags- Extremely OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, Anal, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incěst, Netori (Only mc NTR other), System, Harem, Large Hárem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. Also, No traps. *** Remember not to compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me, then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake, then kindly leave. Thank you for reading! *** I do not claim ownership of the cover picture nor the anime "Highschool DxD" If you're the rightful owner and you do not want it here, you can tell me in the reviews and I'll remove it after conforming your identity of being the owner of the picture.

AlmightyTRX · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 12: The Conclusion!!

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Izana used 100% of his strength and speed every time he went up against Sirzechs.

Why? Because there was no use in holding back, his attempts to hit him would be for naught if he couldn't manage to unleash his full power.

But Sairaorg was only a child, despite being fast and strong- he couldn't do the kind of training Izana did every day.

If you wanted to utilize POD, you had to have a high endurance or else you would be wasting your time because each use of POD would slowly but surely be draining on your Endurance.

This led Izana to believe that Sirzechs and Rias had a lot of endurance- which was possibly why they would be able to last in bed for hours perhaps days.

So his POD training also did a lot to his physical training, which was why he could actually train for hours without rest.

So Izana had decided that to face against lower opponents who had not yet reached his level of power- he would lower his power to reach the level of their own. Sairaorg was unleashing 10% of his power at the beginning to land that single punch while Izana's default was at 2%.

If this was a magical battle, he would have been bombarding Sairaorg with spells but he planned to make a good impression to the Baek heir.

Unleashing 45% of his power was a feat he wasn't sure Sairaorg would push him to, this also meant that he should train more before actually going into real battles.

The air around Izana changed as Sairaorg threw a kick at his face at point blank range, Izana dodged the attack easily and smirked like the devil he was.

Sairaorg felt his stomach contort in pain and blood spilled from his mouth as Izana landed a punch, a powerful one that made Sairaorg stagger backward in recoil.

"H-huh?" Sairaorg muttered as he cleaned the blood at the side of his lips.

"Thanks for being a suitable warm-up," Izana mocked much to Sairaorg's discontent.

Izana stretched his right hand.

"Well as you can see, I am not your match," Izana said and smiled cockily, "You should have just stayed at home,"

Sairaorg clenched his fists and rushed at Izana yet again… he couldn't believe it, Why couldn't he touch Izana?

'Was he holding back on me?' Sairaorg thought as Izana dodged his punches seamlessly, like he could see them coming.

Sairaorg's body pumped as his eyes turned narrow, his heart was pacing quickly and he was trying to decipher Izana's movements.

The air grew still around him as he exerted 100% of his true power, he analyzed Izana's movements.

'If I throw a punch to his stomach, He'll duck so he can tackle me,' Sairaorg thought, 'I've been trying feints since but nothing seems to be working - but if I can fake it and attack him then it'll work, I'll be able to win this,'

Sairaorg was already so deep into the battle, so deep that he didn't realize this was what Izana wanted.

'What did Geto say about monkeys? They are far too predictable,' Izana thought as Sairaorg aimed yet another punch toward his mid-section, Sairaorg had brought himself to a position that it if Izana had dodged to the left, he would be vulnerable to attack.

But Izana knew that this was just a trap- Sairaorg's real goal was for him to duck so he can land a powerful strike… Izana smirked evily as he ducked and Sairaorg made a wide smile.

The punch that was once being directed toward his mid section launched to Izana who was down below with so much force it rivaled that of a speeding bullet- Izana couldn't help but think that it was stupid for Sairaorg to pile all his last hopes on a last ditch attack.

Sairaorg was so damn sure that Izana would be caught in the crossfire but before his fist could fully connect, Izana disappeared- no vanished was more precise.

Sairaorg's fist pierced the ground kicking up grass, mud and sand in the process.

"Was he truly that fast?" Sairaorg couldn't help but think, it was… unsettling.

"Hey," Izana said and slapped Sairaorg across the face, with so much force that a shockwave rippled the air upon impact and Sairaorg was sent flying into Maggie's waiting arms.

"Well that was surprisingly interesting," Izana said as he watched Maggie carry the unconscious boy away.

He was truly a strong opponent but alas it was a shame he was up against the next head of the Gremory clan…

Seekvaira was certainly surprised at the fact that Izana had won and he was so strong, he looked in her direction and she felt her cheeks heat up- that was just how handsome he was.

And then Izana staggered, landing on his knees. Seekvaira quickly ran in his direction, eager to help.

Seth was about to go but Sirzechs held her hand.

"But Lord Sirzechs- my master needs my assistance," Seth said respectfully.

She needed to fulfill her duty to help and support him at all times but Sirzechs assured her that this time her help was not going to be needed.

"Ah- the Agares girl," Seth quickly realized as Seekvaira helped Izana up and they smiled at each other.

"I never knew my brother could be so pretentious, he's certainly going to be a womanizer in the future," Sirzechs said while chuckling a bit.

Little did he know that he would soon be a victim of the said 'Womanizer'...


Izana had quite a fun time in the party today, now he was sitting in Rias's room and cradling her in his arms.

She looked quite beautiful although she was only a baby and Izana was sure she would get more beautiful as the time passed on.

"Today was your day," Izana said, "But it's time for you to rest now,"

"Okay Big brother," Rias said, her eyes widened and her smile big, "Will you kiss me goodnight?"

"Surely," Izana said and kissed her forehead, Rias giggled.

"Thank you big bro, I feel a lot safer now," She said and yawned, "I'll go to bed now,"

"You remember our motto now- don't you?" Izana asked and Rias nodded excitedly.

"Yes! No Issei!"

"Good girl," Izana said.


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