
[Multiverse] Beyond Fate

Short Version: "A 'guy' (not reincarnated) with the Spiral Power from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann travels through the Multiverse, knowing absolutely nothing, with 'just' a (not so conscious) System to help him minimally." Long Version: Born from the Concepts of [Spiral] and [Destiny] after the End of the [Void] itself, a new life form journeys through the Multiverse in search of growth and maturity to fully embrace its existence. Unaware of the future dangers it will face and the peculiar individuals it will encounter, the being seeks to navigate the unknown. Worlds: [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](1st) ----- The first chapters ("Bite" to "Tests(1-8)") use a specific writing style, and starting from "A Sudden Meteor," the writing style changes as it enters the first World (Frieren). I'm trying to improve my writing with each chapter, so if you didn't like the writing in the "Tests," perhaps you'll enjoy the new writing style from the beginning of the First World. ----- Ps: I'll be trying to respond to questions/revisions to the best of my ability, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts~ Ps2(YEAH): I don't take any credit for the Cover Art of this work; it's just the appearance of the Protagonist that I found after searching for a good while. If the Image Owner wishes for me to remove it, I'll gladly do so~

Cosmic_Yellow · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


(A/N: This chapter is filled with important information, as it's the Conclusion of Vesper's Evolution. Many things may leave some readers dissatisfied, so I recommend reading the 'post-story' message at the end of the chapter.)

(A/N(2): This chapter has 6,041 words, so I MAY have missed something when translating. I hope I'm wrong, but if anything slipped through, forgive me. As soon as I find whatever might have slipped, I'll correct it immediately.

[Alternative Title: Evolution (2/2)]

After his attributes increased insanely quickly and his abilities went through several transformations, Vesper finally got in touch with 'Mr.G' again.

And obviously, the Boy went to tell his Teacher about all the changes he underwent, after all, perhaps future training needed to be properly updated.


The blurred Figure of 'Mr.G' wandered through the Eternal Void as a series of books floated around him, held by dozens of floating hands.

He seemed to be 'humming' as he wrote a new paragraph in the Book using a very futuristic screen that simulated a keyboard.

Mr.G's distraction time was abruptly interrupted when a yellow Tab appeared in front of him, causing him to stop moving.

'A new message from Vesper so soon?' Mr.G. wondered why his student was contacting him much earlier than expected.

[Divine Spiral: Mr.G! Mr.G! So many many things happened, so many things that I don't even know where to start! I went to the next stage, which was a gigantic Cyclops that destroyed everything and killed me, then I tried over and over again and ended up dead again and- and- and- I tried over and over again until I finally killed him and got much stronger!!]

The excited Voice of his Disciple was heard by Mr.G, who seemed slightly exasperated, this Boy always came up with the most ridiculous news in the most random way possible.

It didn't help that Vesper only sent audio Messages, making the explanations extremely confusing most of the time due to the extreme emotions Vesper felt.

Mr.G moved two of his floating hands before starting to type to Vesper, the crack in his face that simulated his mouth seemed to have widened as he typed.

[Mr.G: Calm down, Vesper. Let's start with the basics, shall we?]

[Divine Spiral: Ah! Yes, right, sorry! S-so...I went to start the 5th Stage after completely completing the fourth stage, this was a few hours after the last message you sent me.]

[Divine Spiral: In this...stage the opponent was a Cyclops, I hate cyclops from today onwards! This guy was absurdly ridiculous Mr.G, very ridiculous! His physical blows could destroy a large part of the Region and create extremely deep craters just because!]

[Divine Spiral: Not to mention that unnecessarily resistant body, it took me a while to get through his defenses! Even the boosts from the Wingdings weren't helping with that, he was an extremely annoying opponent HMPH]

Mr.G listened to his disciple's messages with patience and a great deal of amusement as he watched Vesper's tone change as he explained the situation.

'It seems he really hates this Cyclops.'

[Divine Spiral: And before the battle even had a minute: I died, just like that! He just crushed me like I was an Ant, which wasn't very wrong...but still!]

[Divine Spiral: I took a LONG time to come back, and when I did, I died again shortly after! I could only keep stable thanks to My {Determination} Ability, otherwise I was completely screwed. Seriously!]

'So even with his 'return from death' he couldn't defeat the Cyclops. At least not in the first returns.'

Mr.G's empty eyes narrowed slightly as he analyzed what this meant. Looking at it from a more 'complete' perspective, Vesper's confidence and courage must have been completely crushed by the Cyclops if his {Determination} itself had to act.

'Fortunately, he has this ridiculous Ability, otherwise...'

Mr.G feared what would have happened to Vesper if his Determination hadn't prevented the Boy from completely losing the will to keep fighting and trying to defeat the Cyclops.

[Divine Spiral: I slowly learned the Pattern of that Cyclops, exploding his chest, back, ripping off several of his limbs, I even got inside his body and tried to blow him up from the inside out, I considered several ways to try to defeat that monster but none of them worked because of his ridiculous Ability!]

An imaginary 'sweat' dripped down Mr.G's face as he listened to Vesper's audio, his disciple was infinitely more aggressive and brutal than that other determined 'child'.

'For this Cyclops to remain alive even with these Injuries he's saying he made...his Ability should be a variation of {Determination}?'

'It wouldn't surprise Mr.G if the [Small World] Vesper was in was creating opponents based on Vesper's own Powers. That would actually be a great way to 'scale up' the level of the Boy's opponents.

[Divine Spiral: And after more than 35 attempts...I forgot the exact number...I managed to kill him! It was extremely gratifying to finish off that Giant, to see him realizing that he lost to me and realizing that this time he was going to die for real...I've never been so happy Mr.G!]

'...I am guilty.'

That was the only thing Mr.G could think as he watched a Boy who shouldn't even be 5 years old speaking, the content of the books he wrote was quite brutal and taught almost nothing about more 'common' terms to live in society.

'I must deal with this in the near future... or maybe not.'

Mr.G simply couldn't care about how 'psychotic' Vesper's mind would become as he grew up, after all, Mr.G's own mind was like that.

'It's good that he avoids developing 'pity' within himself, that same 'pity' cost the freedom of an entire species in the war against the Humans so the farther he stays from it, the better.'

Mr.G had no good memories of 'kind' acts or actions of 'pity', this cost him a lot in various moments of his life and even for his entire Species, he saw no reason to teach Vesper that kind of thing.

'As long as he doesn't go around destroying the Planet or killing Innocent beings I don't need to worry.'

And Mr.G would make sure to teach Vesper that there was a certain 'limit' to this line of thinking, he had been doing it since he wrote the First book for him and made sure to add more information about it in the next books.

[Divine Spiral: Turns out when I used {Fate Theft} on the Cyclops, my attributes increased A LOT and most of my Abilities evolved. I am much stronger than before to the point where I should be able to kill this Cyclops with almost no difficulty currently!]

He could feel the excitement in Vesper's voice as well as a certain uncertainty.

[Mr.G: And exactly what changed in you after you got stronger?]

[Divine Spiral: Many abilities leveled up, I gained some new Abilities, and my {Determination} reached the maximum level. The System told me that I can do much crazier things than that Cyclops could, and that's purely with {Determination}!]

Mr.G's eyes widened slightly at this news.

'His Determination already reached the maximum limit? That's simply insane. The amount of Determination he must produce every passing second must be enough to completely charge that 'project' several times.'

[Mr.G: Let's go into more detail about this. I need to know about every small change your Abilities underwent so I can adjust the Trainings.]

He needed more information to be able to outline the best possible training for Vesper and was also very interested in this new {Determination} of his, and without a doubt: he would get the information he needed.




Vesper had been talking to Mr.G. for a very, very long time. It took him only 30 Minutes to send the various messages and talk in detail about the Abilities he had, but these simple 30 Minutes were converted into 3 hours that slowly turned into 6 and then 24.

He had been talking for a whole day with Mr.G. and only now did the conversation show signs of slowing down.

[Mr.G: And with this, you should be able to overcome these variables of your possible evolution.]

It reached a point where the rest of the conversation was purely focused on the Evolution that Vesper could make, and being who he was: Mr.G. saw no reason for Vesper not to evolve now.

The Evolution process is unknown, and not even the System itself knows anything about it, the only information they have given as guaranteed is that Vesper has no chance of dying while evolving, at least not if he evolves out of combat/danger.

Saving the Evolution for a critical moment, such as: being losing a battle was an extreme variable, something that both Vesper and Mr.G. understood and were not willing to risk.

[Mr.G: Since we've discussed everything we needed about your Evolution, I'll be going to make some adjustments to the next books I'll send you. Meanwhile, you can go through your Evolution, contact me if any variables arise.]

[Divine Spiral: Got it!]

Vesper closed the Chat Tab right after sending the Message knowing full well that his Teacher did the same.

'Now, time to evolve!'

Vesper thought excitedly as he took a deep breath and then decided to use the Evolution Ability.





Vesper's eyes widened as the beats of his Heart began to slow down while at the same time, growing stronger, echoing throughout his entire body and then the vast plain.

His platinum eyes seemed glued to the Air as he completely lost control of his body.

His emotions seemed to be slowly falling asleep, causing all fear, despair, confidence, or happiness he might be feeling in this situation to slowly fade away until it disappeared completely.

[{Determination} refuses to leave Veserithorn]

[The Spiral notes the loyalty of {Determination} to its Lover.]

[The Spiral allows {Determination} to assist its Lover during evolution.]

[The Veserithorn feels DETERMINED.]

The inside of Vesper's body was slowly becoming a mess.

The Spiral Energy within his body was being sucked extremely fast into the Core of Vesper's Body, where all Spiral Energy was generated: the small Platinum Galaxy.

In less than 5 Seconds Vesper's Body had lost all Sensation of Spiral Energy causing his body to start trembling with Sadness, an instinctive reaction. Vesper's Body seemed to have realized that it had lost something incredibly important to it generating a great deal of sadness that was simulated with each part of his body trembling, as if crying.

[The Spiral is moved by the reaction of the Veserithorn's Body.]

[The Spiral decides to help even more in the Evolution of the Veserithorn.]

A series of System Tabs continued to appear around Vesper, even though he himself was no longer conscious. His body continued to stand and his eyes open but his consciousness was put to sleep alongside his other emotions.

When the Spiral's assisting notices ended, the Platinum Galaxy within Vesper's Soul began to tremble slightly before expanding at an enormous speed.

Outside of Vesper's Body a platinum light covered his entire body before expanding even further and assuming an oval shape, resembling a kind of cocoon.

The Cocoon had a platinum hue and from time to time emitted a mysterious glow, bringing strange reactions to the surroundings of Vesper.

The Location where the Cocoon was on top was contaminated by its color, causing the grass within a range of 5 Meters to become completely platinum and with each passing second this range seemed to increase even more by a meter.

If looked at more intensively it was possible to realize that everything that turned the same color as the Cocoon transformed into the purest form of Spiral Energy, as if Spiral Energy itself were consuming the Material World: forcing the World to adapt to Vesper's existence.

[The Veserithorn entered the incubation stage.]

A new System Tab appeared causing the Cocoon to release a small pulse in acknowledgment, it was as if the Cocoon were a sentient being.

The System Tab that was once completely yellow assumed a small platinum hue on its edges after the Cocoon pulsated, as if infecting the System.

[Spiral Energy forced a sudden update in the System, dissatisfied with the current Performance of the System.]

[The System entered an Update Stage.]



As each ten percent of the System's update increased, the Cocoon released a new pulse causing the plain to be increasingly contaminated while the System's yellow hue was slowly engulfed.




The last Tab that notified the 100% had a platinum coloration, there was no longer a yellow hue anywhere on the System Tab.

[The System Evolved completely.]

[Due to the sudden Evolution of the System, a complete overhaul was made in each of the System's Functions due to the Spiral's desire.]

[The Spiral was dissatisfied with the System's usefulness.]

[The Stats underwent modifications.]

[New functions were incremented.]

[{Prestige} was added.]

[{Shop} was successfully added.]

[The hidden parts of the System were completely taken over by the Spiral.]

[The hidden parts were modified and enhanced by the System.]

[{Missions} were enhanced.]

[Update completely concluded.]

[The System awaits the End of Veserithorn's Evolution.]

The Cocoon seemed to pulsate several times in succession after the last message from the System, as if it were extremely pleased with the System's outcome.

Without waiting another second, the Interior of the Cocoon generated small tubes of Spiral Energy that were inserted around Vesper's entire body, which remained still: unable to make any decisions due to unconsciousness.

Half of the tubes began to suck Vesper's Body's Blood, with each passing second of Vesper's Blood being sucked, the things dominated by the spiral seemed to shine more.

[The Evolution Conditions have been met.]

A new System Tab appeared, but this time, it contained some special details beside its platinum color. It was like a very special tab used for specific occasions.

[The Spiral will begin to destroy the Veserithorn's Vessel.]

Vesper's Body inside the Cocoon slowly began to dissolve while the Tubes inside the Cocoon seemed to continue sucking what should be its 'blood', but obviously, this action should not be possible due to the lack of Blood in Vesper's body at this moment.

Thus, the only possible result: the Cocoon was sucking Vesper's Body, a Body that seemed to be made in a very special way.

The current Body of Vesper, called by the System 'Vessel', was nothing more than the Spiral Energy taking any form to store Vesper's Existence, his soul, while waiting for him to reach the first stage of maturity.

All the 'blood' released from his body, all his deaths, every little action like 'reviving,' a quick regeneration, or even a supposed 'adaptation' was possible only because of the Spiral Energy that completely formed his body and took certain forms and appearances to completely simulate a 'Human' body.

Why the Human form? It was the form that the last two greatest hosts of Spiral Energy took, making the Spiral more accustomed to working with this type of form.

In less than 15 minutes, Vesper's Body had completely disappeared from inside the Cocoon, leaving only one thing there.

A small and cute spiral that had the same color as the cocoon, with small purple details simulating small stars in this spiral.

[The Spiral writhes with excitement at the appearance of the Veserithorn.]

[The Spiral finds the current appearance of the Veserithorn extremely cute.]

The strange tastes of the Spiral were revealed little by little as the Small Spiral floated inside the Cocoon, now no longer connected to any tube or being held by anything; it was as if the Cocoon thought that a simple touch on this fragile spiral could completely destroy its appearance, which was considered sacred.

[The Spiral promises to help the Veserithorn achieve a Dignified appearance for his original form.]

The Cocoon began to release a huge amount of Spiral Energy into the external environment, causing the spread of this platinum 'plague' to accelerate by a large margin.

The vibrant color of the Plain had become disgusting, an extremely light and shiny Platinum that covered everything. This was a sight that would make anyone's eyes ache or think it was an exaggeration, such a strong Platinum.

[The Spread of Spiral Energy has been accelerated by a large margin.]

[It is estimated that within 20 Minutes the entire [Little World] will be covered by the Spiral.]

[The Spiral waves in satisfaction.]

An apocalypse created by a single color emerged in the [Little World] and quickly wiped out any resistance that this 'dimension' could create, leaving nothing behind. Everything had been swallowed and consumed in a matter of minutes.

[The [Little World] has been completely covered by the Spiral.]

[Next stage initiated.]

The entire [Little World] suddenly began to release a huge amount of brightness before each part of it began to tremble and crack.

[The [Little World] screams in agony.]

[The Spiral gives a slap to the Will of the [Little World], ordering it to disappear quietly.]

[The Spiral wonders if the Veserithorn was awakened by the unpleasant scream of the [Little World].]

'Vesper,' the small and fragile platinum spiral seemed to still be asleep.

[The Spiral sighs in relief, starting the next stage.]

In a matter of seconds, the entire Dimension of the Little World disappeared, being converted into pure spiral energy that was completely guided to the Cocoon, which now remained fixed in the purest vacuum of space.

The Cocoon did not seem affected by anything as it remained intact in Space, as if it still had something to keep itself 'fixed' instead of floating through the Cosmos.

And as if saying that it didn't care about this sudden situation, the Cocoon began to shine extremely brightly, it seemed to simulate a star with the intensity of the glow.

[All Spiral Energy received when converting the [Little World] is being inserted into the Veserithorn.]

[A reaction from the Veserithorn has been detected. A body is being formed.]

All the Light that the Cocoon was releasing had been generated by Spiral Energy, the same Spiral Energy that was injected without any hesitation into the fragile-looking Spiral: Vesper, who was dealing very well with such a pure and absurd amount of Spiral Energy.

In a few moments, the Small and Fragile spiral began to increase in size before starting to take on a humanoid form.

The Body seemed the perfect representation of a Human body; it seemed to have been created thinking of a fictitious limit of beauty.

[The Spiral says it is pleased with its influence.]

[The Spiral observes with excitement the creation of the Veserithorn's Body.]

The body's hair was properly created, as were its organs and various other important parts that were properly taken care of. Without much novelty: the body's hair had the same color as the cocoon, a strong and shiny platinum that could very well serve as a lantern in the dark.

A kind of 'halo' was formed around the body's head alongside small exaggerated ornaments, giving a kind of divine aspect to the Body that was finishing its creation stage.

[The Spiral observes with 'hearts in the eyes' the new body of its Lover.]

In a few moments, Vesper's sleeping body had been completely made, leaving him floating inside the Enormous cocoon with a much more mature and tall appearance than before.

[The Spiral received a 'shock' of realization, realizing that its Lover is completely Naked.]

[The Spiral became furious at the thought that its Lover might be seen by any other being!]

A strange glow surrounded Vesper's sleeping body before the glow disappeared, giving way to a pair of very simple clothes that matched Vesper's appearance.

A simple white shirt covered by a kind of grayish 'coat,' giving a fun contrast to the black pants that Vesper had received, making his pants the first 'non-platinum' thing to happen during the entire evolution.

[The Spiral is extremely satisfied with what it has done.]

[The Last part of the Evolution has been initiated.]

[Vesper's powers are receiving an intense update.]

[All of Vesper's capabilities are undergoing a change.]

[New capabilities have been generated for Vesper.]

A small aura that gave off a strange sensation lightly covered Vesper's sleeping body, as if it were a kind of 'reinforcement.'

[Title: {Divine Spiral's Specter} --> {Spiral Personification}: Title given to one who is capable of personifying the existence of the Spiral in the material world, representing the infinite cycle of 'beginning and end,' 'destruction and creation' that the spiral represents.] [Effects: +1,000% affinity with Sacred energies / +10,000% Efficiency when Training Spiral Energy (susceptible to increase over time) --> Maximum Affinity with Sacred Energy / Complete Mastery of Spiral Energy.]

[Title completely changed.]

[The Spiral approves the Title change.]

[The Spiral celebrates with the Increase of its Lover's Strength.]

[Active Ability: {Eyes of Destiny}: Allows its User to see everything connected to Destiny in the form of 'lines,' allowing them to see these experiences if desired and decide what to do with these experiences through three options: Understand them, Modify them, or Erase them.] [Note: The previous abilities of {Eyes of Destiny} have been enhanced and transformed into basic characteristics of Veserithorn's body.]

[Active Ability: {Destiny Theft} has received a new function.] [{Luck}: Allows Veserithorn to Place, Remove, or Erase 'Luck' from events, occurrences, and beings, as long as he has used the '2nd Form' on the related ones.]

[Active Ability: {Twist} --> {Distort}] [Effects: As the Personification of the Spiral, Veserithorn is capable of Distorting anything as long as he has the necessary Spiral Force and Energy, being able to affect anything from a Rock to even the sensation of an Emotion or the direction of a Thought.]

[The Active Abilities have finished evolving.]

[All these Abilities have been placed at their maximum levels.]

[The Spiral feels satisfied with these changes.]

[{Determination} resonates with Spiral Energy, bringing new impulses to the next enhancements.]

[The Spiral feels properly satisfied with {Determination}'s loyalty.]

[Evolution continues to occur, new effects are being generated.]

[Passive Ability: {Veserithorn Effect} has been altered.] [Changes: +1,000% Training Speed --> +10,000% / +1,000% Learning Speed --> +10,000% / +1,000% Experience for Killing Enemies --> +10,000% / +1,000% Popularity after heroic acts --> +10,000%]

[Warning!] [Due to the second requirement, 'Level 25,' of {Veserithorn Effect} being reached, a new random ability is being generated.]

[The Spiral expresses its curiosity wondering about its Lover's new ability.]

[A new Passive Ability has been generated.]

[Passive Ability: {Eternal Spiral}.] [Effects: Veserithorn's existence personifies the Spiral that embraces all events and occurrences for itself, initiating a cycle of 'beginning and end' for each event. As long as it is within Veserithorn's capabilities (strength), he can swallow and assimilate new abilities for himself.]

[The Spiral expresses doubt about the new ability.]

[The System feels obliged to clarify its creator's doubts.]

[An example will be provided.]

[Example: If a Fireball is sent at Veserithorn and is within his capabilities, he will swallow the Fireball and make its ability to Manipulate Fire his own, enabling him to generate and manipulate Fire. The more Fireball strikes he assimilates, the more Mastery he will gain with this new Ability.]

[The Spiral says it is absurdly satisfied with this ability.]

[The Passive Ability {Lover of the Spiral} was forced to undergo a change due to external interference.]

[The Spiral celebrates, saying that its turn has finally come.]

[Passive Ability: {Lover of the Spiral}] [Effects: Makes Veserithorn the one and only eternal Husband of the Spiral. / Increases the Production of Emotions like 'Love,' 'Passion,' 'Excitement,' and other Emotions used in general Relations by +25,000%.]

[The Spiral says it would feel bad to force Veserithorn's Emotions, so it decided to allow his Emotions to grow as much as Determination.]

[Passive Ability: {Enhanced Awareness} has been altered upon reaching the maximum level.] [Additional Effects: Veserithorn's Mind transcended mortal comprehension, allowing him to perfectly witness the horrors of existence and understand them without the need to go mad. / Mental attributes increased from '10 times' to '200 times.']

[Evolution is reaching its Final Stage.]

[Mastery: {Spiral Energy (100)} has reached Maximum Level.] [Effect: Maximizes the Effects of Spiral Energy when used by Veserithorn. Veserithorn will be able to feel a connection and command all beings intimately related to the Spiral as long as he has the necessary strength for it.]

[Mastery: {Body Reinforcement} --> {Spiral Reinforcement}] [Effect: For every 5 Points in [Energy], physical attributes will increase by +5% when {Spiral Reinforcement} is activated.]

[Evolution is close to being completed.]

[The Spiral resonates with Veserithorn's existence.]

[{Determination} resonates with Veserithorn's existence.]

The thin layer covering Vesper's new body began to increase tremendously before reaching the limits of the cocoon, causing it to tremble trying to suppress the huge aura emanating from Vesper's sleeping body.

[The {Key} to Success is materializing.]

A simple warning appeared while erasing all other warnings as a small black light with red details floated in front of Vesper's sleeping body.

The center of Vesper's Chest where his Heart and Soul resided released a small glow before projecting a small lock.

The small lock seemed to attract the black light with reddish details that quickly approached the lock and began to tremble before finally revealing its shape; it was a small grayish drill.

[The {Key} to Success has completely revealed itself as it resonates with Veserithorn.]

[The Spiral is pleasantly surprised that this artifact has survived the [End].]

[The {Key to Success} has passed its Ownership to Veserithorn voluntarily.]

When the last warning appeared, the small drill entered the lock projecting in front of Vesper before turning inside, causing the Lock to open completely.

[Veserithorn's Potential has been completely unleashed.]

[His {Growth Limits} have been removed.]

[Spiral Energy can now be used with variations instead of purely spiral movements.]

[The First requirement for 'Prestige' has been achieved.]

[The Spiral quickly agrees to the 'Prestige'.]

[Veserithorn has achieved his First Prestige, which carries the most unique functions unlike the higher Prestiges.]

[Veserithorn's basic stats have been reset to 0.]

[{Determination} does not like this outcome, it shows dissatisfaction.]

[The Spiral tries to convince {Determination} that this is for a greater good.]

[A {Determination} expresses indifference, contacting the essence of {Veserithorn}.]

[The Spiral releases a resigned sigh before allowing this Action.]

[Veserithron has released his initial basic Attributes.]

[All of Veserithron's Attributes have been fixed at 200.]

[Status distribution has been increased due to prestige, now instead of each distribution increasing Status by 1, it will increase by two.]

[New limits have been added, waiting to be broken with the next prestige.]

[Veserithron's Stats are ready.]

[Evolution has been finalized.]

The aura threatening to eclipse the Cocoon increased tremendously before completely exploding it, painting the Vacuum of Space with a vivid Platinum hue that simulated a huge unknown monster.

The monster quickly 'melted,' forming a kind of floor while the Cocoon disappeared completely, giving rise to a floor for Vesper to stand on instead of floating in the vacuum of space.

The remaining monstrous aura became a liquid that filled much of the floor while Vesper fell standing on this new floor created in the midst of space, making this place resemble a small star due to the amount of brightness it emitted.

Vesper, who was in the center of the floor, slowly opened his eyes while his new body trembled with excitement.

Vesper's open eyes finally revealed themselves to the Cosmos, as if greeting existence for finally being able to see it with his own eyes instead of being a vessel.

His eyes trembled slightly as they looked around slowly, but eagerly, his pupils completely platinum and sclera completely black giving him a beautiful contrast amidst the cosmos.

Feeling a strange liquid surrounding his body, Vesper raised his hand while moving his eyes to face the strange situation he found himself in, seeing the platinum liquid filling a kind of space in the Cosmos.


Vesper's figure slowly rose as he moved his gaze around again, his mind processing the situation at absurd speeds to help him understand what was happening.

''The Evolution...''

His voice came out properly in space, something that normally would not be possible. His simple act of speaking in this form was completely destroying the 'impossible' state.

(A/N: His original form's appearance here.)

A series of notifications and images appeared in Vesper's mind as if the Spiral Energy itself were replaying the events that happened while he was unconscious, causing his body to tremble slightly before a small smile appeared on his face.

''Thank you.''

He said these words to the Spiral itself with as much warmth as he could muster.

[The Spiral trembles with happiness, saying it did what was necessary for Veserithorn to gain the best benefits.]

Vesper simply nodded to the new Tab that appeared in front of him as he closed his eyes feeling a slight discomfort in his body.

''I feel... instability. My new body is different from the previous one in every possible way.''

Vesper announced a problem to the Spiral and to the System itself, as if telling them to fix this, after all, they were the ones who did this.

[The System began working on a solution.]

[The Spiral says it will help the System find a Solution.]

While the two worked on the Solution, Vesper simply enjoyed the new view of Space he was having. It was his first time in a place other than the [Little World]. Currently in his mind everything had disappeared, all worries or things he should do, like talking to ''Mr.G.''

An unknown amount of time passed while Vesper's eyes enjoyed the view of Space, before his attention was drawn to a new Tab that appeared.

[A solution has been found, as well as the cause of discomfort.]

[Due to Veserithorn not having fully matured into his 'vessel' form, this fully adult form brings inconsistencies for Veserithorn.]

[The Solution is for Veserithorn to have 'two' forms. One form that would be a kind of 'Suppression' while the other would be this, the Original.]

[Thus, when enough time passes for Veserithorn's new Soul to get used to this new type of Body, Veserithorn will be able to permanently return to the new Form.]

[The Spiral expresses doubt about this solution.]

[Veserithorn can return to the Original form whenever problems arise, it will be extremely beneficial to strengthen the 'infantile' form and then return to the Original, as the benefits will be increased several times when the original form is properly accessed.]

''Do it.''

He ordered the System after considering the disadvantages and advantages of the Solution, coming to his own conclusion.

[The Spiral decides to trust its Husband.]

[The Solution is being applied.]

Vesper's body was engulfed in a black light as his figure slowly diminished, his height of almost 2 meters gradually decreasing until it reached the familiar 1.55.

When the black light disappeared, Vesper's 'cosmic' aspect could not be seen anywhere, giving life to a new appearance that contained only some of his original characteristics.

(A/N: Here's his 'suppressed' appearance.)

'Comfortable.' Was the only thing Vesper could think when he was in his ''new body'', it was strange for him to have changed bodies just moments after getting a new one.

'I can't speak anymore, many advantages were lost in this form. It's like I'm back in my body in the {Little World}.'

He thought with absolute certainty, this feeling was quite familiar.

'Take me out of this place. I have to finish processing a lot of the new Information.'

He ordered the System mentally, which quickly did what he asked by engulfing Vesper's Figure with a black light as he disappeared completely.

The platinum platform and its liquid disappeared completely as Vesper vanished, leaving this part of space empty again.


[Name: Vesper Chronothread Nebulaspiral]

[Prestige: 1]

[Level: 25]

[XP: 0/1,000,000] - (Accumulated XP: 0)

[Age: 5 years]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Veserithorn(1st Evolution of 5)]

[Title: {Personification of the Spiral}]

[Strength: 200/500]

[Agility: 200/500]

[Speed: 200/500]

[Stamina: 200/500]

[Focus: 200/500]

[Skill: 200/500]

[Energy: 200/500]

[Leadership: 200/500]

[Tactics: 200/500]

[Passive Abilities: {One with Destiny(MAX)}, {Veserithorn Advantages(MAX)}, {Elemental Affinity(MAX)}, {Spiral Lover(MAX)}, {Determination(MAX)}, {Bow Mastery(MAX)}, {Enhanced Awareness}(MAX), {Eternal Spiral(MAX)}.]

[Active Abilities: {Destiny Theft(MAX)}, {Eyes of Destiny(MAX)}, {Distort(MAX)}, Wingding(40), {Cycle(MAX)}.]

[Masteries: {Spiral Energy(MAX)}, {Bow Mastery(MAX)}, {Spiral Reinforcement(1)}, {War Hammer Mastery(40)}.]


+25,000% Increase in Positive Emotion Production.

Husband of the Spiral (Yes, that's a Buff!)

+10,000% Efficiency with Sacred Energies.

+10,000% Training Speed.

+10,000% Learning Speed.

+10,000% Experience when killing Enemies.

+10,000% Popularity after a heroic act.

The Energy Attribute will increase by [+2] for each time a Status increases by [1].

For every Status point, the Status will increase by [+2] instead of [+1].


[System Points: {0}]



And finally, the Evolution chapter has ended.

Were the benefits exaggerated? Definitely. Was the amount of information exaggerated? Pretty sure it was.

But this is exactly how I can make it clear how ridiculous these {Veserithorn Advantages} benefits are and why I shouldn't just have Vesper level up tremendously.

The tendency is for things to become increasingly ridiculous until he reaches all limits before starting to get stronger without purely 'evolving'.

He will gain many extremely powerful things yet will remain far from a character who 'can do everything', 'who has everything under control', or anything like that. His power increases but his imagination remains proportional to his age (only enhanced due to his intelligence); he has much to learn.


Vesper DID NOT become weaker, even though many parts may give that impression.

I based this '2 forms' setup on a character from Elsword: ADD from the 'Mad Paradox' path, where he has an infantile form and a fully grown form.

I quite like Elsword so I found it quite fun to do this kind of thing ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Don't worry about Vesper being unnecessarily nerfed or anything like that; I hate that kind of sudden occurrence. I can't say it won't happen but I can guarantee that IF it does happen (extremely low chance), I will give great reasons and justifications for each supposed 'Nerf', so relax (the chances of a nerf happening are like 1 in 1,000,000, lol).


I started making certain abilities of his demonstrate awareness in a way, as well as the Spiral starting to interact more with Vesper.

This will happen for the vast majority of things that 'surpass' the limitations of a normal Ability/Mastery, or are closely linked to other 'effects'.

I wonder how far this kind of thing will go and how much harder it will make writing ㅤᵕ̈


It's time for Vesper to go to his first world.

I won't say it will be his Main World, I don't even know if he will have a Main World (other than the World he himself will receive).

But if there's one thing among the many I'll say, it's: I STILL don't know which world to send him to, yay!

I was lost in MANY thoughts and as far as I know, to write decently about a World and Characters I need to read the Novel of this world or watch an extremely detailed video about it.

I find it much more difficult to write faithfully about the Characters than to write anything related to Vesper. While I was writing Mr.G.'s part, I got very nervous thinking that things were strange or that his Personality didn't seem remotely close to the original Personality of W.D. Gaster T^T

So please be patient with me, if the personalities are different consider the effect of the World being an Alternate Universe; I will try to keep the personalities as faithful as possible as time goes on.


I will post a Voting Chapter a few hour(s) after releasing this chapter.