
[Multiverse] Beyond Fate

Short Version: "A 'guy' (not reincarnated) with the Spiral Power from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann travels through the Multiverse, knowing absolutely nothing, with 'just' a (not so conscious) System to help him minimally." Long Version: Born from the Concepts of [Spiral] and [Destiny] after the End of the [Void] itself, a new life form journeys through the Multiverse in search of growth and maturity to fully embrace its existence. Unaware of the future dangers it will face and the peculiar individuals it will encounter, the being seeks to navigate the unknown. Worlds: [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](1st) ----- The first chapters ("Bite" to "Tests(1-8)") use a specific writing style, and starting from "A Sudden Meteor," the writing style changes as it enters the first World (Frieren). I'm trying to improve my writing with each chapter, so if you didn't like the writing in the "Tests," perhaps you'll enjoy the new writing style from the beginning of the First World. ----- Ps: I'll be trying to respond to questions/revisions to the best of my ability, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts~ Ps2(YEAH): I don't take any credit for the Cover Art of this work; it's just the appearance of the Protagonist that I found after searching for a good while. If the Image Owner wishes for me to remove it, I'll gladly do so~

Cosmic_Yellow · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


(A/N: And with that, I surpassed 15,000 words. It's not something grand, but I am quite satisfied with it~ Let me know if there's anything I missed and didn't translate into English, please!)




A blurry figure stood amidst absolute darkness.

Its body was nearly entirely black, with only a few parts of it contradicting the surrounding environment, sporting an extremely white appearance.

The Figure suddenly began to move through the vast darkness, as if indeed stepping on something physical.

An unknown period of time passed as the figure walked until its goal was finally revealed: another color stood out in this vast and deep darkness.

A bright yellow color floated in the vast vacuum, warding off all sorts of strange effects that seemed to try to turn the yellow hue into absolute black.

With calm 'steps,' the figure approached the small yellowish tab and stared at it in silence for a while.

As if it had made a decision, a strange-looking white hand suddenly appeared on the left side of the Figure, seemingly 'floating' in this endless vacuum.

The hand moved towards the Yellow Tab and pressed its defective palm completely on the small tab, releasing a huge glow before it subsided.

When the glow subsided, small 'writings,' symbols of strange hands, appeared on the Tab, causing the Figure's aura to positively ripple, as if it were ecstatic.

A simple nod was given by the Figure before new 'writings,' strange symbols of hands, appeared on the Tab before the Tab disappeared completely, leaving the Figure alone in this absolute Vacuum again.




[Small World] - ???/???/???

[Veserithorn successfully resurrected.]

Vesper was confronted with the Yellow Tab giving this mundane notification to him, making him sigh lightly.

''In the end, I still lost.'' He made a brief comment before getting up.

''How long was I dead this time?'' Vesper stretched his body as he gazed at the horizon of this 'new' plain, seeming slightly lost in thought.

[Veserithorn remained dead for two months.]

[A minor alteration in the resurrection time occurred due to minor complications.]

Vesper raised his eyebrow slightly, curious.

''Should I be concerned about this complication?''

[No. Nothing harmful will happen to Veserithorn.]

''Good. Any chance you can give me some explanation about this?'' He asked while finishing his stretch, bending down to pick up the bow that was on the ground.

[The System made its first attempt to 'contact' other beings through the {Chat} Option.]

[But due to how the attempt was made, things went beyond expectations, bringing fruitful results for Veserithorn.]

''In greater detail, please?'' He seemed genuinely interested in what he was reading.

[The System has not yet decided 'when' it will attempt to Contact another form of life but rather 'when it is available' to try to make an attempt.]

[When there was a week left for Veserithorn to be completely reborn, this 'time' arrived, and due to the initial configuration of the System, the contact attempt was initiated instantly.]

'Initial configuration? Can that be changed?' He thought, slightly surprised.

[Normally, {Chat} tries to contact people who can bring fun or interest to Veserithorn's life, but due to the 'special' condition Veserithorn was in, a new type of person ended up contacting the System.]

[Thanks to Veserithorn's Orders during the long conversation about the System information in the early days, the System took the ordered action and performed the best possible action for the User's well-being.]

[Thus, Veserithorn now has a [Professor].]

[This new Contact was too exceptional to be ignored. Thus, the System took the liberty to recruit him to Veserithorn's side when the opportunity arose.]

[And so, now Veserithorn has a [Professor] with exceptional abilities to teach him about anything he desires, as well as an extremely loyal ally.]

''A 'loyal professor'....'' Vesper murmured when he saw that the System stopped explaining.

''How do you ensure the loyalty of this 'Professor'? I may not be the smartest mind, but based on the basic information I know: loyalty is earned and not bought.'' It was one of the few 'useful' pieces of information he had received in his first year of life.

[This would be the case for most living beings, but not for those who no longer have a purpose or opportunity for 'life'.]

[This [Professor] was shattered, lost through the [Space-Time] of an entire Universe. His existence was almost completely erased from this Universe, and he could no longer return there, thus, he was destined for eternal and perpetual darkness.]

[So, when an opportunity to do what he loves and a chance to exist again, impact the flow of the World and the Actions of others arose, he accepted with extreme 'gratitude' that was transformed into loyalty for the one who helped him: Veserithorn.]

''So, through a lot of 'coincidences,' I ended up gaining the loyalty of someone...'' He avoided dwelling too much on this kind of thing, trusting the System that it wouldn't harm him.

'But 'scattered through space-time,' huh, what kind of monster is this? I may not exactly know what this is, but I know the basics of 'space' and 'time,' a fusion of these two must be something incredible.' Vesper nodded wisely to himself, as if saying he understood everything (when in fact he understood not even half of what he was thinking).

''Can the Hob-Goblin challenge still be done, right?''


[Does the User wish to initiate it?]


''No.'' He moved his hand and clicked on [N].


[When the User wishes to initiate the Challenge, simply give the order.]

Vesper gave a slight nod before getting lost in thoughts once again.

'I learned some new things before dying against that Hob-Goblin, but it was more than obvious that I didn't take advantage of it enough. If each level becomes more difficult, and I still died to complete the Hob-Goblin Level, I definitely won't be able to get past the next level.'

Vesper planted the bow in the ground before resting one hand on it.

'The ideal would be to try to get used to using Spiral Energy in my body now that I understand the basics of it and then try to use Destiny Theft on the Hob-Goblin to strengthen myself until I don't feel much difficulty in getting through these parts.' Based on the previous experiences he had, when he went through over 100 stages to kill wolves, Vesper reached this kind of conclusion.

'Not to mention that now I have an apparent 'teacher,' and that's making me absurdly curious. It would be my first 'real contact' with some other form of life that doesn't want to kill me instantly.'

He sighed as he felt overwhelmed with a huge amount of thoughts again.

'I hope this doesn't get worse as I increase my attributes. Let's start doing this step by step, just like I did when I trained Archery Mastery.'

Vesper stepped back a bit from the bow that was planted in the ground.

'First, I will focus on getting used to using Spiral Energy in my body, and after that, I will communicate with this 'Professor.' But before starting...'

''Is there any problem with not communicating with this 'Professor' now?''

[None. He will be there whenever needed, regardless of the location or time he is contacted.]

Vesper gave a small nod, deciding to start following the plan he had made.

He took a deep breath while trying to spread the spiral energy around his body and quickly grunted in pain, kneeling as he held his wrist.

''This is going to be difficult...'' He murmured while feeling his entire wrist burning; Spiral Energy had damaged his insides due to poor control.

''Step by step, Vesper, step by step...''




[3 Weeks Later]


An extremely loud noise echoed in the vast and empty plain as a dust cloud was raised.

''Finally!!'' A celebratory shout came from within the dust cloud, which was quickly pushed away by the source of the shout, revealing a giant rock shattered.

The source of the voice, Vesper, was trembling with joy as he looked at the damage he had done with a single punch, breaking a rock that easily exceeded 30 meters.

''This was much more difficult than I expected...'' Vesper murmured to himself, excited about his success; his eyes sparkled with tiny stars.

[Mastery {Spiral Energy} leveled up!]


[Name: Vesper Chronothread Nebulaspiral]

[Level: 5]

[XP: 0/10,000] (Accumulated XP: 7,000)

[Age: 1 Year and 2 Months]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Veserithorn]

[Title: {Spectral of the Divine Spiral}]

[Strength: 17/1,000] —> [25/1,000]

[Agility: 19/1,300] —> [30/1,000]

[Speed: 20/1,300] —> [30/1,000]

[Stamina: 20/1,000] —> [37/1,000]

[Focus: 26/1,200] —> [60/1,200]

[Skill: 34/2,000] —> [45/2,000]

[Energy: 122/2,000] —> [340/2,000]

[Leadership: 1/1,000]

[Tactics: 20/1,000] —> [35/1,000]

[Passive Skills: {One with Destiny(MAX)}, {Veserithorn Advantages(MAX)}, {Elemental Affinity(MAX)}, {Lover of the Spiral(MAX)}.]

[Active Skills: {Destiny Theft(Nv.2)}, {Eyes of Destiny(Nv.2)}]

[Mastery: {Spiral Energy(Nv.13) —> (Nv.25)}, {Archery Mastery(Nv.10)}]

''How satisfying~!'' He celebrated while feeling a huge sense of accomplishment growing within him, leaving him euphoric.

''It was worth going all this time without opening the Status Window even once! Good job, Vesper, good job!''

''Now let's see... my stats almost doubled, and some grew in ridiculous amounts due to some basic buffs.'' He murmured as his happiness continued to increase as he cataloged all the growth.

''Mastery reached Level 25; this explains why I'm feeling such an absurd amount of Spiral Energy inside my body.''

Before starting this training, Vesper was unable to feel all the Spiral Energy he had in his body; he felt only what surrounded some vital parts of his body.

But now that he trained Spiral Energy to fortify his entire body and the Mastery increased, Vesper was finally able to perfectly perceive the gigantic amount of Spiral Energy he had within himself.

'If I were to compare the 'me' from before, I had a small drop, while the 'me' now has a gigantic ocean of Spiral Energy.'

[A New Notification has arrived.]

Vesper's attention was drawn to the new message. During these weeks of training, he let the System act in the way it preferred to avoid getting distracted by having to give orders, causing the System to act inconsistently from time to time.

The inconsistency he referred to was the ways the System contacted him—sometimes just presenting new information, other times warning that a Notification was generated, and sometimes even speaking directly without giving much context until he asked.

And he honestly didn't hate it; it prevented him from getting bored with the System showing up with the same action and made him curious about what new approach method the System could create to communicate with him.

''Open the Notification, then, dear System,'' He replied with a little laugh, amused.

[Mastery {Spiral Energy} reached Level 25.]

[Due to this achievement, a New ability has been generated for the User.]

[Determination(Nv.1): The Basis of Spiral Energy is the conclusion of impossibility, the will to completely destroy the Impossible and for no Law or Concept to be able to stop it. This same ability arises for those who use it and deserve it, being especially more powerful when used by Veserithorn.] (+)

[(+): 1 - Veserithorn's Determination is passively amplified several times; this effect will increase according to the need, situation, and strength of Veserithorn, keeping future increases permanently.]

[2 - While having Enough Determination, Veserithorn can influence various types of Effects and Reactions, overcoming countless challenges purely with his Determination, including Death.]

[3 - Veserithorn's Body will stay at its peak and continue to strengthen in the midst of difficult situations, being able to overcome his Limits at extreme speeds as long as Veserithorn remains determined.]

[Passive Skills: {One with Destiny(MAX)}, {Veserithorn Advantages(MAX)}, {Elemental Affinity(MAX)}, {Lover of the Spiral(MAX)}, {Determination(Nv.1)}—>{NEW}.]

An intense wave of determination surged in Vesper's heart as the new Passive Skill notification finished being read, surprising him.

'It's not an unpleasant thing to feel, but still...' He was impressed with the new possibilities that arose with this Skill; it was extremely obvious even to the dullest mind.

'My Stats should start increasing extremely from now on thanks to this Skill.' It was absurd to be able to remain determined for an enormous amount of time without having to make an effort.

''Will this Skill somehow harm me or force me to feel something I don't want?'' That was the only doubt Vesper had, not having fully understood how Determination Amplification worked.

[The User does not need to worry about this.]

[The Skill only altered the User's ability to feel determined, making him 'complete' for Spiral Energy now, in simpler words: Perfect.]

[Previously, the User had all the perfect requirements but lacked Determination due to not having any reason to generate it. This Skill simply removed the need to have a 'reason,' and everything the User feels at this moment is his pure emotions, without any alteration.]

''So, this ridiculous amount of determination I'm feeling is purely mine?'' He asked in surprise.

[Correct. Spiral Energy only makes the growth of Determination easier, and this comes passively just by possessing Spiral Energy. As the User is basically a bottomless pit of Spiral Energy, Determination will also increase endlessly, only having to grow with time and experiences unlike Spiral Energy, which is already at its full capacity.]

Vesper gave a silly nod; he was impressed with how much he was capable of 'feeling.'

'Well, somehow it makes sense, and I'm happy with it.' He avoided questioning the reason to its root; he already had too many problems to deal with until he finally went to a World.

''According to the plan, I should go talk to my 'Professor' now...'' He spoke aloud while looking at the horizon, still a bit stunned by the determination he felt passively.

''Can I speak his language, or he mine?''

[No need to worry. The System's {Chat} automatically translates the language used by both, allowing you to communicate without many problems. This 'law' applies to all your future contacts as well.]

Vesper nodded before opening the {Chat} option, finding a difference compared to the first time he opened it.




''Is that a nickname?''

[Correct. It would be challenging to build trust with future individuals if the User already knows their personal information, such as the Name, without having interacted even once. Therefore, everyone in the {Chat} has nicknames as Names until their names are properly revealed.]

''And how are these nicknames created? Do people decide? If so, can I create mine?'' He seemed interested in creating a super cool nickname for himself.

[Nicknames are created based on various 'conditions,' which can come from titles that an individual has had, has, or will gain, characteristics of that person, personality, or even Ability/Race.]

[Yes, the User can create his own nickname if desired, even though the User already has a nickname for other beings.]

''Huh? Do I already have a nickname?! What is it, what is it!'' He asked excitedly.

[The User's nickname is [Divine Spiral], taken from the User's own Title: {Spectral of the Divine Spiral}.]

''Hmmmm'' Vesper made an exaggerated noise as he thought about that nickname.

''Sounds good enough for now; I like the sound of it.'' He waved to the System Tab that gave a slight up and down movement, mimicking a wave.

'Cute.' Vesper thought amusingly as he moved his finger, clicking on the {Mr.G} nickname, making a Chat window appear.

[A brief tutorial will be given to the User on how to use this Chat.]

[The white bar just below is the message box, which will be used to communicate with the Contact. Simply type, think, or speak aloud with the intention of the message going to your Contact, and the message will be made and sent, or if preferable: click on the white bar to open a keyboard, allowing the User to write.]

'Think or speak, then; I don't know how to write.' He thought proudly.

[The small Gift Box allows the User to send material things to the desired Contact. The 'camera' symbol allows sending Images, while the letters on the top right side: [LIVE], allow the User to start a kind of 'broadcast' to perform various actions while in precise and real-time communication with the desired contact.]

''So many options.'' He questioned with slight surprise.

'I probably won't use even half of them.' Vesper thought as he finished examining the small chat window.

''Let's test...'' He focused a little intention on the white bar, which glowed slightly, signaling that it was working.

''Hello, hi hi, everything okay? Test, test.'' A bunch of basic words began to be spoken by Vesper for a while; he seemed slightly nervous and excited about contacting someone.


''Now, how do I turn this off?!'' He questioned the System, nervousness growing. Thinking about talking to another person was making his nervousness grow more and more, causing his ability to reason to decrease a bit.

[Simply retract your Intention.] The System Tab seemed somewhat downtrodden as it gave such an obvious answer to Vesper.

''Ah!'' He quickly retracted the Intention, his face turning slightly red with embarrassment as he saw the Message that took 10 minutes, 9 of those 10 minutes in silence due to him staring at the Screen, waiting for the message to be sent.

It turns out that Messages of this type: spoken, were voice messages rather than simple words, so a huge 10-minute audio ended up being sent.

''Can I delete this?! How do I delete this?!'' The nervousness inside Vesper began to grow as he realized the foolishness he had done, his shame only increasing as he thought about the possible reactions of the person.

[The function to delete or edit messages is not included in the {Chat}, thus a more sincere and 'real' conversation can be had, providing a greater immersion for both sides.]

''I don't care about immersion; this is too embarrassing!'' He threw himself on the ground, covering his face with shame.

[There's no reason for the User to feel so nervous and embarrassed; this was his first communication with another non-aggressive living being.]

''Exactly, wasn't this guy all 'loyal' and got a new opportunity? Imagine his reaction when he sees a 10-minute message just to find out that it lasted so long because I don't know how to communicate!'' He said in mild despair, not really shouting. He was just feeling a great deal of shame for acting so foolishly in front of someone, with this someone theoretically being [Loyal] to him.

[... The System understands that the User can sometimes be a bit foolish-]


[But there's no need to worry. Regardless of how embarrassing the User's behavior may be, his [Professor] will not subject him to any kind of Shame thanks to the enormous gift (previously mentioned) provided to him.]

''Was this supposed to make me feel better...?'' He mumbled as if hit by a huge rock, looking defeated by the System's supposed 'consolation.'



Both: System Tab and User stared at each other in silence for a few minutes.


A new Tab appeared next to the Tab that ''stared'' at Vesper, showing the Notification of a new Message.

''Ah!'' He instinctively clicked on the Notification, opening the Chat again while still lying on the floor.

[Mr.G: ...]

[Mr.G: It's a pleasure to meet you, '[Divine Spiral]'.]

'He ignored it!' Vesper thought marveling, having an instant good impression of this 'Mr.G' for not mentioning anything about that embarrassing message.

Apparently, unlike Vesper, Mr.G sent simple messages.

''It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr.G!'' He replied cheerfully.

''As you know, I will be your student from today, so let's get along!'' Vesper went straight to the point because he was quite excited, skipping some basic parts of a conversation.

[Mr.G: Indeed, let's get along, dear student.]

'Uh?' Vesper felt his body shiver with the strange sensation of Mr.G's message; it was not dangerous or threatening; it was a 'comic' danger.

[Mr.G: Before we get into the main subject, let's get to know each other in a more 'acceptable' way, so I know where to start teaching you.]

Vesper nodded as he responded with a 'Sure,' finding this request quite reasonable.

[Mr.G: Can I know what your world is like? And how far your knowledge goes on general subjects, of course.]

Vesper assumed a 'serious' look before responding almost instantly.

''My world is a plain, and I know at most, how to breathe!'' He was perfectly honest with Mr.G.

[Mr.G: ...]

It would be a long conversation before everything finally started.




A few hours later.

[Mr.G: And with that, I have finished preparing your studies, Vesper.]

During these hours of study, Vesper faithfully answered Mr.G's questions with a certain enthusiasm. He didn't bother passing on too many important things to him because he didn't even ask about them.

The most 'personal' the questioning got was about his Age and Name, something Vesper found perfectly normal to answer to his Professor.

It's not surprising to say how ridiculous 'Mr.G' found it that Vesper was only 1 year old, at least not being able to speak so well.

Vesper learned a few things about Mr.G as he talked to him. This 'Mr.G' was actually someone who used to speak quite directly while maintaining a certain basic level of 'formality,' making the interaction easier and more fun for Vesper.

He realized that Mr.G was not really difficult to talk to or mean, just as he understood a bit how Mr.G knew that Vesper was from another world, something that was explained to Vesper by the System, but he forgot.

[Mr.G: I will be sending you a Little Book within a few hours to help you learn to Read before we finally move on to the real studies.]

''Alright, Mister.G! I'll be going to do some physical training while I wait!'' Vesper responded with a cheerful tone before finally getting up from the floor.

??? - ???/???/???

The one referred to as 'Mr.G,' the black figure with few white parts on its body, was staring at the Yellow Tab with a certain amusement.

Mr.G wasn't going to train Vesper on how to 'hit harder' or 'use powers,' at least not for now. He understood that the boy was in some kind of 'training' with that peculiar Yellow Tab that looked quite similar to the Black Tab of that determined child.

Thus, as Vesper already had guaranteed combat growth alongside a peculiar ability to return from the dead, again resembling that little determined girl, Mr.G decided to focus on developing him mentally.

Without intending to offend his Savior, during this conversation, it became apparent what kind of person he was. Someone who had great power at his disposal and ridiculous potential but was suppressed by his cerebral capacity.

Not that this was a concern, at least not for now, after all: his Savior was a literal child in terms of age. Regardless of his Savior's appearance or background, his age did not lie.

Mr.G had always been what people considered a 'Perfect Scientist,' his intelligence reached completely absurd levels, so he didn't treat Vesper as an independent adult because of his advanced speaking ability; he had seen other geniuses who could do this at such a young age.

At this moment, his savior was nothing more than a child, even younger than that determined child, and he would make sure to nurture his Savior in the best possible way, turning him into someone who would be feared not only for his strength but also for his brain.

"I can't wait to start our studies KUKUKU."

[Little World] - ???/???/???

Vesper had decided to fight and fight again against the Hob-Goblin, several times, while waiting for the hours to pass so he could start studying.

His newly unlocked determination only made him more excited to start learning and developing. Thus, he needed to focus on something else to avoid dying of anxiety.

"Initiate the Hob-Goblin challenge."

[Challenge Initiated.]

The moment the Hob-Goblin was born, Vesper aimed his bow at it while materializing a Spiral Energy Arrow, his mind reviewing the previous battle as the arrow was released, shooting towards the Hob-Goblin.

Previously, Vesper was surprised to finally see something that could withstand his arrow in one, two, or three shots. This initially made him desperate—someone who relied purely on this arrow. This despair allowed the Hob-Goblin to dominate the battle with its attributes that surpassed Vesper's after activating [Fury] alongside the Monster's enhanced instincts.

And when Vesper finally began to calm down, it was purely because of the beating he was taking, making him return to "normal" in exchange for being almost powerless to do anything.

But this time, it was different.

The arrow approached the Hob-Goblin at a high speed where the Monster retaliated by moving its club towards the arrow. Just like their first encounter, a strong impact echoed as the Goblin was injured by the arrow, but this time, new things were going to happen.

When the arrow was shot, Vesper didn't let it stop there. He knew the Monster would resist, and thus, he generated another arrow and shot it. As the arrow was shot, Spiral Energy reinforced Vesper's body as he shot towards the Hob-Goblin, matching the speed of the arrow he had shot, cracking the ground where his feet touched.

The Hob-Goblin's open guard, thanks to the first arrow, was quickly penetrated by the second arrow, hitting him in the center of his chest, generating a strong rotation that began to distort the Hob-Goblin's body, forcing it to activate Fury.

[Hob-Goblin - Level 25 —> Level 29]

The strength of the Hob-Goblin soared due to the damage it had suffered, forcing it to roar in fury. But contrary to expectations, a fist met this roar, causing Vesper, who accompanied the second arrow, to deliver a strong punch to the Hob-Goblin's head.

A loud noise of something breaking could be heard as the Monster shot away like a torpedo from Vesper, being thrown far.

The monstrous body of the Hob-Goblin bounced a few times on the ground as the creature roared in pain until it finally stopped.

The Monster began to rise, furious, its body swaying as it stood up purely due to its [Fury] ability.

When the Monster's body fully stood up, and it looked forward, it detected something. Something that would make it disappear.

An arrow was about to collide with the center of its forehead, shot by Vesper who was just waiting for the right moment to shoot the arrow.

The Monster couldn't do anything before the arrow collided with its head, piercing it completely before distorting its brain, ripping its head from the rest of the mutilated body, killing it.

[{Destiny Theft} activated.]

[User's attributes increased.]

[New Ability Acquired: {Fury (Level 1)}]

[The {Fury} ability has negative side effects related to Veserithorn.]

[A solution has been found.]

[The User can transform the {Fury} ability into Status Points, which will be generously offered in compensation for losing this ability.]

"Side effects?" Vesper lowered the bow while reading the tabs.

"Probably has something to do with the loss of rationality, right?" He vaguely remembered how the Hob-Goblin was acting after the ability was activated.


"Convert the ability into Status Points then."


[Conversion in progress.]

[Conversion successful.]

[User received +10 Status Points for each attribute.]

"10 points!" He seemed quite excited and pleasantly surprised.

"This can only be done once per Monster within the [Little World], and the effects may be smaller or greater as the User's attributes increase."

"If this action had been done when everything was at Level 1, 20 Status Points would have been gained instead of 10, if not: more."

"Disappointing but understandable." He accepted this news calmly; it would be excessive if he could repeat this stage endlessly and gain +10 Status Points.


[Strength: 25/1,000] —> [40/1,000]

[Agility: 30/1,000] —> [45/1,000]

[Speed: 30/1,000] —> [45/1,000]

[Stamina: 37/1,000] —> [50/1,000]

[Focus: 60/1,200] —> [75/1,200]

[Skill: 45/2,000] —> [60/2,000]

[Energy: 340/2,000] —> [500/2,000]

[Leadership: 1/1,000] —> [20/1,000]

[Tactics: 35/1,000] —> [50/1,000]

Vesper was pleasantly surprised by the amount of Status increase he received using {Destiny Theft} on the Hob-Goblin. His attributes increased enormously with this simple action, and his Energy reached the incredible mark of 500.

"An attribute has reached the 500 mark."

"The attribute is the [Energy] attribute, a due reward is being generated for this attribute."

[The User's current {Energy} is [Spiral Energy], a related reward will be generated.]

[A new Active Ability has been generated.]

[Twist (Level 1): Allows the User to twist what is within the User's field of vision or is in contact with the User's Body; its twisting effects will increase according to the amount of Spiral Energy applied.

[(+): A LARGE amount of concentration is required for the use of this ability / The limits of this ability are quite large and will be unlocked as the ability increases in level / When the ability reaches the Maximum Level (100), it will evolve.]

"Pleasant~" Vesper gave a small cheerful nod to himself, liking the ability.

"Nothing excessively powerful right off the bat; I think all this training idea and this ridiculous determination I unleashed are making me a bit... addicted to training." He thought with a certain 'shame' before shaking his head, dispelling that shame.

'This is something good to get addicted to; it won't affect me negatively!' With a confident nod, Vesper extended and closed his palm while concentrating, feeling the Spiral Energy within his own body.

"This is ridiculous..." He muttered to himself; the amount of Spiral Energy he felt was large enough for him to create an ocean of it and still have more left.

Not that he knew how many liters of water the Ocean had, he just related it to that.

I must avoid using {Fate Theft} repeatedly; I have no problem stealing from different people, but it would be good to set a limit in specific situations, Vesper thought to himself as he got lost in his thoughts again.

He didn't like the idea of abusing it and simply reaching 1,000+ attribute points in a single phase.

[The User doesn't need to worry about this.]

''Hm?'' He moved his eyes to the Yellow Tab, curious.

[{Fate Theft}, even though it does take away statistics and transfer them to you, will not permanently give the same number of status every time.[

[From a certain level of strength, it would be like adding the strength of a newborn to someone who can already lift a mountain; it won't make any change in the Status.]

[This is the stage the User is currently in; the Hob-Goblin will no longer give Status points, requiring stronger beings for that.]

[These are logical limitations rather than 'imposed,' so don't worry, User, no changes have been made to the Ability to hinder your progress.]

Vesper stared at the Yellow Tab in silence; it would have been nice to know this before. Well, it's his fault for not asking for a detailed explanation of each ability.

''That's a relief then~'' He let out a relieved sigh as he stood up.

''Let's repeat this stage for the next few hours until Mr.G has the book ready; I'll test various other combat forms against this Hob-Goblin!''


The System quickly summoned its Victim - Vesper's newly acquired training partner.

With a determined smile, Vesper launched himself towards the Hob-Goblin.


What happened in the next few hours was a massacre that became increasingly one-sided as Vesper learned the Monster's patterns and ways to dodge its various types of attacks.




Hours later.

[Mr.G: The book is done; I'll send it right away.]

A notification from Mr.G appeared in front of Vesper as he beat a Hob-Goblin on the ground, which seemed to be crying rather than in its permanent stage of Fury.

''Ah! Finally!'' He crushed the head of the Hob-Goblin before stepping away, leaving two puddles of blood behind: located where previously... the two heads of the Monster were.

''It was quite fun testing these various combat forms!'' He declared cheerfully as he shook his hands to remove the blood on them.


The System's Yellow Tab seemed to tremble slightly.

Vesper didn't notice this(?) before moving his hands to the Gift Icon that appeared in the {Chat}, clicking on it.

At that moment, a small light shone in front of Vesper before a blue book fell to the ground with a loud thud.


The book reached Vesper's waist, and this was the book on the ground, not being held by Vesper.

'Is this a book?!' He looked surprised at the giant object that seemed excessively thick.

[Mr.G: I've included all the basics of the language we'll use in our studies in this book. So when you learn and understand their meanings, we can start the real things.]

[Mr.G: I'll be here for any possible doubts you have, so don't worry if you don't understand something.]

Mr.G finished the messages right after the gift with the utmost naturalness, as if he hadn't sent a Monster to Vesper.

Vesper swallowed hard, staring at the book while verbally replying with an 'Ok' to Mr.G, who found it amusing due to Vesper's slightly nervous tone.

'Remove that hesitation, Vesper!' He self-encouraged again as a strong determination grew within him.

'Mr.G made this book with all the basics so that you can learn, so you will learn. No more, no less! He's even willing to answer all your questions!' A determined fire burned in Vesper's eyes as he took a deep breath while staring at the book cover.

[Wingding Language / Sign Language (Volume 1 - The Basics)]

'Let's get started!' With this declaration, the boy touched the book cover to open it and begin dedicating himself to his studies.

What would happen from this moment on? More than 1,000 Question Messages from Vesper that would be perfectly answered with patience by Mr.G (who was surprised), causing with each answer Vesper to feel gratitude to his Teacher.



And so, the chapter concludes.

It was MUCH longer than the others. The others had around 3,000 words, about 3,500+ with the post-chapter messages. This one almost reached 6,000 raw words (5,800), reaching 6,000 words with this post-chapter message.

I sincerely thank you for the character suggestions, and rest assured that they are duly noted. I'm not deeply familiar with the universes these characters come from, but if they appear, I will certainly conduct thorough research on their world, personalities, backgrounds, and everything that may be considered important.

I'll be officially developing Vesper mentally with the introduction of the incredible 'Mr.G,' who is an EXISTING character and not an OC. With the end of this chapter, it might be a bit obvious who he is~ I really like the universe he comes from, and I'll definitely be adding a lot more from there!

I lost a large part of this note because the app failed, so I'm a bit discouraged to rewrite this part here~ So, I'll skip straight to the main topic.

I have a simple request: if you could give your opinions on these alternatives (for the future of the work), I would be very grateful~ (it's not mandatory to answer all; I'll be happy even if only one of the options is answered)

1 - Should the Protagonist have a home world when he exits this Test? Or should he receive his own dimension/world to live in? (There wouldn't be anything like 'kingdom building'; I'm too dumb for that)

2 - What Abilities, Passives, or Masteries should he gain when reaching the milestones of his stats, like he did with Energy in this chapter? (the milestones: 500/1000/1500/2000/2500)

3 - Any suggestions for the First World? Whether for him to start or to go, it doesn't matter~ (there are some worlds that I hate and definitely won't write about, but they are very specific worlds, so don't worry and make your suggestions without fear ( ◉o◉)⊃━☆)

4 - Suggestions for Characters for the {Chat}, please? I'm quite satisfied with the ones that have already been suggested, but still, new suggestions are always welcome! (this way, I can have a wider range of choices/options)

Have a good day/good afternoon/good night~!