
[Multiverse] Beyond Fate

Short Version: "A 'guy' (not reincarnated) with the Spiral Power from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann travels through the Multiverse, knowing absolutely nothing, with 'just' a (not so conscious) System to help him minimally." Long Version: Born from the Concepts of [Spiral] and [Destiny] after the End of the [Void] itself, a new life form journeys through the Multiverse in search of growth and maturity to fully embrace its existence. Unaware of the future dangers it will face and the peculiar individuals it will encounter, the being seeks to navigate the unknown. Worlds: [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](1st) ----- The first chapters ("Bite" to "Tests(1-8)") use a specific writing style, and starting from "A Sudden Meteor," the writing style changes as it enters the first World (Frieren). I'm trying to improve my writing with each chapter, so if you didn't like the writing in the "Tests," perhaps you'll enjoy the new writing style from the beginning of the First World. ----- Ps: I'll be trying to respond to questions/revisions to the best of my ability, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts~ Ps2(YEAH): I don't take any credit for the Cover Art of this work; it's just the appearance of the Protagonist that I found after searching for a good while. If the Image Owner wishes for me to remove it, I'll gladly do so~

Cosmic_Yellow · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

[Ruins of the King's Tomb (1/?]

This chapter serves as a sort of 'Prologue' to something that will be mentioned when the chapter's reading begins.

Thus, its size isn't very pleasant, and it's filled with information. I'm preparing to try to cook something. My first attempt.

And this chapter contains the possibly most important 'post-chapter message' so far, so I recommend that this 'post-chapter message' be read. The choice is yours.

[Word Count of the 'Prologue': 4.200]


[Unified Dynasty Era]

[Sixth Month - Sixth Year]

A few days had passed since Serie and Vesper were notified about the sudden appearance of the Tomb of an unknown King, a tomb that suddenly underwent [Erosion] and strangely turned into a Dungeon in a short period of time.

Both Serie and Vesper were extremely interested in this Tomb; after all, becoming a Dungeon in less than dozens of years after its fall was not normal, not by a long shot. Such a thing would happen under the influence of an extremely special Event or of some being incredibly powerful by the standards of this world, and it was exactly this that caught the attention of both.

They didn't have much to do at the moment other than to start new research; their magical progress had completely stagnated. They lacked knowledge and additional information to proceed with their main research and to expand their magical knowledge. Thus, both were in a situation where it would only be a matter of time before they were forced to leave home to explore the world.

And fortunately, the golden opportunity arose when the King's Tomb became a Dungeon, giving both the perfect opportunity for study and learning. Dungeons contained countless beneficial rewards for those who conquered them. Wealth enough for a person to sustain up to three generations ahead without any problem, magical knowledge created by Mana itself as a kind of 'fixed reward' for whoever completed the Dungeon, generation of general monsters that could end up causing new monsters to emerge: species never seen before, and even extremely powerful equipment and accessories.

All these rewards were obviously hard to come by in Dungeons but extremely possible. After all, the Reward that the Dungeon generated was based on the World Rule created by the [Goddess of Creation] of this World: The greater the Story behind the Dungeon and its dangers, the greater the rewards. And without a doubt, a Dungeon that arose from the Tomb of a King would give absurd rewards to whoever completed it.


Vesper was even more certain about this, after all, besides his huge luck: his very presence influenced the entire world line. He discovered this when he talked to the System on the same day the Dungeon appeared, which ended up providing him with some interesting explanations.

-[The Veserithorn is permanently linked to the {Beginning} and {End} of everything, causing its presence to exist independently as a kind of 'thread' that connects these two events: the Beginning of something and the End of this same thing.]

-[The passive presence of the Veserithorn is unique and linear, reinforcing the previous explanation that there will only be one Veserithorn regardless of the Flow of Time or event. In this way, whenever the Veserithorn passes through a World, this 'thread' that connects the Beginning and the End will thicken in the Region where the Veserithorn is physically located, generating extreme distortions in the place where the Veserithorn is located, causing things that would only exist in the Future or that would only have existed in the past to suddenly appear in the World where the Veserithorn is located.]

-[Likewise, time-related events such as the fall of a Kingdom or the rise of a Nation can be delayed or advanced due to the existence of the Veserithorn. Hence, this Tomb underwent such rapid [Erosion], this being the first region affected severely due to the existence of the Veserithorn, and it will hardly be the last.]

-[The probabilities of non-native things from this World being located in this new [Dungeon] are perfectly 100%, just like the quality of the rewards if the Dungeon is completed has been amplified by a supernatural Margin, signaling that non-native Rewards from this world may end up appearing at the end of the Dungeon.]

The four huge explanation windows had 'lit up' Vesper's mind, making him lost in thought for the rest of that day. Knowing this ended up making him feel extremely excited and, in a way, happy. He wanted Fun, and what was more ideal to bring fun than 'unpredictability'? Not knowing what he could find and not knowing the rewards of his action was something that greatly excited Vesper's ''simple'' Mind.

A day later, Vesper provided Serie with a summarized version of the explanation he received while hiding details involving the 'System', changing this term to 'Divine Intuition', which Serie easily accepted. It wasn't necessary to say much; Serie obviously was extremely excited about this Information. Receiving rewards that were coming from literally: outside their world was extremely tempting for any mage.

As for possible dangers? Neither Vesper nor Serie considered it a problem. Serie believed that Vesper would warn her if a huge danger appeared since they were friends, and Vesper wasn't notified about any huge Danger by the System and also deduced that there was nothing absurd in there. If something absurdly powerful were in that Dungeon, it would have come out and been causing Chaos to the world since it appeared there; the Dungeon didn't prevent the Monsters from leaving it: they could leave whenever they wanted.

Obviously, Vesper considered the possibility of some ridiculous threats appearing in the Future, but he wasn't worried about it. The Future was the Future, and until then, he was sure he would be stronger. There was no reason to create dozens of 'what if this happens' while he already had to solve several things in the Present; this would only harm him. It happened that being taught about general terms by Mr.G. at the beginning of his life and learning Magic with Serie ended up making Vesper understand certain aspects of how to 'enjoy life' earlier than he should have; he even thought that maybe he would act like an Elderly Human in a few years if he continued like this.

''It would be fun.''


Currently, Vesper was sitting on a yellow Mana Platform, with his legs crossed. The Platform was floating on the Lake in front of their 'house' (Serie 'and Vesper'), leaving the possibility of Vesper falling and getting wet in the open water could be done at any moment.

Since he declared that he would go to the Dungeon, and Serie said she was interested in going too, Vesper started to learn and master the types of Magic he wanted. His studies of Magic Circles had finished, and he was already a complete Mage; he only needed to learn powerful Spells, and he could be the new Great Mage of this World, having the same level of title as Serie for the inhabitants of this world.

And that was exactly what Vesper was doing these last few days, learning the Spells he wanted. The types of Spells that were involved with the kind of Mage he wanted to be, Defensive Spells. Support Spells, in simpler terms. He didn't need brute power; his physical Strength at this moment was compared to that of the Cyclops he faced in the [Little World], maybe just a little inferior, and that was more than enough for him to wipe out a small village with a single punch with all his Strength on the Ground.

With such great physical attributes and a large amount of Mastery with the two main weapons he had, Vesper saw absolutely no reason to learn offensive Spells now. Of course, in the future, he would learn, but for now, he would focus on what he was really interested in.

''Vesper!'' Serie's voice was picked up by Vesper, making his ears move slightly before he opened his eyes.

'She finally finished.' Vesper thought a little discontentedly as he got up from the Yellow Mana Platform, jumping towards their House.

Vesper's jump was precise enough for him to enter through the already open Window, stopping exactly where Serie was: in the Living Room.

''Ready to go?'' He questioned as he landed on the Floor with quite ease, facing the Elf who was wearing a rather simple set of clothes.

''Perfectly. I've stored some scrolls and finished repairing my Staff; we can leave at any moment.'' Serie replied with a slight nod.

Both sides had been preparing for days to go to the Dungeon, and finally, it seemed they could go. They were confident but not arrogant, for even if there were no dangers that could kill them with a single blow, there was still the probability of something potentially dangerous existing there, so they wouldn't enter the Dungeon without any preparation.

''Great, a little more delay, and I would have gone alone~'' Vesper shrugged as he joked, heading towards the House's door.

Serie let out a bit of mocking air as she rolled her eyes, following Vesper. She knew very well that he wouldn't do that.

'While we're heading to the Northern Lands, create a Mission involving the Dungeon located in the King's Tomb. The rewards can be decided when we arrive at the King's Tomb so that a better analysis can be made.'

[Understood, the Mission will begin to be created.]

And so Vesper and Serie set off towards the Northern Lands, using Flight Magic to get there as quickly as possible.


[Status of Vesper]

[Name: Vesper Chronothread Nebulaspiral]

[Prestige: 1]

[Level: 25]

[XP: 0/1,000,000] - (Accumulated XP: 0)

[Age: 13 Years] - (An unusual extra year of aging occurred)

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Veserithorn (1st Evolution out of 5)]

[Title: {Personification of the Spiral}]

[Strength: 200/500]

[Agility: 200/500]

[Speed: 200/500]

[Stamina: 200/500]

[Focus: 240/500]

[Skill: 200/500]

[Energy: 300/500]

[Mana: 310/500]

[Leadership: 220/500]

[Tactics: 220/500]

[Passive Abilities: {One with Destiny (MAX)}, {Veserithorn Advantages (MAX)}, {Elemental Affinity (MAX)}, {Lover of the Spiral (MAX)}, {Determination (MAX)}, {Bow Mastery (MAX)}, {Enhanced Awareness (MAX)}, {Eternal Spiral (MAX)}]

[Active Abilities: {Destiny Theft (MAX)}, {Eyes of Destiny (MAX)}, {Distort (MAX)}, Wingding (40), {Cycle (MAX)}]

[Masteries: {Spiral Energy (MAX)}, {Bow Mastery (MAX)}, {Spiral Reinforcement (1)}, {Warhammer Mastery (40)}, {Mana (37)}, {World Language (2)}, {Magic Circle (26)}]



[Offense Spells: {None}]

[Defense Spells: {Magic Barrier (20)}, {Perception (15)}, {Area (11)}, {Physical Barrier (20)}]

[Divine Spells: {Amplify (1)}]

[Curses: {None}]

[Support Spells: {Heal (1)}, {Detoxification Magic (1)}, {Detect Poison (1)}, {Detect Diseases (1)}, {Anomaly (1)}, {Mana Camouflage (1)}, {Binding (1)}]

[Other Spells: {Flight Magic (10)}, {Barrier Customization (5)}, {Dispelling Magic (1)}, {Restraint Magic (1)}, {Barrier Break (1)}, {Map (1)}]

Explanation of Levels (Base World: Frieren): 1 - 3: Novice, 4 - 6: Intermediate, 7 - 9: Advanced, 10 - 15: Expert, 16 - 19: Master, 20: Dominated.]



+25,000% Increase in Positive Emotion Production.

Husband of the Spiral (Yes, this is a Buff!)

+10,000% Efficiency with Sacred Energies.

+10,000% Training Speed.

+10,000% Learning Speed.

+10,000% Experience from killing Enemies.

+10,000% Popularity after a heroic act.

The Energy Attribute will increase by [+2] for each time a Status increases by [1].

For each point of Status, the Status will increase by [+2] instead of [+1].


[System Points: {0}]


[Northern Lands] - [Ruins of the King's Tomb]

[1 Day after Serie and Vesper's departure]

"We'll arrive at the Dungeon in 5 minutes," Serie commented as she flew through the sky, with Vesper following her.

"Hmm," he gave a simple verbal confirmation, not having much to say about it.

"System, what about the Mission?" Vesper questioned the System as the distance between the Dungeon and him was rapidly decreasing.

[The Reward has just been decided.]

[Mission: Conquer the Dungeon: King's Tomb]

[Description: The fall of the King's Tomb was severely expedited due to the existence of the Veserithorn, generating special distortions that completely fill the Tomb. The spatial distortions ended up generating an immense amount of Mana fortifying the Dungeon at a level much higher than normal, causing creatures not native to this world to inhabit the depths of this Tomb. Cleanse and completely complete the Dungeon to destroy the spatial distortions that have reached this World, preventing things from worsening.]

[Mission Effects: 1 - Every action involving this Mission will generate an additional [Double Experience] for the Veserithorn. 2 - All allies of the Veserithorn will generate experience for him whenever they kill a Dungeon Monster.]

[Reward: 1 - A New Member will appear in the {Chat}, 2 - A Random Ability, 3 - The Veserithorn will receive an original [Curse].]

[Penalty: Veserithorn: None / World: The Dungeon will fortify itself and engulf a large part of the Northern Lands.]

Vesper's eyes widened slightly as he watched the platinum tab that appeared in front of him, feeling quite interested in the mission.

"Why don't I suffer any penalty with this?"

[The System exists purely to guide and assist the Veserithorn until he becomes mature enough; any idea or intention to harm the Veserithorn is abhorred by the System.]

[The Penalty session does not create or force a Penalty but rather analyzes the consequences of mission failure and tries to estimate what will happen if the Mission is not completed. Thus, if in any way a future penalty appears for the Veserithorn: it will not be the System forcing this Penalty, but rather a consequence that will arise after the Veserithorn fails the mission.]

Vesper's eyes sparkled slightly as he read the explanation, lost in thought.


"We've arrived," Serie's voice seemed to awaken Vesper from his thoughts as they both landed in front of the empty Tomb.

"Weren't there supposed to be several people around here?" Vesper asked confusedly, as far as he knew, many people would risk their lives for the absurd reward that the Dungeon would give.

"No? The current Elves barely feel any kind of desire or greed, and Humans consider anything involving Magic a kind of Taboo; the only species that could be trying something in this place would be the Demon species, and they would take a long time to reach this Dungeon, considering how far away they are," Serie clarified Vesper's mind as she shook her head, it seemed he was ignoring some basic points.

"Hmm.." Vesper narrowed his eyes slightly, spirals spinning more intensely than usual in his irises.

"It seems things are going to be more complicated than expected, now the level of the rewards is explained." The Origin of this Thought was quite simple. Vesper's Eyes of Destiny could see the fate of all kinds of things.

Whenever Vesper activated these eyes, he could choose to see the Destiny of everything that exists or only specific things, thus, he was able to see hundreds of thousands of lines (destinies) filling his field of vision. Among these lines, there was one that was visibly darker than the others, giving Vesper a strange sensation.

"Serie, it seems you made a little mistake~" Vesper commented lightly amused, causing the Elf to turn to him with furrowed brows.

"What did I get wrong?" She definitely wasn't liking the direction things were going; whenever Vesper used that tone of voice, some unexpected variable would arise.

"It seems a Demon is already inside that Dungeon~" He replied, Serie looking quite amused as she watched the almost dead expression of the Elf change, retracting her furrowed brows and making a slightly surprised face as she widened her eyes a bit.

"Really? Are you sure?" Serie asked Vesper with a slightly surprised tone; if that were the case, things just got infinitely worse.

"100% sure. I wouldn't joke about this, at least not so much~" He waved while deactivating the eyes of destiny.

"Maybe they have something to do with the fall of this Dungeon then," the Elf commented seriously as she turned to the completely dark entrance of the Dungeon, sunlight seemed useless before the Dungeon entrance.

"Or perhaps the Demon inside just got lucky stumbling upon the Dungeon while walking~"

"Yeah, sure, that would definitely happen." Serie dismissed Vesper's comment dryly; she refused to believe that the species that was at war with the World would be so... relaxed.

"Staying out here won't help much, you know? Let's go in~" Vesper passed by Serie while keeping his tone of voice playful; he quite liked talking like that. Maybe it had something to do with the young age he had?

"You...!" Serie clenched her teeth slightly before sighing.

"This short time I've spent with this guy has made me feel more emotions than I have felt in the last 200 years; this is ridiculous," she complained mentally before following Vesper. Serie didn't hate the intense emotions she felt. She just found it strange; she wasn't used to feeling anything above brief happiness (which lasted at most 1 second).





A Massive Silver Dragon floated in the cosmos, alone. Its once glorious body was riddled with wounds, one of its wings was missing, and its gigantic tail was completely gone.

A large amount of blood dripped from the Dragon's body and spread throughout the infinite Space as its body trembled, not from pain but from loneliness, helplessness, sadness.

"Those damn...! Why?!" The Silver Dragon thought, its negative feelings gathering to form something even greater: an uncontrollable Fury.

"They were all killed, all of them! Not only did I fall into this miserable state thanks to the damned 'God Asura', but all the spirit beasts were massacred by that damned boy in the name of 'Experience'...!"

"How dare he?! Who are the true monsters at this point?! What have we done? What did the spirit beasts do to you to bring you to this point?!"

Tears streamed from the Silver Dragon's purple eyes; all 'he' could do was lament while awaiting his death. His spiritual energy was completely drained, his body worn out, and even his blood essence had been stolen.

All that remained was this body, now useless. That war had massacred everything and everyone. The Humans prevailed; they no longer needed the Spirit Beasts. They were Supreme. And it was precisely this that happened with the help of the one who saw everything as an 'Experience'; all the deaths were merely 'Experience' that made that 'being' stronger.

'He' could feel his body losing more and more strength until only a single drop of vitality remained, causing anguish to swell in his heart.

"If only I had a chance...just one more chance...!"

"To avenge, to avenge all the spirit beasts...!"

"To end the happiness and life of the one who did this...!"

An unparalleled thirst for revenge arose in the Silver Dragon's purple eyes, causing distortions to appear around him due to the pure intent of killing and hatred forming in his mind.

[Your desires have been acknowledged.]

A platinum-colored window appeared in front of the Silver Dragon's purple eyes.

"Ah...as I'm dying, I'm starting to see hallucinations..." The Dragon's mind wandered.

[Your desires can be fulfilled.]

[You only need to swear loyalty to someone superior. Someone who can help you achieve this desire.]

"Someone who can help me...if such a person existed..." The Silver Dragon's rage intensified as his vitality dwindled further.

[He will [Initiate] your Revenge and bring it to the [End] you desire.]

"All at a simple price: your Support, your Loyalty, your Servitude."

[Do you accept this opportunity?]

[Or do you wish to die unable to have your revenge? Unable to live the life you deserved?]

"Loyalty...I, the Silver Dragon King, being loyal to someone...what a joke."

"It's not like something like this exists; all my mind wants to provide me with is a peaceful way to depart. Forever." The Silver Dragon King thought melancholically, the tears that had gathered in his eyes flowing once more.

"Whatever...I accept this opportunity, at least then I can imagine myself completing this revenge before departing." As if 'surrendering', making a decision to console himself in his final moments, the Silver Dragon King simply 'accepted' the offer, hoping to spend his last moments imagining the death of those who caused all this.

When the decision was made, the platinum window disappeared.

The Silver Dragon King's eyes slowly closed, embracing the darkness completely. His last vestige of vitality had vanished entirely.

[The contract has been formed.]

The platinum window appeared in front of the Dragon already dead after a few minutes.

[The [Beginning] of your Revenge has been forged.]

The image of a silver egg appeared in the platinum window just below this message, while the Dragon's body shimmered and vanished completely.

[The Veserithorn has embraced the [Silver Dragon King].]

[The Destiny has been altered.]

The platinum tab disappeared completely, leaving the space once filled by a corpse now entirely empty.

Those who inhabited this universe felt a shiver run through their bodies, but this shiver quickly dissipated; they didn't know why.

Soon they would find out. In a not-so-distant future.



Alright, prologue done!

Time for my explanation. Vesper is in the [Beginning] of Creation, which means that everything he has is exclusively his for now, as if he were the original owner of it.

In the future, 'ROBS' will appear, Gods who transmigrate people will show up, and various other entities. And this is something inevitable; after all, many original works like 'Tensura', 'Mushoku', and others need these kinds of beings/entities to happen, since their protagonists are transmigrators. And that's exactly what I abused.

I'll make some things very clear. Yes, original characters from certain works may indeed appear with a System, even though they shouldn't originally have one. Or even OCs, but you don't need to worry that something horrible will happen to Vesper. Remember everything I've written and presented so far, so don't lose hope by saying that Vesper has lost his 'unique' part, his exclusivity of 'System' or anything like that.

First of all, Vesper doesn't even have a real System; I've been making it clear from the start that this System emerged from Vesper himself; he unconsciously created this System. His Race: Veserithorn, did this to guide him. This was the best way to guide him.

If you have any doubts or fears about this idea of other people having a System, or even complaints about it, just comment. I'm willing to read your comments and talk to you about it to dispel any fear or dissatisfaction regarding this Idea.

I'll avoid giving too many spoilers, by the way.


This prologue was made through various ideas, and honestly? I love this 'Silver Dragon King' from the bottom of my heart.

I'll be using AUs and different events to connect these beings to Vesper, instead of taking them from their positive and happy endings with certain characters. I'll take them from Stories that didn't have a happy ending.

For example, if I were to make 'Naruto' come into contact with Vesper, it's quite possible that he would end up helping Kenjaku or even Sukuna instead of any 'goody-two-shoes' character, simply because their ideologies are much more interesting than the idea of 'Peace'. Vesper likes to protect and fight for what he loves, but that's exactly it: what he loves, and he only loves what interests him. He does good deeds with bad beings and vice versa, but he can also be completely good and bad.

The best way to describe Vesper would be as 'Chaos', a 'Chaotic' personality. So I'll try to make him as unpredictable as possible!


I won't make all the contacts Vesper has be with Women; I've always found it very strange in Multiverse Stories for the Protagonist to only have female friends, who mostly love the Protagonist.

Vesper will have many male friends, and I'll have to think about how to develop each little thing. But I'll make it clear that I don't like to develop romantic relationships between different Characters that don't involve the Protagonist of what I write.

So I won't make two Characters from different works end up together; at most, they'll be 'best friends'. And if I'm going to develop any romance, it will be between a Character from a specific world with another Character from the same world. For example: Gojo and Utahime (just an example!)

To be completely honest, the idea of developing Romance and much less a Harem is quite abstract and ridiculous in my mind, at least for now. There will definitely be Romance in the Future, but I'll have to think a lot about how to develop it; I've always done things naturally, so if I try to put logic behind the development of a relationship, it will come out quite strange.

I'll try to apply more Fictional logic to these things rather than real-life emotions.


Any suggestion, whether it's about: Character, World, Interaction, Powers, Events, Scripts, and everything else, can be said in this little guy down here. I will read and consider all, even comment and debate for more details if necessary! ≽ ^ • ⩊ • ^ ≼

◕⩊◕ Suggestions (here)