
[MHA]: Obito The Only Uchiha

Obito closed his eyes for the last time, Rin was waiting for him in the Pure Land. Or that is how it was supposed to be. Because he was nowhere close to the Pure Land, nor did he seem death for the matter. And why was he so small?!

Jaehaerys83 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Home Cave

A black haired child walked out of Musutafu, he was carrying two big bags of food. However, they did not slow him down at all.

«It took me more than I expected to get used to this body. It is just so weak compared to my adult one. » Though Obito.

It has been a week since Obito came to this world. Tonight was going to be the first time he started being a vigilante. He wanted to start right away the first day, but he recognized how impulse and stupid that was. Without knowing the zone or having preparations, it could end very bad for him. It was painful to accept, but he was weak.

Obito lacked the agility and strength of his older body. His chakra was only able to maintain the sharingan for forty-five minutes, and that was without using any other jutsu. He still had not tried to open the magneto sharingan, fearing it would drain him of chakra.

The city was too noisy for Obito, he was unable to rest with so much activity even on the nights. It is not a surprise therefore that Obito ended up living in a forest. It was a familiar place to Obito who passed his childhood in Konohagakure and later lived is teenager years in a cave with Madara. Obito even found a lovely cave in said forest, he would have made it himself with Earth Jutsu, but again he had not enough chakra.

«Beggars can't be choosers»Obito reminded himself as he entered his cave. At least he was able to conceal the entrance with low levels Earth Jutsus. He was pretty sure no one will be able to find it.

Leaving the bags on the worn table, Obito went to his bed. It was just some blankets and a cushion, not that he cared a lot, he could have slept in the trees if he so desired. 

There was little furniture in the cave, and all of it was broken or old. Obito found them all in the trash, and they worked just fine for him. As he intended to go out that night, Obito decided to sleep a few hours. He would then eat some food and return to the city.

He felt a little bad about how he got the money to buy the food, pick pocking was something that Obito had never needed to do. That however did not mean he was not excellent at it, a few seconds of contact, and he got enough to buy food for the day. But as of tonight, Obito hoped he made enough money robbing criminals to made by.