
[MHA]: Obito The Only Uchiha

Obito closed his eyes for the last time, Rin was waiting for him in the Pure Land. Or that is how it was supposed to be. Because he was nowhere close to the Pure Land, nor did he seem death for the matter. And why was he so small?!

Jaehaerys83 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Shouta was tired. Not that that was new, but he had a feeling that his headache was only going to get worse during the night. His gut was rarely wrong.

His phone rang, and Shouta resisted a sigh.

—Eraserhead it's Detective Tsukauchi —was heard over the phone.

—What's the matter? 

—Have you heard of the new vigilante that has recently appeared in the poor districts?

Yes, Shouta has heard that a new vigilante had been leaving criminals in the hospital as of late. Shouta did not care much about vigilantes. Many heroes wanted to arrest them, but Eraserhead had learned to appreciate them. Of course, that was as long as they were not overly aggressive. Nobody wanted another Stain.

It was rare that a vigilante lasted mora than a few months. Either they got caught, got bored and stopped on their own, or they were murdered.

Usually, they were hero hopefuls who couldn't go to a hero school or people who decided to do justice on their own. It was easy to find them once the police knew their quirk. All quirks were registered in the database, so finding a name was easy. A fine and a warning are how it normally ends.

Shouta has not had any encounter with the vigilante, and for what he heard neither had any underground hero. One day criminals started coming to the commissary almost comatose murmuring about red eyes and demons. The police believes that it is some kind of illusionary quirk or a mental quirk, very rare.

The vigilante, although not seemly over aggressive physical, was emotionally devastating. The criminals seems scared of their own shadows and eager to admit their crimes. Shouta didn't approve what the vigilante was doing, but it was very effective.

—Yes, I heard of him. What about it?

— Oni has been on the streets for three weeks now. A task force had been formed to start an investigation.


—That's the name we are giving him— responded Tsukauchi dryly. Shouta snorted, they did not have many other options there. All Shouta knew about the vigilante is that he had red eyes and wore an Oni mask, he did not think the police knew much more.

According to the criminals he was a demon or in some cases he could summon an army of demons at his will. Oni seemed like the better option than Red-Eyed-Demon, as they called him.

—We collected new information, and I am going to pull you in the investigation, I just wanted to inform you, so you pass by my office after patrol— said Tsukauchi

Shouta raised an eyebrow at that.

—What makes you think I'm interested?

—This is not a conversation to have on the phone Eraserhead, pass by my office later— now Shouta was a little pissed and curious. Curious as to what made Tsukauchi thing he would accept. Tsukauchi knew Shouta did not care for vigilantes. So what was so different about this one?