
[Marvel:Naruto Template System]

[DING! Minato Namikaze Template unlocked!] Kai gets reincarnated into the world of Marvel with a System, which let's him gain the abilities of Naruto Characters. Follow him in his path to become a true hero! PS: -First time I write a Fanfic so don't it judge too harshly! -English is not my first language therefore expect some mistakes. -There are going to be some characters and plot-lines from the comics but it's mostly going to be about the MCU. -The MC is nerfed at the start but will get OP eventually! [I don't own anything except my own character!]

AceTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

{POV: Kai Carter/Yellow Flash}

<multiple days later>

I can't search anymore. I have looked for about 2 weeks but all I'm seeing is this white snow.

I am convinced the Savage Lands don't exist.

I mean it was too good to be real at the first place right? An island full of metal that can cut through anything...

Yeah, kind of expected too much.

Just as I was about to teleport away, "ROOOOOAAAARRRR." I hear a deafening roar.

Maybe I should search just a little bit more. Yeah, just like 5 minutes more shouldn't be a problem.

I quickly run towards the sound and I ginslly found it!

A giant island surrounded by volcanos. These are the Savage Lands, where dinosours are still alive.

I run towards the island in expectations.

Arriving at the island I see that it looks like the rainforst just with everything bigger and weirder. Including giant trees, weird insects and a lot of small dinosours like microraptors.

I haven't seen any big dinosours yet or anything that could have roared like that, however I just arrived so I will have to search a little.

Looking around a little, I see that even with all the weirdness, it is very beautiful here.

From the trees to the wild life, everything looks so in touch with nature. I mean that's probably expected from an undiscovered island.

The only human contact this island had was like millenia ago or something and currently only so called "man-apes" live on here.

"ROOOOAAARRR" Oh the deafening roar is back.

This time I remembered where the sound came from, so I ran towards it.

Arrving at the spot where the sound came from, I widen my eyes in suprise.

Infront of me is a T-Rex look-alike, the only diffrence is that it has mammoth like fur.

Around it are multiple natives with spears and other crude weapons, surrounding and trying to attack it?

Their clothes are made of brown animal hide and only cover the bare minimum.

There are only about 20 men, probably because they're still primitive people, hunting this T-Rex/Mammoth thing?

They all look very ferocious with their muscles standing out. If there's one thing to say about them, it's that they're jacked.

They're all a little shorter then me but I guess that's to be expected.

One of the natives suddenly shouted "Attack it!" and the next second all other natives suddenly attacked, while shouting, with their crude weapons.

Some of the weapons barely made it past it's skin while others just bounced off.

Huh, I guess they bit off more then they could chew. Also, did he just speak english?! Yep, definitly have to ask about that.

As far as I know, they shouldn't have had any outside contact for many, many years.

Granted, I don't really know much about the Savage Lands but I just thought it'd be like that.

While I was thinking about that, the dinosour roared again and tried to eat one of the natives.

Oh well I can't really allow that, also they should owe me one if I save him.

I quickly rush towards the dinosour and hit it with a [Rasengan] on the left side of his face.

It flew against a couple trees, while destroying them before finally stopping. Yep, it's definitly unconcious.

The natives looked at this scene wide eyed for a moment, before they all suddenly surrounded me and pointed at me with their weapons.

I rasie my arms, to signal that I mean no harm. I could just knock them all out but I want to know a little more about them, so I take a passive approach.

"Hey guys, how about you point those somewhere else then towards me?" I ask them.

"Who are you?!" One of the natives ask me.

He looks like their leader, since he has the best looking weapon and the most clothing.

He has brown hair and eyes, is massively jacked and also the tallest of the bunch, with like 5'8-5'10.

"I'm the one who just saved you all." I said slightly cheeky, which no one noticed or they just didn't care.

"We didn't need you!" The same native said.

"Alright, alright." I said while waving my hands dismissivley.

"How did you do that?!" He asks me.

"What saving you?" I ask him with a slight grin.

"No! Defeating it!" He says while pointing at the dinosour.

"Hah! I'm just the best warrior." I say smugly to him.

It seems that I said something, that he absolutely didn't like.

He pointed at me with his weapon and the others quickly followed. Everyone looked at me like I just murdered their dog.

Well I actually just wanted to know a little about them for my curiosity, so just teleporting away and avoiding them isn't that hard.

"Follow us!" He practically growled.

Hmm, I don't really need them to get the Anti-Metal, should I really go?

In the end, I decided to just follow him, since I was still a little bit curious about them. Especially since they can somehow speak english.

We walked for about an hour until we arrived at something like a village.

There are some huts made of straw but it's mostly just tents made from animal hide. Suprisingly there are also 2 huts made of wood.

Despite them not being much advanced, there were still a lot of people here. If I had to guess there should be atleast over 1000 people.

I obviously drew a lot of attention, with my different looks, clothing and most of all the 20 or so men surrounding me.

The hunting group that's surrounding me, didn't pay them any mind and just kept walking.

After a bit of walking we arrived at one of the only 2 huts made of wood. The leader of them should probably live here.

The hunting groups leader shouted "Chieftain, we bring a prisoner!"

"Oi, Oi, What do you mean prisoner? I thought I was just being invited to a tea party?" I joked with them.

Huh, I should really stop this habit. Especially in these tense situations. Well tense for them, I can always defeat them all or just teleport away.

They were clearly angered by my carefree behavior but I didn't particulary mind.

Suddenly the door opened and an elderly man walked out.

He was very short, had a lot of wrinkles and held a cane in his right hand, which he used to walk.

He looked at me for a moment, then got closer and started inspecting me. It was a little bit weird, being stared at so much by an elderly man but I tried my best to ignore it.

I looked very different from this tribes normal people. I was taller then them, since I'm 6'2 and the tallest of this bunch was at most 5'10-5'11.

Also, even though I also had a lot of muscles, they were very compact, making my body seem slender.

Then there is also my hair and eye colour. Every tribesman I saw so far, had either black or brown hair and eyes.

The only diffrence is this chieftain who was mostly bald but had a bit of white hair on his sides.

My silver hair and azure eyes obviously were foreign to them.

After he finished inspecting me, he looked toward the hunting groups leader, probably waiting for an explanation.

"We met him when we hunted a Targon, he stole our kill." He said a little angered.

"I did no such thing. I saved you all." I said to them but he just ignored me.

"But then he claimed that he was the best warrior." He said with venom in his voice.

The old man opened his eyes wide at that and looked towards me with a bit of pity?

"You shouldn't have said that." The chieftain says to me.

"Bring him towards the arena." The chaiftan said with a pitying tone.

Arena? Am I going to fight someone? Is he pitiying me because he thinks I will lose?

Hah! Me and losing here? Forget it old man! I'll show you all, that I won't be defeated.

I WILL win!