
[Marvel:Naruto Template System]

[DING! Minato Namikaze Template unlocked!] Kai gets reincarnated into the world of Marvel with a System, which let's him gain the abilities of Naruto Characters. Follow him in his path to become a true hero! PS: -First time I write a Fanfic so don't it judge too harshly! -English is not my first language therefore expect some mistakes. -There are going to be some characters and plot-lines from the comics but it's mostly going to be about the MCU. -The MC is nerfed at the start but will get OP eventually! [I don't own anything except my own character!]

AceTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 15

(A/N- Sorry for not uploading for 2 days. I currently have a little bit going on in IRL so the updates will be less regular but will still come, every 1-3 days. Thank you all for your support and have fun!)

{POV: Kai Carter/Yellow Flash}

<1 week later>

I have decided something. Now that I have over 60% Synchronisation, I am finally going to make myself a weapon.

However, I want it to be a legendary weapon. To make a legendary weapon, I need the best metal, the best wood and the best blacksmith.

First of all the metal, there are 3 types of metal that I considered.

Vibranium, Adamantium and Uru. Let's start with the metal, that I'm least likely to get, Adamantium.

The problem with Adamantium is, that it's such a super sectretive goverment recipe, that not even SHIELD has any clue how it's made.

I would say, that I am fairly capable but finding out a top goverment secret, with not even SHIELD knowing about it...eh I don't know.

Then adding onto that, the problem is that I wouldn't even know where to begin my search.

So that leaves me only with Uru and Vibranium. I know the locations of both of them, one is in Wakanda and one is in Nidavellir.

Both of them are good choices, since I will go to Nidavellir anyway, to get to the best blacksmith.

Vibranium is also very solid and I don't really have anything to pay for Uru, so that would probably be the best shot at getting good metal.

Now that I decided to get Vibranium, I should decide which one.

There are actually 2 different Vibraniums, 1 is Wakanda Vibranium, which absorbs Kinetic Energy and Antartic Vibranium/Anti-Metal which causes vibrations, weakening the molecular bonds.

By weakening the molecular bonds, it can dissolve almost any material, if it's exposed long enough. If it's used against normal iron, the iron will be melted in seconds.

So by that conclusion, Wakanda Vibranium is good for armor and Antartic Vibranium is good for weapons.

So I will have to get Antartic Vibranium, which is only found in the Savage Lands.

The Savage Lands are a currently undiscovered island, where prehistoric Dinosours/Plants and Neanderthales live. It's basically an island stuck in the dinosourier time.

The Savage Lands are also known for their abundant Anti-Metal. They basically treat is like we treat iron. Just that, they don't know how to use iron tools yet.

So they treat that treasure, like trash but that only makes it easier for me to get it.

The only problem is that I don't know where the Savage Lands are. All I have, is that they are somewhere near or on Antartica.

I don't want to call SHIELD for this, since who knows what they would do, if they found so much Anti-Metal.

Then I guess the only solution is to go search for the Savage Lands myself.

Having decided that, I should probably tell everyone, so I quickly take my phone out and call everyone important to me.

"Hello?" Izzy asked.

"Hey, Izzy how are you?" I ask her.

"I'm good, just playing chess against Doreen, how about you?" She asks me.

"Since when do you play chess?" I ask her suprised.

"Ah well I picked it up not too long ago. Well anyway, why'd you call?" She asks me.

"Oh right, I called you to say that I will be gone for a bit." I answer her.

"Where are you going? How long will you be gone? What about the company?..." She bombards me with questions.

"Calm down. First of all I don't know how long I will be gone exactly but atleast multiple months. I will be going to multiple different countrys to form connections for our company. Edward will be leading the company while I'm gone." I awnser her.

After a small pause she says, "Alright, just be safe." After that we talked a little bit more until I hung up.

I did the same for all my other contacts except SHIELD. I still didn't give them my number, so I will just go over there and tell them that.

Changing into Minato, I teleport to the seal I placed on Fury. I suddenly appear infront of him and see that he's reading a file with "Top-Secret" on it.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Fury yells while quickly hiding the file.

"Next time knock or something!" He continues to yell.

"Sorry, sorry. Anyway I came here for something important." I say to him in a serious tone.

He raises an eyebrow at that and gives me his full attention.

"I will be gone for a couple of months. Don't call me for anything that isn't a really serious type of problem." I say to him.

"Where and why are you going?" He asks me.

"Can't say and personal reasons." I say to him.

I really can't trust SHIELD with Anti-Metal, it could mean the end of the world when Hydra finds out about it.

So, I will have to make sure Fury doesn't know about anything. Even if it's very clear that he isn't Hydra, they can still find out about it from him.

Fury squints his eyes at me before releasing a sigh. "Just be sure to be here when we need you." He says.

Wow I seriously didn't expect that. I mean I thought he would be more adamant about knowing where I'm going.

I guess trusting him, payed out. This isn't so bad.

"Okay I will. Oh also can Commissioner Karnik make a public statement about my dissapearance, so that no panic ensues?" I ask him.

Because I made myself such a public figure and people seeing me everyday helping them, it would cause panic if I suddenly dissapear without a word.

So I want Commissioner Karnik to make a statement, that I will be gone for personal reasons for a undefined time.

Well I mean, I could probably still leave a couple Shadow Clones back but I want to have full chakra when going to a dangerous spot I never was before.

"That's managable." He says.

"Alright, see ya then!" I said with a wave before vanishing.

I reappear near a ship in antartica. I placed a seal on the ship about 3 days ago in america and waited for it to sail here.

Everywhere I look is beautiful white snow. Oh it's also cold. Shit I forgot about that!

I quickly teleport back home, put on my thickest clothes and teleport back to the ship.

Thankfully the ship crew already went out, so I wasn't seen by anyone.

Alright, so I guess I will just have to run around and search for it?

So I did exactly that, I ran.

And I ran, I also ran and after that I ran. Afterwards I ran again and again.

All I am seeing is white. Just this GODDAMN WHITE SNOW! I look left, I see white! I look right, I see white!

White, white white white and some more white! I look left again, I see white! I look right again, I see white!

Uggghhh this is mentally killing me...this is worse then fighting Abomination.

I run some more and a little bit more all of that, just to see white. I look left, I see white. I look right, I see white.

Hmm...maybe the Savage Lands don't exist? I mean I know this is an alternative marvel verse so why should it be one with the Savage Lands?

I will just search a little bit more. Can't give up after coming so far, right?

<couple days later>

After multiole days of searching, I look left only to see white. I look right, only to see white.

Yeah the Savage Lands probably don't exist at this point.

I look left, I see white. I look right, I see white.

W-wait a minute? I look to my right and I see wh- oh I actually see green! Did I find it?

I run towards it and see, that it's just Antartic hairgrass. Great...

Back to searching it is...