
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 3

Repeatedly the King of Ash's army and the darkness faught, and each battle would end in a draw. The King of Ash wandered with his army and the darkness observered, waiting to attack.

The cindari help with keeping the darkness at bay, and every couple days there was a chance of another cindari forming.

The darkness was truly angered by the King of Ash and his men, no matter what he tried it ended in a draw. Off in its darkness a creature slowly grew in its depths.

A figure of pure shadow, its long legs allowed it to have speed like no other. It's long arms and claws allowed it to reach out for its prey from the darkness and kill. Sharp horns grew on the side of its head almost forming a circle. Black eyes that let it see in the dark as well as see in an almost 360 vision.

It had only made one of this creature, this horror. With each successful kill it would use the body of its prey to create more of its kind. It could also use shadows as weapons, and in a short amount of time the xyin looked around with intelligent eyes.

"Go, hunt your prey and make more of your kind!"

Following the orders of the darkness she sunk into the darkness around her and moved through the shadow realm till she reached the army. She waited patiently until she found her chances

The darkness attacked once more causing the cindari to move to the edges of the King of Ash's domain. An ash walker wasn't paying attention thinking that the cindari would handle the swallowing darkness. So when the xyin reached out and pulled the ash walker into the shadow realm no one noticed, how could they, they weren't paying attention to their own shadows.

After being pulled into the shadow realm the ash walker did its best to fight back. Following its instinct it deflected most attacks from the xyin, and when given the chance to counter it did.

The xyin on the other hand was a newborn, this was her first time fighting so she pulled it out long enough to learn a few things. After playing with her food she appeared behind the ash walker and sliced its neck.

The ash walker quickly reformed and turned around the strike at the xyin but it gravely underestimate her.

After realizing that she didn't kill it she distanced herself and looked for its weak point. In the center of its chest was a weak dark red flame, it was the core that kept the ash walker together.

At a speed the ash walker couldn't keep up with the flame inside its chest was now in the hands of the horror. As the ash walker crumbled and then turned into a pile of ash the xyin looked at the flame.

She used the shadows around her to surround the flame. Slowly the shadows currupted the flame, turning from dark red to a pitch black, almost like smoke. Following her instincts she place the flame in the pile of ash that once was the ash walker.

Quickly the shadows around her swarmed towards the flame, a black shadow quickly formed around the flame. Slowly the shadow took the shape of a xyin, this one had short horns that only curved slightly.

After the second xyin formed they both went back to hunting their prey, waiting for a chance to make more of their kind. And it wasn't a long wait, the cindari still struggled with pushing back the swallowing darkness so they were able to each pull another ash walker into the shadow realm.

The second xyin used the shadow around him to turn one of his hands into a sythe. At an alarming speed the sythe horror cut the ash walker in front of it in half while the first moved in and grabbed the flame. It didn't take long for the second ash walker to turn into a pile of ash.

The female xyin(the first) took both flames and currupted them, then place them in separate piles of ash. When the xyin formed both of them were short horned(male).

Looking around her kin a thought entered her mind.


The other three cotjin knelt on one knee towards her, successfully establishing her rule as the Queen of Xyin.

This is a picture of what I picture off the Xyin. I found it on google images.


Also female Xyin have long horns while male have shorter. Males are able to use shadows as weapons while females are the only ones who could use shadows to curroupt flames. Also females are hard to come by so there usually the queen of their own groups.

Also the swallowing darkness is a different type of darkness that swallows everything.

_Nitro_creators' thoughts