
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 2

As the King of Ash wandered so too did the ash walkers. Everywhere they went a world of ash formed, and within this world ash walkers slowly formed. There size slowly grew to much for only him to command, so he created generals.

Each general would command ten commanders, and each commander would command ten ash walkers. His army was no longer just formless ash walkers, his generals formed armor and weapons that suited their taste.

Same for the commanders but his army as a whole was becoming more defined. This helped to separate the newborn from the old ones.

Each day their world grew, and each day more ash walkers were born spearing their world of ash. His system of ranking changed as well with the growing army. His generals controlled more commanders, and there commanders controlled more ash walkers.

They would fight against each other to train, there was no holding back as well. This provided him with a strong army. When his army numbered into the ten thousands a new creature formed from the ash.

It had the form of a jellyfish with its multitude of tentacles form from ash, but it wasn't like the ash walkers. It's burn lines where more defined, greater in quantity. They glowed with a brighter red compared to his ash walkers and seemed to have intelligence on the same level as the King of Ash.

But with the birth of this Cindari the darkness was bound to sense them, and it did. Angered at the fact that while it was asleep the army of ash walkers were eating away at its masterpiece.

It swarmed the army with a darkness that swallowed everything, any ash walkers on the edge of the army that were touched by this darkness were swallowed.

But the darkness couldn't swallow them all, the King of Ash released a blinding light from his burn lines that forced the darkness back slightly.

This was his domain and he planed to keep it that way.

Testing out the strength of the cindari he had it give it it all against the darkness in his domain.

With a wave of its body it floated towards the edge of the King of Ash's domain. The burn lines along his skin growing in brightness till it blinded even the Ash King himself.

When the light faded the cindari was left pretty tired so it floated close to the ground, but the darkness that threaten to swallow them whole was gone. And with it the darkness, they had solidified their world.

• • • • •

"Dr. Green, big news!"

A man in a white lab coat was telling Dr. Green the events of what just happened. By the end of it the man was bouncing with joy.

"This is good news, but still keep it in the background, this wasn't what we want but it may give us valuable data..."

A screen was showing the events of the small skirmish, off too the side was a smaller screen. The screen showed a black screen with a small flame in the center.

The Cindari is pretty much a aequorea victoria if you want to look up a picture of the jellyfish.

_Nitro_creators' thoughts