
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 15

"Well then, now that I know what those flames really mean why not spice everything up a bit..."

Dr. Green as staring at his screen, a mischievous grin making him seem a bit crazed.

On the screen were three types of flames, a light blue flame that defied what was though to be impossible, a flame of burning da water. A green earthy flame that released dusts every now and then. and a clear flame that seemed to flow with the wind in unnatural ways.

Beside each flame was a pair of each new race, the mer, adept in the ways of water minipulation, the terra, born from the very earth they form around them, and lastly the koja, never really settling down but choosing to roam the worlds in freedom.

• • •

A group of mer formed on a small hill within the ash lands, they flames releasing a gentle blue glow. They resembled the ahi in many ways, the shape of their bodies, two feet and two arms, even facial features. But what they lacked in originality they more then made up for in looks.

With each step they took made it seem as if they where walking on air, with each breath the elements bowed down to them, admiring their beauty. Their eyes sparkled light a million stars and their ears slightly pointed. Their hair a gentle blue with bits of silver here and their, and their skin as pale as snow. Small horns emerged from their temples, curving slightly as they reached a slight point.

Looking around they saw the world of the ahi, a world of stuffy ash and an ugly gray covering all of the land. With just one look disgust filled their eyes, their gentle flames now burning with resentment for even having to stand in this place.

"Ughh, this place is atrocious, how could their be so much of one color!"

Their first born a naturally their strongest looked at the world with contempt. With a slight wave of her wrist and with the power of her flames she sought out a world of their own, one where they can truly build something beautiful.

A portal formed and on the other side a massive ocean of emptiness, a world untouched by all, perfect for their kind. Water brusted out from the portal with ferocity, turning the surrounding hill into a lake of murky water,

"No no no, this won't do, I won't be having our connection point be so...hideous!"

As one the mer used their flames to purge the waters of impurities. Now the lake water was crystal clear, sparkling within an unnatural light, instead of becoming murky again the surround land that thouched the lake flourished with green nature.

"Now we won't have to worry about such hideous scenery."

With looks of contempt they sauntered through the portal, enjoying the beautiful lake the gifted to the ugly land of gray.