
[Dropped]The Realm.

In this world the good guy doesn't beat the villain, in fact there isn't even good or bad. In this world there are only two beings, the all-encompassing darkness and a spark of flame that keeps to itself. _____________________________________________________ There is no upload schedule as I write when I get inspiration I upload on both royalroad and webnovel and currently royal road is ahead in chapters so I will be working to bring them over.

_Nitro_ · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 14

The sky lands, as the ina came to call their home was progressively growing, using their knew powers they tempered with the rules of their world like the Ahi and Hjin. Made it so as the world grew, new land would constantly form, this way they need not spend every day adding on to their world.

As elders of their new race they also found a way to 'birth' more of their kind. They grow their flames to a point where they can brake off a piece. Then they would guide the piece of flame to grow within a pool of liquid light on there island.

The way their race slowly grew, but there was still much they did not understand about their power. Where the Ahi and Hjin has many, many years to grow their knowledge they were but a seed not yet ready to grow until they lay down enough roots.

Even so they used their past knowledge to tread forwards slowly. Today was a day all of them waited for in excitement, today they would open a portal to visit the Ahi.

The centered their power on a circular disk that sprung to life as the power of their white flames looted into the disk, golden flames circling around the edge of the disk. As the speed increased the center of the disk started to whirl, forming a small vortex of energy.

As the energy thouched the golden flames along the edge it abruptly stopped, ripples of energy danced along the disk until they too stopped. In return of their hard work on the other side of the disk could be seen the ash lands.

With a multitude of emotions the elder Ina flew through the stable rift.

• • •

As he was cultivating he once again felt a disturbance within his domain, a circular disk burst to life with golden flame before settling into a rift like portal.

Before he could even react to the new situation a bunch of cindari burst through the portal, no not cindari but something else.

"What are you and what business do you have with us Ahi!" Appearing from a pile of ash close to the portal he spoke to the new race.

"Do you not remember us, have you already forgot after a little time has pasted without us elders around!"

Eith a wave of laughter from the Ina they slowly floated down to the ground to allow the King of Ash to get a better look at them.

As they settled on the group an elder cindari hovered over to them, her tentacles dragging behind her.

"I thought i'd never see you again!" She spoke to all over them and one of them at the same time, the second-now first-elder of the Ina.

As everything settled down the Ahi and the Ina celebrated for a couple day, no longer alone they could now finally communicate with their kin.

A truce was born between the two races, now they would meet their enimes as one, fire and light working together to push back the darkness. As a little parting gift the Ina left the Ahi small will-o'-wisps made of light to both keep the darkness at bay and push it back.

Now i think it's time i go a bit into elements, the world I am making has six basic element. Light and shadow are opposing, fire and water are opposing, but i view air and earth as neutral elements.

So that means the Ina and the Hjin are natural enemies, but this isn't just because of their opposing elements, no, some Ina still resent the fact that they were forced into this new life because of the Hjin.

_Nitro_creators' thoughts