

Yasu's parents died when he was 3 years old. He had been mistreated for a whole 15 years. Thus, he had never experienced family love and due to having become a cold person, he had no friends. The only thing that made him happy was reading manga, especially Fairy Tail. In his afterlife, Yasu was granted the ability to be transported to Fairy Tail. Follow Yasu's adventure in the new world where he would meet interesting people, fighting exciting battles, experiencing love, making friends, and living his life to the fullest. I don't know if it can be considered a "harem". This is a work of fiction. I don't own anything except for my main character and OC. The cover isn't mine. I couldn't find the artist. Enjoy ^^

Keitomi · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Makarov's Misschevious Plan

A few seconds after drinking the potion, both of their face went pale when Erza's eyeball disappeared. But then after a few seconds, another eye appeared instead. This made the duo relieved.

Erza touched her eye with a trembling hand to make sure they were real since it felt like a dream. She couldn't feel the strange feeling from her right eye anymore. It seemed to belong to her. Realizing this, Erza smiled gently with tears welled up in her eyes as all her repressed emotions surged at this moment.

"Thank you..."

After saying this, Erza hugged him tightly, her head rested on his chest, without even considering that if it was a normal person, he would get squeezed like a lemon. However, Yasu, with his Body's might, could easily resist under her strong hug. He didn't know how to react to this as this was his first time in this kind of situation. Moreover, he hadn't had much interaction with people in the past. So, he just let her do and calmly said, "There is no need to thank me..."

Yasu thought that way because all he did was to spend some easily earned points to help her. He didn't consider it a "Big deal". If other people were to know about his thought, they would look at him as a fool because regrowing someone's body part was never heard of.

A moment later, Erza had a flushed expression on her face. Only a few people had seen her crying, so it was only natural that she was ashamed of herself. Trying to change the awkward atmosphere, Erza said, "Again, know that I am very grateful to you. Don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything. Should we get back to the guild ?"

Understanding her intention, Yasu just nodded his head in return. Then, both returned to the building alongside each other. Entering the guild, everyone could easily discern that something happened between those two as Erza had a happy smile on her face. They were used to her serious and scary face, so this was something new to them.

An extremely short and elderly man who was growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair, caught the attention of everyone as he stated, "Nice to meet, I am Makarov, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail. I've heard a lot about you from Gray."

With that said, Makarov shifted his gaze toward Erza. Then, he looked open-mouthed at her right eye. Recomposing himself after a few seconds, Makarov's smile returned to his face.

"I glad for you Erza...HAHAHA"

Gray frowned in response to his words. He was standing next to them all this time and didn't understand what they were talking about. Erza acted strangely by dragging Yasu outside. And when they returned 15 min later, she had a happy expression on her face. As his curiosity got the best of him, Gray asked, "What are you talking about master ?"

Makarov just shrugged his shoulders and said, "As time goes on, you will understand."

Gray became even more confused by this but chose to leave the matter aside. He then remembered something as he asked, "Oh right! Yasu, where are you going to sleep at night ?"

The latter fell in thoughts after hearing the question. He didn't have money to rent a bed in a hostel. Should he go back to his cavern? Maybe he could sleep in the streets, he had a resistant body after all. A simple cold night wouldn't kill him...

Interrupting his thinking, Erza bluntly suggested, "I don't mind hosting him at my house."

Makarov stroke his chin for a while, seemingly considering something before saying, "I see...there shouldn't be any problem then...Gray, Good job. I forgot to congratulate you for destroying the smuggling Northern Wolves organization. Come, we should leave these two alone. Heh heh heh..."

Hearing Makarov's praise, Gray rubbed the back of his head and with a grin on the face.

"Thank you, master. I'll make sure to show off in front of Natsu when he comes back from his mission...Hahaha"

Makarov and Gray started walking away. Yasu was left standing alone with Erza, watching their departure until they couldn't be seen anymore.

"We should also get going to the town's clothing store. Your attire leaves a lot to be desired. You are going to be surprised by how much clothes can change a person's look."

Yasu felt curious about her statement. He had always worn dirty clothing in the previous 8 months and even in his past life. So he wanted to see how his appearance would look like.

Without waiting for his answer, Erza reached out his hand and took him toward the shop, this time, in a less forceful manner.


When the two walked in the street, people were curiously looking at them. The question on everyone's mind was "Why is a beautiful woman walking hand in hand with such a dirty clothed man ?"

Standing before a medieval building made out of wood, Erza said, "This is the most popular clothes shop in Mongolia. We won't find any better quality clothes than here"

"You don't—"

Erza put her finger over his mouth, effectively interrupting him.

"This is the least I can do to thank you, we are friends aren't we ?"

His mind suddenly went blank when he heard this. This was the first time someone ever said something like this to him. This made him feel a warm feeling in his heart. Tightening his grip on her hand, Yasu nodded his head and displayed to her a natural smile on his face in return.