

Yasu's parents died when he was 3 years old. He had been mistreated for a whole 15 years. Thus, he had never experienced family love and due to having become a cold person, he had no friends. The only thing that made him happy was reading manga, especially Fairy Tail. In his afterlife, Yasu was granted the ability to be transported to Fairy Tail. Follow Yasu's adventure in the new world where he would meet interesting people, fighting exciting battles, experiencing love, making friends, and living his life to the fullest. I don't know if it can be considered a "harem". This is a work of fiction. I don't own anything except for my main character and OC. The cover isn't mine. I couldn't find the artist. Enjoy ^^

Keitomi · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Targeted by a demon

Entering the shop with Erza, Yasu could see plenty of clothes arranged in specific categories such as women, kids, and men. Erza took him to the men's section and presented various kinds of clothes to him.

"You have short black hair and don't give the impression of a talkative person. So how about something that matches your hair's color and doesn't stand out too much ?"

Looking at her, Yasu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, you can choose any clothes that you think suit me."

As he had never chosen his clothes in the past, Yasu didn't know anything about fashion sense so he decided to let her do it instead.

In the end, Erza selected various clothes for him. She seemed happy doing that as she had presented a lot of clothes to him. She didn't care about how much money everything would cost. It wasn't a problem to an S-Class mage. What she most cared about was to find anything that suits him well.

Currently, Yasu was in the changing room with Erza as she seemed to have no problem with men. In the past, she used to shower with Natsu and Gray when they were younger. Yasu also didn't care about that, so no one commented on it.

Erza was stunned when she saw Yasu's naked upper body. Due to his Body Cultivation Technique, Yasu had visible muscles all over his body and a ten pack. Compared to Gray, it was like the difference between a fatty and a military-trained soldier. She didn't expect that Yasu had hidden such a thing under his clothes. Trailing her hand over his body, Erza commented, "I didn't think you were so muscular."

Yasu was amused at her words. He was only at the Mortal Flesh X realm so if she was already that impressed then she is in for a big surprise.

When Yasu wore his dark blue hoodie and a pair of shorts of the same color, his looks changed so much that he thought the person in the mirror's reflection wasn't him. Instead of looking like a beggar, he looked more like a handsome boy. This brought a smile to his face as he now understood Erza's words.

She wasn't in a better state than him as she watched him with open-mouthed. Erza didn't know why but she couldn't help blushing seeing his appearance. It felt as if a dragon had his wings back and could now fly high in the sky. Suddenly an image of her riding a giant white dragon with a happy smile on her face appeared on her mind. Strangely, she was looking forward to that moment. Erza also felt proud of herself for having selected the clothes for him.

"You look great..."

Smiling in response to her word, Yasu said, "Thank you for your kind words. We should get back to the guild. I have yet to receive my Fairy Tail's mark."

"You're right. I forgot about that. But first, we need to get you a new hairstyle."


After Yasu had his haircut, Erza said "The others aren't going to recognize you."


Back at the guild, Yasu was walking towards Mirajane to get his mark. Erza was waiting for him at the door. Everyone looked at him strangely, none of them seemed to recognized the boy that just joined their guild 5 hours ago.

"Hey, young man, I have never seen you before. What are you doing here ?" said Macao as he approached Yasu.

He was a slim, mildly muscular man of average height with short, straight, and slicked back dark blue hair.

"What are you talking about? You have already seen me before..."

Macao blinked his eyes a few times in confusion. Why is he saying that they have met in the past? He had never seen such a handsome man in his life. Even if Macao wasn't attracted to people of the same sex, he was envious of the man's look before him. Looking more closely at his face, Macao remembered about the new member.

"You're the new member Yasu !?"

Nodding his head, Yasu answered, "Indeed, It's me. Sorry, but I need to go I am in a hurry."

Leaving the absent-minded Macao, Yasu approached Mira.

She had long, white hair which curls slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest.

Even though she had a kind smile on her face, Yasu's instinct told him to not anger her. It told him that he won't be able to win against her in a fight.

"Hi Yasu, did you come to get your mark ?"

Nodding his head in response, Yasu said, "Nh, I would like to have it at my right abdomen please."

Hearing this, Mira took out the magical item that she had used to mark Lucy back in the anime and knelt on the ground to put the tattoo. Seeing her from above Yasu felt a little strange. This was the first time it happened to him. Because of his instinct, Yasu felt a strong impulse to dominate her. However, he forced himself to restraint that feeling.

"There you go. You're quite muscular" remarked Mira after imprinting the tattoo.

Because of his attire, his muscles were well hidden. So when Yasu pulled up his hoodie with one hand to show her his naked abdomen, she didn't expect to find such a toned body.

"Thank you, Erza told me the same thing."

Saying this, Yasu then around and walked away toward Erza. Unknowingly to him, Mira was closely observing him from behind with a predatory look on her face.

"I won't let you get him for yourself, Erza..."