
[DC] Keep your head down!

It was an innocent survey on Heylel's phone. It asked 'Would you like to make a character to reincarnate into DC?' And he replied with an innocent answer, 'I would not.' Well, whoever made that survey did not seem to like that, which brought him—now her—here, a gun in hand staring down at an angry Batman, as she kicked away the body of Joker's girlfriend who was at the moment very dead. He was glaring at her. She cowered but still spat out, "It was self-defence." [Sociopathic MC] [Cover's mine] [With recent reviews I think I need to clarify something, this is not an OP/cheat fic. The MC is a child and it will take time for her to get stronger or to make any impact whatsoever(would you listen to a child?)]

SthUnlimted · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

A world of capes and masks(8)

The hatch hung loose, and a head popped out soon after, his eyes tussling between us. An older kid, probably fourteen? Five years over us at least. Still skinny and probably useless in a fight.

"Wait a second let me drop the ladder," He said as he crawled back in like some monster from a B-rate horror flick of the 2000s. After the fact, I was the first to take the ladder. Climbing up, into the attic it was much different from my assumptions. For one it was clean.

Following me were Riley and Dina who quickly snaked up the ladder, "So how is it outside."

"No idea, the mooks went running after Batman came. Still, the goons hold the outer walls."

"So, no police?" I shook my head. From what I knew of this GCPD it would charge straight into a meat grinder to save lives, but in hostage situations, they held out until the captives were safe.

"Fine, how did you guys hide?" I shrugged, "We didn't really, they were coming and there were ten of us, we barricaded ourselves in with desks and benches."

"Ah, right so why are you guys here? Outside?"

I clamped up at his question. And glared in the direction of the two, "We wanted to find others," Riley told him.

"We should be safe here," We were safe there. But did that stop them? From turning this into a mess. Still, I wonder why? Why go out to risk your life for people you don't even know?

"Right," I nodded at him, "Let's wait here—" My words were interrupted by gunfire. It was distant.

Another shot. It was louder this time.

Another. Louder.


It was getting closer.

I jumped for the attic hatch. Pulling at the handle with all my might, slamming it up into the frame.

I had left the three startled, but I pushed on. Pulling it in, I snatched one of the desk legs from Riley jamming it straight into the frame and wedging it to stop any movement.

Still, the gunshots drew closer.



Levi and what mates he could gather were in a fighting retreat, firing the corners at the lips of the window and anything moving in general. A little devil was praying at them from the shadows.

They had scrounged up anybody they could in the school and pulled back everybody. Other than the guys on the outer walls, if they were pulled there would be nothing but the flimsy threat to hostages to stop them.

Their eyes were jerking from one spot to the next, still, they couldn't find it. It was striking at their blind spots–picking them off one by one. Blunt trauma to the head was its favorite method.

Step by step they were being pushed back.

"Levi, we keep this up, we need a plan. Fast," One of his group shouted, he couldn't quite make out who, but his mind had been racing since their situation become apparent to him.

"Top floor, there's a kid there. Thinks he is smart and thinks he's hidden. We take him!"

Why were they even fighting now? Right Joker.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, we left the kid there in case."


"Blast the lock," I jumped back as the words reached my ears. A slug ripped through the lock not two seconds after. Again people! No blind firing, it could hit someone, namely me!

"Come down brat or I will make that attic swiss cheese."

I could see the quake in his body. He locked his eyes on us and they narrowed daring us to squeak.

The goons knew he was here, but did they know about us? Probably not. The cameras could alert them but he was asking for a single person.

They only knew that one was here. But then why did they not catch him? Nevermind. They didn't know we were here. They only knew about one person. So only one had to go. My eyes upturned and loomed towards him, a pity play, I wanted him to go.

He swallowed down a lump of saliva and shook his head. Dina and Riley were equally shaken. They weren't going to move.

"COME DOWN NOW!" A roar came with a cracking thunder as another slug ripped at the hatch and I sighed. These three were useless.

I had three options, one stay put and hope that one of three moves or that the slugs don't mince meat me. Two, I could pull my gun on the guy and force him down, yeah and lose any hope of being trained by Batman. Three jump down and get caught with the gun still on me and get a guaranteed training montage with Batman for my heroics? Well, as I stood up I mumbled this better be worth it.

"Please don't shoot! I am coming!" Dina jumped to stop and Riley almost stumbled in his hurry to copy her.

But I just grabbed the running fool into a hug, "I will be safe, I have a gun remember?"

"But—but—but." She swallowed, "Let's go together."

A liability, if my plans—in reality, I was just gonna have to wing it—had to take her into account they would have to be more complex, so, "Sorry."

I didn't stop for a second before ripping the desk leg from the hatch.

Opening it I was greeted by a sawed-off's barrel staring me down, "Get down!" The man behind the gun snarled.

"Can you put the shotgun off?" I asked with a troubled look, I wasn't going to jump without that.

The gun lowered as he turned around, his gun joining his colleagues at pointing at the hallways.

He grabbed a thing from his pocket, it was an odd contraption, with a very odd design, with an embossed 'C' on it.

"We got that brat. Yeah, I am coming. Hold on Levi."

They can talk. They can talk over those things! That's why they jammed us up. Because they had workarounds.

Clambering down from the hatch I was instantly grabbed and a pistol was placed on my head, "Wanna try anything funny?" He asked and I want to grab my gun as a response but I just shook my head.

"Good girl, now what's your name?"


"Dracina? That's an unfamiliar name."

"We are the peel plastic makers, small time." What is peel plastic? No idea. Just made it up.




A/N: Again thanks for reading and a Happy New year to all of you. I had an interesting year and in 2023 I will be giving my college entrance exams. Feels weird man, growing up is such a weird stage.

Anyway if you guys are wondering why Heylel is taking risks it is because she really wants Batman to train him and the reason for that is—Batman has regularly taken on way more than any hero in this world.

Moreover the money from inheriting even a portion of Wayne's enterprises—after the inheritance tax—will be enough to set her up for life.

Right, do enjoy your holidays.

Oh right, this fic crossed 1k collections(many fics do it in 12 chapters, some in even less) but I digress.]