
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 8

I was throwing on a shirt after my shower when I saw my computer was beeping. My motion sensors in the house had been triggered. I knew the family would be out for the day as they were hunting. I grabbed one of the throwing knives I had been working with; since the coach gave me those exercises to work on at home, Emmett was mostly the one to help me out with them. I felt my ability to throw a simple knife was getting better. I started to feel a tight pain in my chest, it was tolerable but I felt like me heart was going to rip out of my chest. I grabbed my knife and slowly opened my door, started to look around the room, went into the kitchen, then heard a whoosh sound behind me, and I turned and threw the knife.

The next moment I saw a girl a couple of inches shorter than me, with Pale brown hair and red eyes. I couldn't form words; I just looked at her. My heart was still beating fast.


(Ohhh, flashback)

I was sitting with Carlisle and Esme at the dinner table; I had asked them how they met.

"Well, Drakul's love in the supernatural world is different. There is a thing called a mate bond that every vampire goes through. Esme and I have known each other for a long time. I met her when she was young in the hospital; I knew we had a connection, but she was very young at the time; it was only when she ended up in the morgue later in her life with a faint heartbeat that I turned her and I knew it was the right time." Carlisle said

I was in awe over this, I looked at Esme, and she shook her head, " Well, what if there still alive and a vampire has one with a human?"

Carlisle looked intrigued by this question, "Then their bond is strong for a vampire to get a bond with a human that is still alive and not endangered, it is rare, but it does happen from time to time, for a vampire to get a human as a mate it will take every ounce of them to be careful with them as they are very fragile."

"So, how does it work? Do they like to sense each other, or is it like love at first sight?" I asked

"It's different with each person; there are some who get a sense that they need to be with that person so it will attract both of them to each other, and in some cases with a human and vampire, the human will feel chest pain because you know they still have a beating heart, the human will experience a feeling of euphoria over themselves."

I sat in awe over this, pondering all that information, and it does make sense for a mate bond, I thought of my siblings, and other than Edythe, my siblings were devoted to one another like an eternity of love.

(Flashback over)


She put her pointer finger up and moved it side to side, tisking, "Is that how you treat all of your guests?" she said

"Only the ones who forget we have a doorbell," I said

Then I saw a tall ass man come from behind. I recognized his face. It was Felix, one of Volturi's guards. Then it clicked on what was going on, I turned my head back to her, and I bowed, "Then you must be Jane." I said as I bowed

"So you know more than we thought, the Volturi wants to see you."

I went for my phone in my pocket, then Felix stopped me. As she walked behind me, I heard her," You can inform the Cullens when we reach Italy." She said

Felix turned my chair around and then took me to the door, "I need to grab a bag if I am going away for a few; I need clothes." Felix huffed as he smirked, and Jane sent him a sharp look, and the smirk was washed away, "Go grab what you need, but we are leaving in ten; the plane will not wait long."

Felix took me to my room, and I grabbed a bag from my closet that Alice had put there; see, we always knew something like this might happen, so Alice and Carlisle packed me a bag, and there was a note attached to the bag. (Give this note to Marcus when you arrive) before I grabbed the bag, I grabbed a bottle of pills off of my table and took one, and then shoved them into my bag; as we were leaving, I was looking at my 3-D printer and fabricator and was sad because my prototype legs were at least another 7 hours from being done, I hoped I would get to play with them today, Felix took me out of my room then we left for a plane that would take us to Italy where the Volturi where located.

My heart was still aching on the plane ride; I mostly just had my chair over by a window. I saw another man come from the back of the plane I also recognized him, Demetri the Volturi's tracker. They all sat on one side of the aircraft, away from me.

I could see Demetri eyeing me, trying to read me; I stared back, waved a little, and whispered, "Hi, Demetri" in a soft tone.

His eyes widened, and he spoke up, "So you know who I am? How about him." He put his hand on Felix's shoulder. I nodded, " That's Felix" They all looked at each other for a few, then Jane took her turn asking questions, "How is it that you know of us? Did the Cullens tell you?" she asked. I took a cigar from my bag, lit it with a match, and took a puff before answering, "No, I had known about the Volturi long before I met them. You, on the other hand, I found out about it when I joined the Cullen family, a lot of my data and research was a little outdated, and they helped me fill in the gaps."

Demetri shook his head, wondering what I meant by data and research, "Why do you have research on us."

I took another puff," Well, when two nomadic vampires murder your entire family, and you are the only survivor, you start to ask yourself questions. "

Jane whispered in a low tone I barely heard, "Sorry to hear that." As I said, I barely heard her words, but Demetri and Felix heard her loud and clear, giving her a look of confusion.

Felix finally spoke up, his voice in rough tone," What other research do you have."

I didn't want to sell out the shapeshifters mainly because I didn't know if the Volturi had ever run into them before, and the Quileute Tribe only knows of the Cullens at the moment, so it felt wrong to put this problem on them, so I choose my words wisely. "Well, I have some on certain nomadic vampires that Carlisle told me about a few other smaller covens and some research on The Children of the Moon." When I mentioned them, Jane reacted sourly, " Do not ever mention those abominations around me!!"

I apologized, which ruined the mood, so we all went and did our things for a while. While looking through my bag Alice packed, I found some clothes, more cigars, 'thank you Alice' and a chess board. I grabbed it and thought for a few about why she packed me a chess board of all things. I then looked towards Jane, looking out of the plane's window; I put the chess board in my lap and went over to Jane, who, halfway over, looked at me, "What do you need?"

I looked at her, frightened a little but building the courage to speak up, "I am sorry about your brother; I truly mean it." Her face calmed a bit, "I am sorry about your family, also for lashing out early; it's a sensitive subject for me." She sounded like she meant it. There was silence for a moment, "Would you like to play a game of chess?" I asked

She chuckled a bit, then smiled, "Sure, why not."

We sat there for most of the remainder of the flight, playing chess and having small conversations; she asked me about what happened to my family and how I survived afterward. I told her what happened and how I met the Cullens. For me, I have no idea what Emmett and Jasper worried about. I think she is pretty nice; I don't get why there called her an Ice queen, like never judge a book by its cover kind of situation. Me and Jane talked for so long I didn't even realize that Felix and Demetri were giving me worried stares like I didn't know if they were for Jane or me, but when Jane noticed them, their heads turned very quickly when Jane caught them looking at us.

When we arrived at Volterra, they put on their cloaks, and Felix helped me off the plane; I understood why this place is a huge tourist attraction. It was beautiful here, the old structures and flowers. It was a little too bright for my taste but beautiful. We traveled through the streets and stopped and entered a building, then went past a secretary lady, and she greeted us. I asked the obvious question and asked if she was human. Felix told me she wanted to be a vampire, and Demetri said she would be, the Jane remarked, or dinner. That kind of put me at an awkward stop, but nevertheless, we moved on to a set of large doors.