
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 6

(Author Note) This is hands down the most boring chapter I have made, I don't think it is my best but I feel before I introduce Beau and Edythe stuff I had to explain what Drakul would be doing at school too. Next Chapter will be more interesting, well I think it will be. Then after chapter 7 is when I think the story will be much more entertaining.


Drakul woke up a hour earlier than he normally does, he wanted to get a shower and some coffee before they leave for school. Drakul went into the kitchen and Jasper had already made some coffee for him. Esme got him a cup and poured him a cup he adds a little sugar and took it back to his room and went out to the porch. Drakul sips his coffee,"Mmh good." He lights a cigar and looks into the forest, he could see into the woods , the clouds blocking out the sun which was barely coming out. For the first time in awhile he was enjoying being outside.

Alice came into the room and put her hand together, " Are you ready... let's get you dressed."

Alice puts him into a light blue t-shirt and khaki pants that were cut and resewn to close the holes in them. She brushed over his hair. Drakul was pushed to the front door and they helped him into Emmett's Jeep. Drakul felt uneasy about his appearance because he felt exposed.

When they arrived at school Emmett grabbed his wheelchair, he helped him into his wheelchair. Drakul went along with his siblings, he could feel the attention on him and the eyes that where staring at him. Rose put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it to make him feel better, he started to feel a bit better as they entered the office to grab my schedule. We all looked at its, the only classes that I wouldn't have with them is first period and my last period.

They all went there separate ways but Edythe who was showing me around the school, she nudged me and told me to open my backpack.

"I could see that you were not really into what Alice put on you so I grabbed your black hoodie on are way out and put it in your backpack."

When she stopped talking we had reached my first class English. She waved goodbye, then I saw Eric and he ran up to me, "So you decide your first day was going to be a friday huh."

"Yeah felt like it would be easier." I said

Eric took me to the teacher Mr. Mason, he welcomed me to the class and then told me what they where working on, he told me that they were finishing up there lesson they had been working on, so he told me to relax for today but to be ready next week, he let me sit by Eric, we sat there and talked about movies and video games.

When the bell rang I left the room and I saw Rose waiting for me at the door to our Calculus class. I did the same thing I introduced my and then he put my next to Rose so she could help me if I need anything. Rose and I just talked most of the class, when Mr. Jarman walked by asking why we were talking we told him that we were done and he just huffed and walked away me and Rose snickered a bit.

Third period same process I met Jasper sat over by him and listened to Ms. Hall talked about different wars they were going to cover in the following weeks. I just tuned her out and started to mess with my phone in the back of class.

Now Fourth period was funny because this school put me in gym, like what to the except me to do play soccer. I was happy when I saw Edythe and Alice waiting for me, I met the Coach and he was really cool. He got the rest of the students doing stuff and we talked for awhile, he told me he was sorry about the situation I was in and gave me exercise to do a home to help me build up the upper body strength. He was a really nice person, most of that class was good untell a "loose basketball " hit me, the kid in question said it was on accident but he was obviously hiding a smile. I swear if looks could kill that kid would be ashes, Alice and Edythe checked on me, I was fine. Edythe told me he did indeed to it on purpose because he thought it would be funny... the kids name is Tanner Garrison he is known for being a dick head.

Lunch was pretty normal I sat with the rest of my family and they pestered me out my day. Honestly the rest of the day was pretty mundane, I had Biology with Edythe and then IBCA with Eric.

I honestly school was what I thought it would be, pretty boring but that's the price you pay for wanting to be normal.

(Author Notes) Like I said boring as hell but wanted to do something with him being in school.