
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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BM:B3 Chapter 3

Small Authors Note: The Next few chapters will be in E's P.O.V., so the language will definitely be different.

With Stevie gone to Volterra to get his transformation done, it has left us back here planning out the battle.

(In my story, Victoria's army has a lot more people, like 150 new-borns)

I was starting into the forest, lost in my head; I never thought this was where my life would lead, seeing my "dead" brother, meeting a family of vampires, becoming a vampire, and meeting my true love.


E was knocked down to the ground, his hand holding his face. His father is standing over him.

"If you are under my roof, you will believe in what we do; I will not have my son be agnostic; you might as well be atheist."

He looked over to his mother, but she kept quiet; she never helps you in these situations; she is as bad as him.

He got off the ground, "Fine, fuck you, then I don't need you. I have enough proof to be emancipated and care for myself. E got up, went to his room, packed up a few bags, hopped into his vehicle, and drove to the next street. He stopped in front of a house with a 1969 SS Camero. He knocks on the door, and a few seconds later, the door opens to a smaller boy; he has short white hair, is missing an eye, and is very skinny and pale skin; he was the closes thing to a brother I honestly had. He may be younger than me, but he was always there for me and helped me not make bad decisions.

The boy softly spoke, "He E is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just had huge fallout with my parents, and I kind of packed my shit and left."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Well, I am going to go get emancipated, then travel, I guess, make money, and just wonder for a bit."

"That will be good for you; I can help if you need me."

"I'll be alright, I have some money built up already, but I will keep in contact if you need me."

The two boys talked for a while, then when the night was creeping in, E stood up, said goodbye, and walked to his vehicle; he stopped when he was about to get into his car.

"Hey, Stevie, if you even need to use Protocol 66 while I am gone, let me know, dude."

Stevie chuckled, "I'll try to remember."

(End of Flashback)

I was pulled out of my thought by Edythe, who had put a hand on my shoulder; she just looked at me and smiled.

"Stevie would be proud of you, E; you have come far from your past. Not many people can say that you have a wonderful brother. Yes, Stevie may not be blood, but look at us. None of us are blood-related; family doesn't have to be blood. Sometimes the family we surround ourselves with are never blood-related; they are just people who make us happy."

"Thank You, Edythe; I needed that. I am just worried about his transformation, something could go wrong, and the legs do not accept the venom. They are just too many variables to count for."

"Drake is a tough cookie; that kid will make it threw; he may be timid with new people and quiet at times, but when he draws out a plan, it works."

"Yeah, you are not wrong the fucker, faked his own death; he can survive the transformations."

"That's the spirit; now get ready; we have training soon; our cousins will be here in an hour; we have to fill them in properly."

"Ohh God, please tell me they left Laurent and Garrett at home. I can't deal with those two; they are like children when they are together."

"Sadly, Yes."

After Edythe left, I used my ability to shut my door and then when to my and Stevie's shared workshop and pulled out a crate from the closet.

I then smiled, "These will be perfect."