
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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BM:B2 Chapter 3

E and I where sitting in a plane that is owned my the Volturi, I was working on a new serum. It was mainly just a theory at this point but it should work thought. I was working on it when E can in to my room on the plane.

I put down my papers, "What's up man?" I asked

He plopped down on my bed and groaned, "I hate flighting, it so boring man."

I chuckled, "We will be landing in 30 minutes just chill."



(30 minutes)

Me and E walked off the plane and a person walked up too us in a black hood, "Welcome back to Volterra Drac and welcome to Ephraim."

"Thank you, where is Jane or Felix or Demetri." I asked

"They are busy at the moment I was sent to come get the two of you." he said

E and I entered a black van with tinted windows, after about 25 minutes we pulled up to the castle and got out.

*whistles* "Damn this is were y'all live, damn Drac." E said

"Yup just wait tell you see the inside."

The same man took us inside the building, we where walking through the halls and I noticed it was very empty, like too empty. We approached the throne room and the man threw the doors open.

"Surprise." I heard like 30 voices say at once

I froze up, I was not expecting a party, I looked at E and he looked at me and grinned at me.

Next Suplicia ran up gave me a huge bear hug, E laughed at this but I knew he wasn't going to get out of this, like I thought Didyme looked at E and gave him a hug too. After they where done crushing us, E looked to me.

"Dude I didn't think think she was going to let me good." E said catching his breath.

I laughed at him, "Yeah you build up strong lungs around my family."

Athena and Marcus came up too us, Athena kept staring at Ephraim angrily and E took notice of this.

"Hey take a picture it will last longer."

Everyone in the room went silent, everyone looked at each other. E didn't give up his expression he held, then Athena relaxed and smiled give E a weirdly lustful look.

"I like him." she whispered, but I was close enough to hear it.

"Drac?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned and saw Jane, I ran to her and gave her a hug and kiss. We walked around the room talking to everyone, we lastly went to Father and my Mothers. E followed behind us, not like shyly but more or less like he belong there.

Marcus looked at E and then to Athena, he nodded his head at Athena and then said, "I will not have my mate be a human."

She started to walk away but E just had to open his mouth, "Wow who pissed in her cheerios this morning."

Athena heard it and II just looked at him and gave him an look like dude really.

She stormed up to E, "What did you just say." She screamed at him

E don't backing down, " I said who pissed in your cheerios this morning."

Athena just looked at him about to blow up on him, "You are just a human."

I was a bit offended, "But Mother I am a human." I said

I was hurt by her statement, I get her angry can get the best of her at times but seriously. I just walked out and left the room, I was going to relax in my room.

I heard from Athena behind me, "Son wait I didn't mean it." She said

I knew it was not directed to me but I am still human for now so it still hurt.


I watch my brother leave the throne room with Jane, I was pissed because he made a far point from what he told me, he had a bond with the leaders, they saw Stev. . . Drac as a son, so I get it. I looked back to Athena, I felt drawn to her but I am still pissed at what she said.

"Look now you upset my brother, you really need to watch what you say." I said

"I need to watch what I say so do you, your so vulgar with your words it pisses me off."

Marcus POV

I watched as E and Athena went back and forth insulting each other and it was quite a show, I stood next to Suplicia and my Didyme next to me, we just watched as these two went back and forth at each other.

Whether Athena likes it or not E is her mate, I mean at least the two of them have the same personality, they are literally prefect for each other.

I loved to Didyme, "We should go check on our son."

"I agree"

"I would like to come, those two love birds have calmed down." Suplicia said

I guess they heard her, "What did you say." Both Athena and E said

Suplicia put her hands up, "Nothing we are going to check up on Drac."

That calmed them, "I'll go later to apologize later" Athena said


Drac POV

I was laying my head on my love's legs, just thinking to my self, Jane was running here hand threw my hair. I was upset but I know it was just Athena's temper, it always gets the best of her. I was about to rest my eyes when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

I hear my door nob open and Father and Mother Didyme and Suplicia come in. They came to my bed and sat on the edge.

"Ohh are you doing buddy." Father asked

"I am alright, I know Mother says things she doesn't mean when her temper gets the best of her."

( A/N, When it come to Didyme and Suplicia and Athena. I am just going to put Mother A, Mother S and D just so people don't get confused.)

Mother D, just started to play with my hair as well, Mother S came and put her hand on my shoulder, ever since Father meet with Bonnie I have been okay with Mother S not wearing gloves around me, she knew everything I wanted to hide.

"Yeah, she can be like that." Father said

We just sat in silence for a few minutes then another knock was heard on the door, then it was opened. Athena and E came into my room, Athena didn't say anything she just walked over to me and picked me up and she sat down and put me on her lap, I stayed quite.

"I am sorry for what I said earlier, I let my temper get the better of me and I didn't mean to say that." Mother A said

"I accept your apology, how are you and E doing." I said nudged her say the last part

Both E and Mother had a weird look like they where embarrassed.

"Well I am still new to this bond thing but I do know that I am happy." E said

"Yes, trust me bro you two are two peas in a pod trust me, y'all where meant for each other." I said

"Heyyy, that's mean." E said

"You two asked pretty much the same way." I said

"True, umm I am new but when do I have to turn." E asked

"Honestly, anytime you want, really but I am putting you on a pill supplement dude." I said

"That's fair, I don't want to kill someone to be honest, its not something I think I want to do." E said

"That's fair man, I have Jasper on those and to be honest he looks a lot better too, he doesn't look like he is in pain 24/7 around humans." I said

"Hey Stevi . . . I mean Drac, nah fuck that dude pick a better nickname bro Drac really?"

"What I thought it was better than say the full name."

"How about like Damion or like Drake dude, something normal." E said

"Mhhh Drake sounds a bit better I will say and lets be honest Drac still sounds like a vampire name its like being name Vladimir but then going by Vlad."

(Thank you Lynx_2771)

"I can work with Drake." E said

I look down at my phone and realize its time for dinner, "Hey guys y'all want to have a family dinner." I asked


We had all migrated to a huge private Dinning room that was built when I planned on spending sometime here. Jane and I sat and one end and Father and Mother D at the other end, then Mother A and E on one side and Mother S sat on the other side.

Two human servants came out and brought me and E food and then cups of blood for everyone else. I looked over to Mother S she looked sad, we all had are mates and she didn't.

"Mother, you will find your soon. I am sure of it." I said looking at her

She looked at me and smiled, "Thank you son."

I started to eat and so did E, after we both finished we both started to talk about different topics.

"So Stevie . . ." E said

"Dude you make me change my nickname but then still call me Stevie." I said

"Dude Fuck you I'll call you Stevie because I ain't calling you by anything else, I just wanted you to change your nickname its better either way." E said

"Fine what's up"

"So I was meaning to ask why haven't you already changed?" E asked

"Well to put it very simple, I am trying to get my legs back before I change. For the good half year Father and Mother (A) have been doing experiments for me by attaching a leg or a arm to a human and then turning them and seeing if the venom will carry to the new limb and then give it function." I said

"Wow that a little fucked up but fair enough I guess, wait what would happen if you turned with your prosthetics?"

"I don't completely know but since these prosthetics are connected to some of my nervous system to have easier movement, I really don't know. I could turn and it could like upgrade my legs durability like a normal vampire skin. I really don't know." I said

"Sounds possible I mean I don't know that much about vampires, medically from what I have heard from you the venom of a vampire can save you from a lot of shit and I mean the serum you made from Jane was made from her venom so I think you could do it." E said

"Yeah." I got up from my chair and pushed it back in, "I am going to bed I am tired, I'll see all of you in the morning."

A/N - Okay I will answer a few question I can see coming. Yes, Suplicia will have a mate. Yes, E will become a vampire soon.

Any other question you can post them in my Discord. https://discord.gg/w9vHKuea