
[Blood Moon] Twilight

Stephen Tine is a 12 year old who is smart to all hell, he is a hermit, shy and very timid around other people but the one time he decide to offer help to a group of people, turned something he had speculated to reality. It all starts with the Cullens having car problems

SJD_0922 · TV
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BM:B2 Chapter 2

(A/N) sorry for last chapter being so short, I fucked my left foot up last night while putting up a car port, I was in some pain so, I just got last chapter to a point and called it quits last night. This chapter will be longer.


My best friend, my brother really I have not seen him in almost two years.

My brother E, stood at 5'10, tan skin (He is white but he works a lot so hence his tan tone), black hair, brown eyes, Black light facial hair around his chin and side burns and stash, he wore glass. He had a hat wore backwards, short sleeve hoodie and ripped jeans, with steel toe boots.

He just looked at me, he had two bags over his shoulder, looking at me up and down. I could heard the rest of the family approaching.

"Jesus Stevie, what the fuck happened to you."

I could hear my family muttering 'Stevie?'

"Why did he call you Stevie" Mom asked

"Ohh I went by Stevie instead of Stephen." I told her, I turned back to E, "Its Drakul but Drac for short now bud, happens when you fake your death."

E started to laugh, "Drakul really, so your fucking Dracula now." he said laughing

"Yeah I know I though it was funny."

After he stopped laughing, "No man what I meant was you look like a fucking cyborg man, like shit." he said

"Yeah its a long story man, come on in."

Dad and Mom came up and introduced themselves, then my other siblings.

"So do we need to get fake adoption papers too." Dad asked

E chuckled at this, "No, I went through the process of emancipating myself." he said, "I also went and got my GED too, fucking glad too I hate school."

Emmett snickered," I feel that man, it gets boring after the first ten times."

"I bet big one." E said

Fuck even Rose came up and fucking talked to him.

"So I heard from Drac that you build cars too." Rose said

"Ohh yeah, I worked on his dads Camaro, speaking of Camaro, Drac is that one out there yours?" E asked

"Yup, everyone got it as a birthday gift, Rose helped tinker on it and now it roars like a lion now."

"Shit man you gonna let me get behind the wheel." E said

"All in due time man, we got to show you to your room." I said

"Room?" E said

"Yeah Mom and everyone else build you a room, come on I'll show you." I said

E followed me around the house, I showed him around each room. We talked a bit, I told him that Mom makes great food. I told him if Alice try's to cook for you, don't eat it, she doesn't cook the best but if you need cloths advice she is your woman. We stopped at his room and I just opened it and he walked in.

"I'll let you get settled then we can go down to the Rez."

"Okay man, meet me in the garage in 30." I said


I had gone to my room, I was sitting in front of my work bench.

I had started on making a eye prosthetic, nothing to specials it was manly so I could see.

I picked up the eye, I took off the eye patch, I then slide the eye into the socket. I had been working on the prosthetic for a while now, Dad helped me with the more medical stuff so it will work once I really plugged it into my socket.

I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in."

E, Jasper and Alice came in, and they just stared at me.

"What are you doing dude?" E asked

"Ohh Well I built a prosthetic eye and now I am putting it in." I said

"You need help?" Jasper asked

"Not really, but y'all can watch I guess."

All three sat down, and watch as I pushed the eye into the socket.

After it was in, I blinked a few times and looked at them.

"Bro that is dope." E said

Well since I could see more than half, the prosthetic was working.

"Why is it dope E."

"Because the eye color is blood red man, it makes you look more like a fucking cyborg." E said

"Thanks man, its really nice to see more than half."

I stood up

"You ready to go down to the Rez?" I asked

"Yah." E said

Alice got a bit upset.

"What's wrong Sis." I asked

"Well I just wish we could come and hang out but since you guys are going down to the Rez we can't come." She said

"Did Mom and Dad not tell you guys." I said

"Tell us what?" Jasper asked

"Well when I had my prom with Jane, Bonnie and Sam came, Marcus and Dad talked a lot with Bonnie. Bonnie added a few rule to the treaty, she said as long as y'all are with me you are allow to come down, but you have to be with me or the original rule still applies."

Alice got more chipper after that.

"Ohh I want to come." She said

"Okay, what about you Jasper?" I asked

"I am good, maybe another time."


We where going 80 mph, well E was going 80 mph. He bugged me a lot in the garage about driving down to the Rez.

"Jesus E your going to get us pulled over."

Alice was in the back seat, she reached over and hugged E, "You are definitely one of us."

E looked over to me, "What does she mean by that?" He asked

"They speed all the damn time." I said

We where like five minutes out from the Rez and I saw those magical red and blue lights behind us. E pulled over.

I saw who the officer was and looked at E, "Let me do the talking I know him."

The officer was at the window he hadn't looked to see who it was, "Drac I didn't know you had it in you too speed." Charlie said, then looked who was in the front seat, then he saw me in the passenger seat I just waved at him.

"I am so sorry Charlie, this is my friend well brother really, he is staying with us starting today and we where going to the Rez to speak with Bonnie." I said

He stared at Alice, "Alice is going too really?" he said

"Bonnie has had a change of heart recently." I said

"Well alright I let your brother off with a warning, your lucky it was me Drac because if it was any of my other officers they would ticket his ass." he said

"Yeah sorry Charlie, he is a car person."

"Mhh, well y'all tell Bonnie I said Hi, and ask her if we are still going to the lake this next weekend."

"Will do."


We had reached Bonnies house, She meet us outside.

"Good to see you Drac."

"Same Bonnie."

"Who is this Drac?" She said gesturing to E

"Ohh this is my brother well not by blood, but he was there for me when I lost my family."

She came in for a hug the whispered in my ear, "Does he know?" She said

"Yes. Bonnie."

"Okay, well welcome both of you."

Alice was on the fence about entering.

"Come on Alice, we have changed the rules and Drac is here. No rules are being broken." Bonnie said

We all entered and Bonnie went and got three cups and poured some tea. She handed me and E a cup.

Well all sat down, "So E what's your full name?" She asked

"My full name is Ephraim Price Ma'am."

"Mhh okay and drop that ma'am stuff makes me feel more old then I already am." she said

"Okay." E said

"How old are you, you are on the younger side so where is your parents."

"Well I am 16 and I left my parents and emancipated myself." E said

"Ohh okay."

Bonnie asked E a few question mainly on how he felted about like the Shapeshifter and Vampires thing. E said he was okay with it, he just want to be with his brother and live a good life he said.

"So Drac you still going to Italy next week?" Bonnie asked

"Yeah I am taking E with me, My father and Mothers want to meet him and so does Jane."

"Thanks good."

I asked her how her recovery is going and her progress is.

"Wait bro you made her a serum to help her have her legs back."

"Yup and it looks like it is going well too."

What else have you been cooking up."

I laughed, "Well I built a gun that use bullets made from Vampire skin to kill vampires, also a taser and a machete. I also made a serum for my Jane so she can age a few year so she looks a little older."

"What how old did she look?" E asked

"She was about 13 but then once she took a few dose's of the serum she looks 18 now." I said

"Damn dude that cool." E said

"Yeah right, now I am working on something for Rose." I said

"Oh what is it bro?" Alice asked

"Out of everyone Edythe know but you will probably see it when I get ready to give it to her." I said

We talked for a bit about random things.

"So Charlies asked if y'all where still going fishing next weekend Bon."

"Wait how did you talk to Charlie he is working right now?" Bonnie asked

"Well, on are wait here, we got pulled over." I said looking at E

"Pulled over for what?"

"Well mister racer over there was going 80 mph." I said

"Jesus boy, you are lucky it was Charlie and yes we are going fishing." she said

"Okay and Bon I got a serous question." I said

"What is it?"

"I think you should let Charlie in on everything." I said

Bonnie visibly got angry, "I would never tell him about this world it is too dangerous."

"Bonnie his son is already in it and When Beau turns when he is ready, it would be better for him to know then think he is dead and plus since I am the Prince of the Volturi, I have the pull no harm will come to Charlie. I'll have Felix send a family crest to me and have Charlie where it, if he wears it, no vampire can hurt him without harm coming to that vampire." I said

"I don't know Drac, I will think about it."

"Well when we go to Italy I'll have them give me two necklaces with the crest home, one for E and one for Charlie but I wont tell them right away what it is for just incase you didn't tell him."

"Okay" Bonnie said


Me and e where chilling in my room playing some computer games. We where talking and talking about what we both had been up too in the past two years.

"So we are going to Italy next week?" E asked

"Yup for a month and half."