
[BL] Revenge System: Take the ML and Fix the World

Transmigration never crosses his mind until he met his death by a sudden turn of events. Traveling with an orange fox kit that told him his new reality, and 'using' his soul to fix the corrupted mission worlds. He Ming apathetically followed the fox kit to face-slap and kick the scam characters off their so-called throne and raise the rightful characters to heaven. Just when he thought he was already done, those characters started to chase after him instead! Will He Ming be able to finish his tasks smoothly, or will the troublesome Male leads be a hindrance to his efficiency? Find out more and read the book! It's worthwhile I promise *wink wink*

rosella0214 · LGBT+
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151 Chs

Chapter 3: Life After Death- Idle

When He Míng come to, he was in a blue space, he almost thought that he was inside a virtual reality. He wondered what kind of trick his enemies did to him to actually knock him off unconscious.

Before his eyes formed a small baby fox out of nothing and it was floating. He Míng felt dumb for the first time- what's happening?

[Welcome Host 666, I am System #015 also known as the Revenge System. Let me tell you about your situation right now. Your soul has been pulled out from the reincarnation circle for an important mission, and in order to return there or resume back to your original life, you must complete every mission issued to you and fix the plot of different mission worlds. Do you understand?]- The chatty fox stopped talking and waited for He Míng to speak. Nothing... Is his new host... mute?

"Do not."( want )- He Míng didn't give him face and bluntly told him no. The System was a bit taken aback.

[E-Eh? T-Then what do you not understand? I will try my best to answer your doubts]

"There's no merit at all~ In the first place, why are you so sure that I want to return or go to reincarnation circle?"- He Míng asked the fox with a poker face.

[W-We selected the souls-]- The fox tried to reason out but He Míng cut it short.

"I did not sign up for this at all~ You want me to work, but your bargain is so cheap and very unreliable"- He said drawing his every word at a slow pace and stare at the fox whose tail was whipping back and forth fast while being anxious.

[N-No it's not! We're the greatest!]- The system boasted and tried to appeal to its new host to join him and do the missions.

"Oh? The greatest you said? How come it was never learned about? Liars go to hell~"- He sidetracked the fox and want to extort much information as much as possible, after all, since he is already "Dead", he might as well try to do those missions, but he wants to toy with the fox first.

[H-Host! Please do not say something ominous!]- The fox anxiously said before it sighs and started to disclose a few important information generally known by the Hosts. After a while, the silence was once again restored... The system was anxious and tried asking the Host if it would agree now.

"I'll risk my life in the line and do your missions... shouldn't you educate me more? What if I waste away and it's all your fault? How will you compensate?"- He tripped the fox who surprisingly have a clear conscience and nodded eagerly, telling him in full details what he needs to know and who and what to avoid.

After the lecture finished, the fox eagerly asked if the host will start his first world mission now with twinkling beady eyes.

He Míng "... Nope"

[W-What?!]- The System was startled and look at the man incredulously at the man lying on his back.

"I'm so~ tired. I want to laze first, besides, since the mission looks endless, let me have peace of mind and sleep for a while."- After He Míng said those words... HE ACTUALLY DARES TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR?!!

The Fox was mourning inside its heart.

'Why is it that I have this kind of Host?! I'm so aggrieved!'- he wailed inside his heart while gazes at the man sleeping.

When He Míng woke up, he didn't know how long he slept, but he felt a bit more energetic and a bit stronger. When the Fox noticed its host awake, it immediately grovels on the floor and in a whimpering tone, begged him earnestly.

[My Host! My good Host! My handsome and very appealing Host! My Grandmaster Host! Please help me complete the tasks and reach the pinnacle of life! Please do not slack anymore and help this poor small system!]- It begged He Míng who only yawned in return.

The system was so sad, so sad he wanted to reflect in life and ask why did he have a Host like this one, even to the point of praying to statues and gods of different religions to know if he was right or wrong taking He Míng as his Host.

[Amitabha, Buddha, Shiva, Brahman, Vishnu, Jesus Christ, Great Allah, Akal Murat, AND EVERY OTHER GOD! AM I WRONG?! DID I DO A HEAVY CRIME TO GET A HOST LIKE THIS?! WUWUWU! ANSWER THIS SMALL SYSTEM!]

He Míng watched the small fox pray to all the gods he believes as he stretched his limbs for a good while. After praying for almost half an hour, he picked up the small fox from its scruff and look at him closely,

He Míng saw its tongue out, seemingly his praying was interrupted when he got picked up. The fox looked at him with a bewildered look evident from its beady eyes. He met its gaze with his pair of cold eyes.

"Before you try to move me, I'm sure you left the crucial part of the mission. Tell me and I'll go, if not, forget it and I'll sleep some more"- He Míng said and sat there facing the fox. The system jolted and nod its small furry head vigorously, He Míng has the urge to want to see its small head rolling off from its actions. The enthusiastic system didn't know what it's host was thinking ominous things and immediately told the information he needs.

[The crucial part of the mission is not really about the plot, but about saving individual worlds!

The One- the person who controls the mission worlds, is dying, We will replace The One in a century, and in order for us to survive that period is to cut the controls of The One on the mission worlds and replace a new person.

How you will cut it is by destroying a specific character and the Mission World will disconnect from The One. Also, because The one is dying, there are different bugs that have been damaging the mission worlds, and it's up to us to clear and kill them off! Are you satisfied Host? CAN WE PLEASE GO TO THE MISSION WORLD NOW? PLEASE?]- The baby fox pleaded and grovel in front of He Míng and he finally showed some mercy to the fox and nodded.

From what He Míng could understand, this "supreme being" is dying and the people under him want to cut ties and let him perish to oblivion, and be replaced with a new powerful being... They're just like humans in his world, greedy, pretentious, and wanted to rid of the old for the new.

And the goal here for him is... to kill,

It feels no different from his last life.... very good actually. The Fox system opened a status bar before talking to He Míng.

[Then I will review the Host's profile.

Name: He Míng

Age: 23

Height: 189 cm

Stats: (Reset to 0)

Attack: 0/100

Defense: 0/100

Agility: 0/100

Intelligence: 0/120

Charisma: 0/120

Luck: 0/100

Hidden Alias: The Smiling Murderer, The Lucky Businessman,]

The system noticed the red tag on his information and upon close inspection, he left astounded.

[W-Wow! H-Host you're actually a p-psychopath?!]-The system asked shocked.

"So what? I'm intelligent, deadly, and capable, Not satisfied?"- He asked with a raised brow. He basically said all his good side as if advertising himself with a look of pride on his face. The system shook its fox head repeatedly and denied his words.

[No! NO! The viciousness is very appreciated Host!]- The system said and told him the first mission world he'll dive in.

[The world is about a modern world College Romance.

The Male Lead of this story is a rich third generation Young Master of a well-known family in the city. A normal couple with little luck and living a normal life is studying in the same college as the Male Lead.

As 'The One' weakens, a bug landed in this Mission World, and the fate of these characters reversed heavily!

Male Lead's family turned bankrupt and very poor while the couple became nouveau rich, becoming the famous couple in their university. The couple was originally both good-natured and conscious of their great luck but the bug turned them greedy and ill-willed.


Save the ML and bring him back to the top!

Save the couple from a tragedy ( x3 )

Be the School Council President for two years

Stay close to ML (spend three hours with ML)

[[Side tasks!]]

Kill the bug

Take the damaged core]


"....You haven't told me who I'll be in that world,"- He Míng wants to slap the small fox away. Why are you so eager to pit me when your information is full of holes?! Unacceptable!

[O-Oh! Yes, Host will be the running student council president who hugging a golden thigh, Cannon fodder #65 called Ling Wǔshì]

"... What a f*cking ugly name "- He Míng cursed.

Ling? Are you trying to tell this king that I'll be named as ZERO?! WHO BECAME THAT SCUM'S MOTHER?! WHO CALL THEIR SON ZERO?! SUCH FARCE!

[.... According to the System's knowledge... Ling as a name in unisex that means DAWN. And the meaning of Wǔshì is Samurai. Host... please calm down..]- The system turned timid and told him. He Míng regained his cool like nothing happened and asked the system about the blue space.

[Oh! The space that Systems provide to their Host depends on the grade of the Host's soul.

From highest to lowest:

Black- SSS

Lavender- SS

Gold- S

Rose Gold- A

Ocean Blue- B

Silver- C

Bronze- D

White- E and below

The host is very lucky and super strong! Your Soul strength peaked at the B level! It's my first time pairing with a handsome, talented, and powerful Host!]-The system didn't forget to bootlick his new Host. He Míng stared down at him with an oppressive aura. System shrunk down and whimpered, laying there obediently.

[Wuwuwu~ My Host is so scary! Wuwuwu! I'm being bullied!]

He Míng sighed before he ushered the system to transfer him to his first mission world.