
[BL] Revenge System: Take the ML and Fix the World

Transmigration never crosses his mind until he met his death by a sudden turn of events. Traveling with an orange fox kit that told him his new reality, and 'using' his soul to fix the corrupted mission worlds. He Ming apathetically followed the fox kit to face-slap and kick the scam characters off their so-called throne and raise the rightful characters to heaven. Just when he thought he was already done, those characters started to chase after him instead! Will He Ming be able to finish his tasks smoothly, or will the troublesome Male leads be a hindrance to his efficiency? Find out more and read the book! It's worthwhile I promise *wink wink*

rosella0214 · LGBT+
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151 Chs

Arc I: Takeru Furukawa

He Míng arrived at his first mission world and the first thing that met his eyes was a pile of folders scattered all over his table. His lips also twitched uncontrollably when he smelled a strong rose scent in the room, making him want to badly gag and throw up everything out of his stomach. He also felt his body was a bit weak and his lower body was sore. He Míng having an inkling of what could've happened before he came here, and lo and behold! After he received the memories of Ling Wǔshì, his whole face is black with a murderous aura rising from his body.

He immediately summoned the system, and before the fox could greet him, he was grabbed by the neck and met the murderous eyes of He Míng. The fox system gulped and suddenly feared for its life. Inside the empty room filled with things that repulsed He Míng, the fox system's life and death will be unknown.

"Tell me... this body... is under a sexual relationship with who?"- Not only He Míng's eyes were cold but his voice was also at a freezing point!

"U-Ugh! Ling Wǔshì is in a secret relationship with the foreign rising star- Lalaine Brookes!"- He Míng frowned at this information and search through the messy memory of the body before gritted his teeth in anger.

"... A f*cking Shou... I can't believe this!"- He Míng almost snarled in anger as he tightened his grip on the poor system. The information that infuriated He Míng was that Ling Wǔshì was riding different boats and was actually the one being used and falling! (Riding different boats- in different relationships)

He Míng made a sarcastic smile before letting go of the pale fox. 'I do not believe in god or this cycle of reincarnation, however, if they try to throw the word "Retribution" on my face, I have to retaliate.'

He looked at the long and slender fingers that are now his, his thoughts were deep that he didn't notice the fox system disappeared from his side.

[Scary! My new Host is very scary! #Please-save-this-pitiable-system #waiting-online!]

After regaining his composure, He Míng started to rid of all the traces of the past Ling Wǔshì. He was glad that there were surgical gloves and disposable face mask available in the room, after he pulled out a large trash bag, he started to declutter and sanitize the nasty office.

He didn't know how much time he spent on cleaning before he deemed it to be passable in cleanliness in his standard. However, his mood plummeted again when a group of people walked into the office in a very lively and rowdy manner!

The guy with a height of 180 cm, brown curly hair, and round face said in an enthusiastic tone, "Lunch was good right! Those sweet and spicy fried chicken is so flavorful!"

"It sure is! I also like the pudding they served today! Not too sweet and the texture is soft like jelly!"- The girl with short braided hair and large circular frames on her face said with a composed smile, yet her tone was overflowing with excitement.

"Yes! W-Whoah! Is this the Student council office? Why is it so clean- Eh! President Ling Wǔshì! Y-You are here?"- The other guy who went in with the rowdy group was the only one who noticed the young man standing in the middle of the office.

"Whoa! P-President Ling Wǔshì is really here! What bad wind sent you here?"- The other guy said with a look of contempt and ridicule. Ling Wǔshì didn't answer, he was busy cursing the brats for actually making the student council office their hang-out place! Ridiculous!

The one that noticed him was the secretary, Leo. His family is a well-off lineage of successful lawyers. He's very capable and quite mediocre in socializing that you will almost miss his existence if you don't look closely. The one who just ridiculed him was the Treasurer, Pio. His family is known for its large marketing network and they were third in rank in the stocks market in the country, while fifth in the international stocks market. Lastly, the girl with them is Marie who is the public relations officer. Her family owns three big broadcasting networks as she has a deep-rooted connection with different people.

Ling Wǔshì only stared at them and pointed the five bulky trash bags at the side of the shelves. They all looked at his slender fingers before looking at the direction he's pointing at and they saw five bulky trash bags that were neatly piled at the side of the bookshelves.

"Throw those outside, I don't want to see, feel, and smell anything horrendous on this office. I also suggest that you all conduct yourselves well and not to treat this place as your hang-out place."- Ling Wǔshì said in a cold tone before he took off his face-mask. He smelled the comfortable smelled of strong bleach that somehow helped him eased his temperament.

"Y-You! How dare you order us like your servants! We're children of the elites! Not some janitor of the school!"- Pio's loud voice made Leo and Marie flinched but Ling Wǔshì only met his gaze with a dead and monotone look.

The staring competition was long, as Pio felt the oppressive aura coming out of Ling Wǔshì. He cannot believe it! How could someone like this guy have such an intimidating aura?!

"What?! Afraid to talk?! You became the President of the Student council because that actress Lalained helped you! Without her, you are nothing but a boy toy of others!"- Pio was immersed in throwing dirty water at Ling Wǔshì's face, Marie and Leo knew that Ling Wǔshì will not let Pio off if he keeps degrading him. Leo put his hand on Pio's shoulder, warning him to stop already and apologize. Marie said the same thing and took one heavy trash bag to drag out the room.

"Don't stop me, Leo! He's nothing but a boy toy in elite society! What are you afraid of?"- Pio was irritated and shoved Leo away, He stumbled backward but he didn't completely fall, Ling Wǔshì held him from behind before making him stand.

"Take those trash bags out, Pio and I have things to settle."- Ling Wǔshì told Leo and watch the guy nod and take the remaining trash bags and close the office door. Ling Wǔshì bore his eyes to Pio and released his killing intent.

Whether he is Ling Wǔshì or He Míng, this body is now his, whatever he does, no one will think that he is not Ling Wǔshì. he watched as Pio started to shiver under his stare and look at him with horror.

"What were you saying earlier? homosexual? boy toy? Me? Pfft! Are you kidding me?"- he walked closer to Pio and stare down at the guy.

"If that was true, wouldn't Lalaine leave me already? Hey, for a child of a big network and stock market business family, aren't you too naive to actually believe in such lies?"- He kicked Pio in the gut, making the boy fall down and groan in pain.

"My life is my business, but since you want to meddle, then don't blame me if you fall into a pit."- Ling Wǔshì smirked at him before telling him to leave.

"I don't care if you want to leave or not, but as long as you're an officer of the student council, you should do your job and don't slack off."- Ling Wǔshì said and didn't see Pio out. Inside the silent room, the fox system emerge and floated 5 meters away from He Míng's head.

[Fox system: H-Host I forgot to tell you... you can't OOC... y-you... you just broke that rule...] The fox system met the dark look on He Míng's eyes, making him shiver and cower in fear.

"Why did you not told me earlier? Tell me what kind of person is Ling Wǔshì."- Although He Míng's voice was calm, the fox system can see the veins showing at his tightly closed fists.

[Fox system: Y-You see, Ling Wǔshì is a cold and unapproachable man in the university, but with Lalaine, he acts coquettish and needy like a child.]

"Tell me exactly how did I violate that OOC label? From your words, Ling Wǔshì is someone who is cold and unapproachable to others. I was acting arrogant and cannot be approached so carelessly, wouldn't that pass?"

[Fox system: N-Now that you said t-that...] the system avoided looking at his eyes nervously. He Míng clicked his tongue, why is this system trying to scum him? Tsk.

"Fox system... do you want to feel what's it like to die once?"- He Míng asked the system that made it madly shiver in fear. Fox system is just a small and slightly inexperienced system that was made when the first sign of The One weakening. If compared to human age, this system is nothing but a small child and now, facing such a threat, it was not educated and armed for this kind of attack.

[Fox system: I-I'll disable this feature! I-It doesn't matter anyway since we are getting rid of The One's control to this world, Host! Do not worry, just finish the mission and the side tasks, and then, we can hop out to the next world!]

He Míng stared at the floating fox system above him with a raised brow. Its obvious distance made him aware that the fox is guarded against him. He Míng was actually going to follow that rule and just get a penalty, but if the system said so, then so be it. And his earlier statement was just in passing because he wants a sort of bond between them. Maybe the system thought he was threatening him? well, it's not entirely wrong on that part.

Hope you're liking the story so far! Hurry! Hurry! The next chapter is waiting! :3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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