
[BL] Capturing my Demon King Costar

[BL - Mature Content] Yao Shen is a struggling actor, virtually anonymous to the public. That is, until the opportunity to star in an anticipated new cultivation drama comes along, and it finally seems like Yao Shen's fate is turning. The only problem? He'll be playing the love interest of 'movie Emperor' Xin Hulei -- the big star responsible for all his difficulties in breaking into the entertainment industry. Things only get worse when a 'Demonic Capture System' is activated after Yao Shen's first audition with Xin Hulei. Worse becomes worrying when Yao Shen realizes the events depicted in the drama might not be so fictional after all, and that maybe there's more to it than the System is telling him... --- Yao Shen: "What do you mean Xin Hulei is one of the Demon Kings? And it's my job to send him back to the demonic realm? I'm just a D-list celebrity, how am I qualified for this?" System: "There are rewards." Yao Shen: "..." Yao Shen: "Tell me more" --- hardworking, down on his luck, determined and witty MC with a short fuse x cold beauty, calculating and sly, blackbellied Demon ML, hellbent on revenge.

ThirtyTyrants · LGBT+
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186 Chs

My Costar is my priority

Yao Shen scrambles in midair to cling to any of the twisted roots that he crashes into on his way down.

He slams into a mass of twisted roots and gets all the air knocked out of him. The impact is painful, but at least he's no longer falling. Gingerly, he sits himself up on the roots and looks up at the edge of the plateau.

Seeing how far he has fallen is dizzying, but even more so is seeing how far away he still has to go to reach the ground.

With a long-suffering sigh, he pulls down the silver thread wrapped around his wrist, on the off chance that Xie Bian didn't notice his free-fall.

He waits for someone to come, perched precariously on the knotted roots.

After some time passes it becomes apparent that no one is coming.

Yao Shen looks up at the sheer rockface with a feeling of hopeless trepidation.