
[Being rewritten]

Gremmy lives on the streets and has never gotten anything good. Well, that is about to change. He stumbles upon a mysterious figure standing behind a table. The figure tells him that he can take one of the potions. Gremmy takes it and finds himself in the body of the Quincy Gremmy Thoumeaux. As he begins to understand what is happening he begins to make his own plans and refuses to be a pawn in the Quincy King's plans. _________________________________ The other account was also mine and I got a mess and decided to post it here. This is not a copy or something. It is mine.

Cedric_7512 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Round two

Some chaps, mofos


(3rd Person POV)

In the days that were between the first invasion and the second one that was going to come, Toji met with different people and had to explain where he was. He lied of course as no one would believe the truth. He said that he spent the time inside the void that was connected to the Garganta. He made up some random shit that sounded correct and was technically true. Rangiku and Nanao were the most emotional about his return. He had to spend many hours with them and talk to them, listen to their worries and the like. He didn't enjoy lying to them but it didn't matter in the end. He was now back for the time being and what happened in the future, no one knew.

Right now he was inside Kyoraku's office.

"So you're telling me that you not only became the Head Captain but also asked the Central 46 to have Nanao transferred to you as an additional Lieutenant? Quite bold of you Shunsui. I like it.", Toji said.

"I thought you might. But what is this about you surviving the void after being crushed by the weight of the entire Garganta? I wonder how Captain Kurotsuchi hasn't begun to cut you up.", Shunsui said.

"Eh, Mayu-boi is a good guy. He might seem like a lunatic and he is one, but he does indeed consider us his fellow Shinigami. He is concerned about us, I'm sure. Although Nemu has been following me since I got back.", Toji said and pointed to a bush where Nemu was trying to hide behind, but failing miserably.

"Haha, so he already has his plans for you. It's good that you're back. I was wondering when you thought it appropriate to come back. You sure took your time."

"You know as well as I, that this wasn't as bad as it may seem. A lot of people will die and it will shake us up. This isn't just bad. The Shinigami and Gotei 13 in general have become lax in their strength and training. You still remember what it was like when we were young. It was a bloody time but they defeated the Quincy."

"I know your standpoint and I understand. But you can't argue that peace and harmony are far more enjoyable than sleeping in blood and gore. Just imagine your time at the Academy. You had to fight a Captain because he wanted to make you his puppet. That's not something I wish for the children today."

"You're right, that might not be desirable but look at what we have now. Shinigami died all the same. We might have lived in the illusion of peace but we are now paying the price. Even Yama-ji had to pay the price. But don't worry about that. I already took care of it.", Toji said with a smile.

"Heh, how did you manage this?"



"Oh before I forget, Tenjiro could you take this one with you as well?", Toji asked and in front of him a body appeared.

"That's ..."

"Head Captain!"


"What is going on? How do you have his body?"

"I asked Yhwach for it. He was more than happy to give him to me. I mean if you ask nicely, people are more often than not willing to help you. Just look-"

"Yes yes, we understand Toji. But how is he even alive right now? I thought he..."

"Was split in two? Halfed? Sliced?"


"Well, I just healed him before his life could truly leave his old body. It was quite the work I tell you. But I managed and now I wonder if you could take him with you as well.", Toji asked Tenjiro.

This seemed to surprise Ichibe Hyosube as he wasn't told anything about this. But in the end, it was decided that Yamamoto would be healed in Tenjiro's place and so they took him with them. Toji lied of course. He not only put the two pieces of Yamamoto's body back together, but he also brought him back to life. The power of imagination was truly limitless. Toji had grown powerful beyond compare since he woke up as Gremmy Thoumeaux.

(Flashback end)


"Trade secret. As an old Lieutenant of the 4th Division, Unohana would impale me if I didn't manage to do this. By the way ... where is Unohana?", Toji asked Kyoraku.

"About that. I asked her to do what she started that day."

"So it's already the time for the current Kenpachi to pass on the mantle to the next one? It took her long enough. Was this even allowed by the Central 46? I hope not. That would make it that much cooler. You did become cooler. I mean just look at that awesome eyepatch. Nice."

"Haha. It's good to have you back Toji. We'll need you in the coming conflict.", Kyoraku said.

"Oh? Is this the Head Captain speaking? Don't worry about it. I'm here now so we'll win for sure."

"I wish I had your confidence. That would make this job of mine much easier."

"You are trying too hard Shunsui. Just do what you think is right. You have the darkness necessary to take the mantle. I know that."

"Darkness eh? Well, I guess you're not wrong. I guess that is true."

"Of course I'm right. Now let us drink and celebrate your promotion and my return. That way, we have an excuse not to work."

"Haha, same old Toji."



The day of peace was short-lived. Everyone knew that the battle continued and the Quincy returned when the entirety of Seireitei was replaced by the Wandenreich. As the Seireitei is replaced with the Wandenreich city, the Shinigami react with confusion and terror. Watching from his office, Shunsui admits that he did not expect the Gotei 13 forces would lose their territorial advantage like this.

Yhwach watches the scene on his throne while Uryu stands next to him and listens to his tale. Meanwhile, Askin Sternritter designated D appears before the place where the SRDI would be. Jugram on the other hand appears behind Kyoraku and Nanao. All three of them begin to explain what just happened.

"The plan was a success. Unlike the World of the Living, the Soul Society is filled with reishi, our source of power. The things we could do were limitless. We spent a thousand years building up our strength from within the shadows.", Askin Nakk Le Vaar explains.

"In other words, this time, just as we did before, we did not invade the Seireitei by breaking through the Soul Shield Membrane. We were already inside the Soul Shield Membrane.", Jugram explains.

"Welcome. Thanks for the valuable intel. You got to the captain's room very quickly. Our enemy appears blessed with capable men.", Kyoraku said.

"Wandenraiche Eperor Aide and Sternritter Grandmater, Jugram Haschwalth."

"13 Court Guard Squad Head Captain and Squad 1 Captain, Shunsui Kyoraku. I've just been appointed, so you probably didn't know that ... Or does the fact that you came here mean you do know?"

"Yes. That is why I came here first."

"How impatient of you. Don't you want to enjoy the battle you've been waiting a thousand years for?"

"His Majesty loves peace. He believes the shorter the battle, the better it is. Therefore he issued only one order: Annihilate the enemy instantly."

"I see."


"Who are you? When did you ...?"

"How did you get in here?"

"Come on ... didn't you hear what I just said? Or is the department of R&D intelligent in name only? I didn't come from anywhere. I've been here the entire time.", Askin explained.

"Exactly.", the voice of Mayuri was heard and out of thin air a square door opened revealing Mayuri and Nemu in golden shining clothes.

"You Quincies were in the shadows. Two worlds existing in the same place, never coming in contact with one another. I must say ... Creating another world inside the shadows was pretty absurd. However ... I actually don't mind this absurdity."

"C-Captain. What's with that outfit?"

"Based on the data I collected during our last battle, I was able to surmise that 'shadows' had something to do with the Quincy invasion. That is why I modified my laboratory so that no shadows were created. Now, let's find out whether we're intelligent in name only before you leave shall we?"

"Hmm ... I give up.", Askin says, "You'll take too much time. It's not happening."

"What do you mean by 'take too much time'?", Mayuri asks him.

"To kill you would require trying too many scenarios. I'm fatally bad at doing that kind of detailed work. I prefer just getting it over with. You go and fight someone else. See you.", Askin says and begins to walk away. After three steps, he stops though and turns around again.

"Wait, aren't you coming after me?", he asks.

"Not really. You can go anywhere you want. I need more time to analyze your Spiritual pressure anyway. Or are you ... purposely egging me on because you want me to step into your territory?", Mayuri asks.

"You're a scary one ... I'm glad I didn't give away my abilities."

At that moment spiritual pressure was felt.

"That pressure. Is it Soi Fon?"

"It would appear so. She seems to be overwhelming her enemy without her Bankai!"

"I knew it ... Just like His Majesty predicted. You understand what that means, don't you? If it is as predicted ... it means things are still fatal for your side.", Askin said and then left.


On another battlefield, Rangiku and Toshiro have been fighting Bazz-B and Toshiro managed to encase him in ice.

"That pressure. It appears that Captain Soi Fon has been successful too. Captain, shall we go and assist the other captains?", Rangiku asked.

"Whoa Whoa. Don't give me the cold shoulder. (nice) You're going to leave me here while we're still feeling each other out? I haven't even begun to fight!", Bazz-B says and breaks the ice he was trapped in.

"It's too bad you don't have your Bankai right now. I could have shown you that one finger would be enough to defeat your Bankai ice.", Bazz-B continues. Toshiro unsheaths his Zanpakuto and fires a wave of ice towards Bazz-B. But before the ice can reach him his fire melts it.

"It's not going to reach me."

"Fall back, Matsumoto. We need to regroup and-"

"No, I am strong as well. I won't flee when you're fighting him.", Rangiku says. She has her pride it would seem. Toshiro creates a wall of ice for protection.

"A wall of woven ice, not bad. But nothing you do with your ice will work ... All I need is a finger ...", Bazz-B says and points his index finger at Toshiro. The finger begins to glow and he attacks with it.

"Burner Finger One!"

A stream of flames fires out of his finger and begins to melt the wall Toshiro has created. The wall doesn't manage to hold and Toshiro is impaled by the fire. Toshiro tries to create distance and uses ice walls to block Bazz-B. But that doesn't seem to work as Bazz-B just blasts through them.

"Oi oi. Don't run away! Aren't you a captain?!", Toshiro creates another wall of ice.

"I told you it won't work!", Bazz-B says and cleaves through the ice with his finger, slicing it in half and showing him what is on the other side. Strong mist begins to form all around him and blocks his sight. He doesn't care though and stomps on the ground with his fire, dispersing the mist.

"Burning Stomp!"

Toshiro set a trap.

"Huh? What the hell is this?", Bazz-B asks.

"Roki Hyoketsujin!", Toshiro says and activates the trap. A big pillar of ice encases Bazz-B seemingly trapping him inside it. But that only lasts for a moment as the Quincy melts right through the ice.

"You're kidding me ...?!", Toshiro can't believe it.

"Exactly what I was going to say! Are you trying to make me angry and use a second finger?!"

Toshiro slashes his Zanpakuto and sends a wave of ice towards Bazz-B. He retaliates with his second finger.

"Burner Finger Two!", Bazz-B swipes his two fingers and creates two fire slashes that cut through the ice and into Toshiro.


All around the Seireitei Quincy Sternritter are fighting Shinigami. The situation doesn't look good for the Shinigami. But what is Toji doing at this time?