

Realizing where he is, our MC works to hone both his mind and body, finding ways to stay in the battlefield and do what he does best. [] This is inspired by another I’ve read and I just wanna put my own ideas out. [] We all know I don’t own sh*tt but my own characters.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Unexpected Recruitment Officer


"I knew you would not believe me, cabron!!" Delgado yelled.

"It's not that I don't believe you, It's just hard to believe." Alfie said.

"Same difference!!"

"But how could they be alive right now?"

"Agghh!!" Delgado got up before rushing to his office and grabbing a bunch of keys in a ring and taking a certain silver modern key and tossing it to Alfie.

"I don't have all night to tell you everything, take that key and go…" He then wrote something on a piece of paper. "...here, you'll find everything you want there. But if you have any more questions you can simply contact me."

Alfie read the address on the piece of paper to be in the states.

"Now go, shoo!!" Delgado waved Alfie off.

He had his own questions to ask, but he is not in a place to have free time, HYDRA ops will get suspicious if he stays alone too long. Some if the assistants are merely there to spy on his work as well.

And he is smart enough to maneuver without raising suspicions, that's how it's always been since HYDRA recruited him.

"Thanks cabron, we'll catch up later." Alfie then walked off into the bathroom disappearing.


From the west came a Raven jet that headed straight for a helipad just above a tower with the name "Raven Industries" plastered on the front.

When the jet landed, multiple women stepped off.

On the other side of the pad was Randall Ravens alone facing the jet.

As the group came close to Randall he beamed with a smile and spread his hands.


"Uncle Randy!!" Between the group of women, Alina ran past them and jumped into a hug with Randall.

"My my, for almost 20 years you have not changed one bit." Randall said.

"Nonsense uncle, I have become stronger and more gracious." Alina said as she harrumphed.

"I believe you hahahahaha." Randall laughed out loud as he put his hand around her shoulders before guiding her inside.

"Now, how has my niece been?" He asked as Rona and the other Amazons followed behind.

"Bored, I wanted to fly the Raven but Aunty Rona insisted on denying me the right."

"Then how about we go and get you a license?" He was tempted.

"Truly?! Then I'll be flying on a jet myself?"

"Well, how about we start with some wheels first, then we'll talk wings after."

"Very well, I've always wanted to drive a car as well." She said calmly but the excitement was unhidden.

But her thoughts wandered off as she became expressionless. Randall's eyes on the other hand wandered to the back of Alina's head, seeing the wrapped sword.

"So you've bought it…" Randall said as he stopped looking straight at the sword.

"Yeah, mother told me to bring it with me…" Alina said.

"May I see it?"

"Well mother said to always keep it close to me and to give it to only one person...but since it's you." Alina handed the sword to Randall as he gently unwrapped it.

The black and orange wooden scabbard was still the same except for some scratch marks here and there while a silver wolf head design was on it.

"Alpha…" Randall whispered the name of the sword.

"Alpha?" Alina questioned.

Randall didn't answer immediately but unsheathed the sword before looking at himself in the reflection of the blade.

It looks like it's been cleaned constantly and taken care of.

"Your father named it Alpha, a sword that stands above all other sword-" Randall paused.

"Why...why is there a crack on it?"

Alina shrugged. "Mother said it happened when she battled a madman who wielded a godsword."

"What nonsense!! Such a precious thing is ruined because of someone who doesn't know how to wield it right." Randall said annoyed.

In America something like Captain America's Shield or Deathstroke's Sword is highly valuable, in a way they were national treasures themselves. After the war ended, the two items were highly sought after but only few knew who possessed the sword.

Alina crossed her arms and frowned. "You dare to disgrace the Queen of Amazon?"

"...no Ali, you know I didn't mean that. I don't even hate your mother, god knows what would await me."

"Mother said it was because of the Adamantine blade, even my father's sword would not stand a chance." Alina defended her mother.

"Maybe." Randall sheathed the blade before wrapping it. "I'll tell you one thing I'm sure of."

"What's that?"

"If it was your father, it wouldn't have suffered one scratch from anything." Randall said before walking ahead.

Her thoughts wandered before she asked aloud. "Is my father so strong?"

"Why of course. You see, your father is strong physically and is skillful, but what makes him different is that he can see a person move before they even do so. He makes a move ten steps ahead before his opponents could think of moving, and if he can't predict something than he will manipulate the current situation into his desired outcome." Randall said proudly.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember chess? Not once have I beaten him."


Randall nodded and laughed.

"Will I meet him soon?"

"Of course you will, at the moment he is handling personal business. But he will come soon."


Alfie soon entered the low auto-pilot flying Raven jet he knew something was wrong, not only because there were only two people when he left but because there were 7 total now.

Xander and Normani were kneeling down to a man with black hair and a green coat and gold armor.

They were bruised and bleeding as some black geared agents were holding them down.

There were two people Alfie recognized, Loki and Barton, Aka Hawkeye.

"Hello." Loki said as he put his hands behind him with the scepter.

"I've heard of a certain wolf running around in the dark, I've also heard how useful you could be." Loki smirked.

"I'm sorry but I'm not handing out my resume." Alfie responded.

"And I'm not sure how you Asgardians do it but this is definitely not the way to recruit people on earth." Alfie pointed at the two bloody kids.

Loki frowned. "You seem to know more than you let on. Nevertheless you are powerless to resist, not against a god."

"Oh sorry, weren't you recently revealed as a frost giant?" Alfie smirked this time.

And Loki seemed genuinely shocked from Alfie's words, how can a world of mortals know about it, how can a mere mortal have knowledge of such.

"So that makes you a snow troll rather than a majestic Asgar-!!"

"AGHH!!" Loki screamed as he blasted a beam from the scepter at Alfie who dodged and back jumped before jumping out of the jet's doorways.

But just as Alfie was falling onto the grassy ground, Loki chased after falling as well.


Loki didn't speak, but blasted a few beams at Alfie which some hit eventually as he hit the ground hard.


Alfie coated himself with Chi so he wasn't hurt that much, but before he could move Loki landed right on top of him before stepping on his chest and a blue energy appeared from the blade of the scepter as he pointed at Alfie's cheeks.

"Speak!! Start with how you've come to know such things." Loki said with no room for negotiations.

"Don't you watch the news? Laufeyson?" Alfie mocked.

Loki grabbed him by the neck and raised him up. "ENOUGH!! You think you can play tricks with the god of mischief?! You will regret this."


But before Loki could do anything, Alfie raised both his legs before kicking Loki in the face, getting out of his hold.

As Alfie flipped into a landing he asked. "You wouldn't mind waiting as I grab my staff, do you?"




Suddenly there was more than Loki, the numbers climbed until Alfie was surrounded.


And not far away, Barton positioned himself before nocking an arrow aiming at him.

"Well this isn't how I imagined my night would go…" He looked around. "Mr.God? Would you mind telling me what you're after? What do you want with me?"


Two arrows were shot toward him, but Alfie was quick and saw it.



The arrows were destroyed by the bullets somehow while more than a few projectiles were thrown at him somewhere in the crowd of Loki's.

Alfie sidestepped before jumping, but the coming daggers were surprisingly fast, faster than any bullets or anything that Alfie has ever seen.

Alfie dodged two daggers but one punctured his left shin. It even pierced his protective Chi.

"I am not obligated to answer your questions." The Loki's said as they brought up the scepter at the kneeling Alfie.

"Well, gotta be smart about this."


A smoke bomb blew in front of Alfie as the area was engulfed in smoke.

"You dare to play tricks in front of me?" Loki asked frustratingly.


No answer came.

"Sir, he's running." Barton yelled out.

Alfie was already half a mile away and still running.

He easily took the dagger off him.

After a few minutes and a few miles away Alfie stopped and started circling his hands as a sparkling portal appeared before him and kept widening.

As it grew big enough for him to walk through he jumped in, but just when he took one step in another portal appeared.

Though this one is different, instead of red sparkles it was blue smoke.

Out from the portal was an angered Loki whose hands shot out and grabbed Alfie's neck once more before he slammed him on the ground.






Alfie jumped backwards high into the air before emptying out his clips on Loki's face.


He looked back towards Alfie only to see him gone, as if he wasn't even there.

Loki looked left and right as he knew Alfie was near.

Alfie on the other hand, was lying on the ground peacefully while he's surroundings were like a broken mirror, the mirror dimension.

"I need my sword." He thought aloud.

He did a jump stand before turning his back on Loki and started running.

As he was a few meters away the sound of glass breaking and whooshing sound was beard, Alfie turned around to see Loki in the mirror dimension.

Behind Loki was blue and gray smoke burning the mirror dimensions barrier.

"This guy is persistent…" Alfie didn't spend a second standing as he was already running.

Safest place to be is Kamar-Taj, right next to the Ancient One.

Loki didn't move from his spot as he saw Alfie running, instead he brought his hand from his back as he conjured the tesseract and smiled.

Alfie was suddenly paralyzed as he started floating, he's running position still held.


Alfie flew back until he was floating in front of Loki who was smiling.

"This is only natural, to be still in front of someone bigger than you." Loki Brought out his scepter onto Alfie's chest. "You won't comply now,but it matters not."

"Shitt, this won't end well." Alfie said.

There was a lot of risk from this, who knows what Loki will do if he has full access to his mind. No one would be safe from what he knows.


In upstate New York's Forest Preserve.

A small dome about 700 square feet wide was there, a steel structure with smooth hexagon plates.

Inside the dome were many rooms, whether it's a training room, R&D room, or resource room, it's all there.

In an office was the owner. Hunter Willis, the CEO of Willis Incorporated.

He was snoring on his desk lazily when the large screen and a few monitors blared in red, a high pitched alarm rang loudly.

Hunter woke up as he Yawned and stretched before casually turning the alarm off, he tapped into the large monitor to see what was going on.

His eyes widened. "Shit."

On the screen in front of him was a picture of Loki, this means that the time for the invasion is nearing.

But what's in front of him was knocking on his nerves.

"Why is Loki there?"

Some time ago when Hunter mer Alfie with Dom, he put a small drone that looked like a fly on Alfie to observe him from afar.

Nothing too bad, it only observes Alfie from afar and see's where he goes.

But suddenly Loki appeared on the drone's camera, and worst of all...Alfie stood behind Loki with Barton like a loyal soldier.
