
Chapter 16

The words '', '', or '', were not in Charlotte's vocabulary at the moment. She couldn't stop pacing around the room, no matter how much Fatima, Lilia, Cora and Martin tried to calm her down.

"Your Royal Highness, would you like some tea to calm your nerves?" Cora asked, but the Princess shook her head. "Macaroons?"

"As tempting as that may be, no. No, Cora, thank you," she breathed and finally stop pacing. "Help me change into my riding clothes, I need to go to the Bridgerton's."

"At this hour? So late at night?" Fatima asked. "Princess, I—"

"I really need to go," she stated with pleading eyes and looked at her guard. "You were there with me, Martin. You saw the Viscount and the Duke. I need to know if Daphne is alright, and what...what is to happen."

"I will help," Lilia took a step forward, and everyone looked at her in disbelief, except for Charlotte. "If you..."

"Thank you, Lilia," she smiled, and looked at Fatima, who was the '' of all her maids. "Please, Fatima. For my sanity."

Her maid rolled her eyes and sighed, but eventually nodded and helped the Princess off the dress she wore at the ball, and into comfortable and cozy riding clothes, without a corset, so she could be more comfortable and breathe properly. Charlotte undo her hair, took off her earrings, necklace, and her tiara.

"What now?" Cora asked now that she was ready.

"Now... I will go to the Bridgerton household, alone, you are all staying here," she stated calmly. "And whatever happens from here on, you are going to say I am in my room, taking a bath, or promenading, or angry, or depressed, or– I don't know. Say whatever you think it's best."

"Your Highness, this is not wise for you to go on your own," Martin looked at her with worry in his eyes. "Allow me to come with you."

"You're always with me, Martin. Since I was a child you have taken care of me..." She sighed with a small smile. "Allow me to take care of myself, at least this once."

Nobody wanted to let her go, but Fatima and Martin, who have known her since she was a child, know how stubborn she can be. But eventually, they did let her go, through the horses' barn. She hopped on Snow, and galloped quickly towards the Bridgerton House.


Once outside, Charlotte stopped in front of the house, and remembered what happened the last time she was there.

Charlotte started breathing heavily and a few tears escaped her eyes. But she was not leaving until she has spoken with Daphne. At least with her.

"Your Royal Highness," Humboldt, the Bridgerton's footman arrived to her side. "Do you need any assistance?"

"No, Humboldt. I..." She sighed heavily. "I need to speak to Daphne."

"I'm afraid Lord Bridgerton asked for himself and for Miss Bridgerton to not be disturbed," he sighed. "Is there a message you'd like me to deliver?"

"Yes," she stated, looked at the house once again, and looked back at Humboldt. "Inform Mr. Benedict Bridgerton I wish to speak to him. I know it is late, but it is quite urgent, Humboldt. Please."

"Of course, Your Royal Highness," he nodded with a small smile and motioned for others to take care of her horse.

Charlotte sighed in relief as she hopped off Snow, and followed after Humboldt inside the house.

Once inside, she waited impatiently at the bottom of the stairs. Her hands were shaking, and was breathing tremulously.

"Your Royal Highness," Humboldt called for her in a low voice from the middle of the stairs. "Mr. Bridgerton is waiting for you in the library."

"Thank you, Humboldt. I know the way," she walked towards him with a grateful smile. "And I also know my way out. Go and rest. I apologize for being so late and in so short notice."

"It is alright, Your Royal Highness," he said sincerely with a smile. "You are part of this family after all."

Charlotte sighed contently and nodded gratefully before she continued her way to the library, and Humboldt continued his way downstairs. Her heart was on her throat, her stomach twisted, and her face felt hot. Shiver went through her body when she stood in front of the door, and he was there, in the middle of the room, facing the door.

"Charlotte," he breathed with a small smile.

Benedict thought it was all a dream, his subconscious screaming that he had to speak and apologize to her. On the other hand, Charlotte wanted to run, she was terrified, of things not ending the way she was hoping.

"Benedict," her voice came out as a whisper, not only because it was so late at night, but for being too nervous and anxious.

"Co– Come inside," he offered, and she slowly nodded, and if their conversation got a little...louder, she not only came inside, but she also closed the door. "Where's Martin?"

"At the palace, resting, and covering for me," Charlotte shifted at her scratchy voice, cleared her throat and sighed. "I– I hope you do not mind."

"Not at all. Actually, I... I know you did not come to see me, but now that you are here..." She almost smiled when his eyes lit up.

"You're right. I came to see if Daphne was alright..." She sighed, and now a small smile graced her face. "But I was hoping I could see you too. But only if you were awake, of course. I– I was not going to wake you anyway. I just—"

"Char," she looked down and started playing with her fingers. "Anthony told me what really happened."

"Did he?" She scoffed. "Of course you would listen to him and not me."

"No, Char. I should have listened to you when you went after me to explain what really happened. It was not your fault, nor Anthony's. It was mine for pushing you away and for not listening," he said firmly, and sighed. "I do not know how to start, honestly. I'm afraid if I apologize the wrong way, it might be the end of our greatest friendship... Or if I'm lucky, it could be the beginning of something spectacular, something I've been waiting for a while now, which is for you to love me as I love you."