
Chapter 10

Charlotte arrived on her horse, Snow, with Martin following behind her. She was going slow, while enjoying the cold wind brushing her skin. Today was the day of the grand picnic, where all families would gather in their tents own, and the debutants would promenade around the park.

"Your Royal Highness!" A man exclaimed, making her snap out of her thoughts and comfort. She stopped Snow from going any further and looked around for the man who called her name.

"Oh... Lord Bradford..." She trailed off. "What a nice surprise."

"Allow me to delight you with one of my jokes, Your Royal Highness," he pleaded, and her smile slowly faded. "It seemed like His Royal Highness does not the same humor as you do. You seem to be...more fun!"

"That is kind of you to say, Lord Bradford," she nodded, with a forced smile. In the distance, she saw the Bridgerton's tent. If it was closer, she would have looked at one of them with panic, so they could help and rescue her. But she was alone in this. "I– I don't see anything preventing you from delighting me with your...very pleasant jokes."

"Ah! Thank you, Princess. I'll start. Why was 6 afraid of 7?" He waited for her respond, but since she stayed quiet, he continued the joke with the same excitement. "Because 7 ate 9."

He started laughing uncontrollably, placing his hand on his stomach from the slight pain it caused him. Charlotte only chuckled awkwardly and cleared her throat, just when he was starting to calm down.

"You never cease to amaze me, Lord Bradford," she stated. "But I'm afraid I must be on my way."

"Hold on! Please, Your Royal Highness, I beg for your attention," her eyes grew wide when he abruptly stood in front of her horse, preventing her from galloping away. "There is no better way to win a woman over than being a gentleman, and having a sense of humor."

"Stand aside, Lord Bradford," Martin said firmly from where he was on his own horse. "There is no need to cause unnecessary trouble."

"It is alright, Martin. There is no trouble. But unlike you, Lord Bradford, I'm afraid I lack a bit of sense of humor," she stated calmly. "And move aside. Snow can be pretty...rough, with strangers."

"Oh! My most sincere apologies," he went to pet Snow's head, but Snow moved it before he could, and he yelped, while taking a step back. "One last joke, then."

"Alright," she sighed with a forced smile. "Delight me."

"What's the number 1 cause of divorce?" He asked, and stepped closer to the Princess with a smirk. "Marriage."

"How funny," she said sarcastically with a small smile. "Oh, Lord Bradford, what makes me laugh is that you state the obvious with such sense of discovery."

"You see? I knew I was funny!" He exclaimed happily. "Oh, my mummy would be so proud of me."

And when just when she was running out of patience, the Duke of Hastings arrived on his horse and stopped as closer to her as he could.

"Your Royal Highness," Simon offered her his hand, and she placed it over his with wide eyes, praying that he understood what needed to be done. He only smirked and kissed her hand. "I believe we have unfinished business."

Now, and awkward smile rested on her face. Of all things the Duke could have said, she certainly did not expect that. It could cause a misunderstanding gossip in so many ways.

"Unfinished business?" Lord Bradford asked and looked at the Princess with a frown. "May I ask, what kind of business?"

"You may not," Simon stated.

"Just a conversation we left unfinished," Charlotte responded. "Now, if you excuse us, we must be on our way."

"Of course, Your Royal Highness," he bowed before her and cleared his throat before nodding his head at the Duke. "Your Grace."

Without hesitation, Charlotte started to gallop on her horse away from Lord Bradford, and Simon followed and chuckled at her fast escape.

"You certainly have a terrible taste in men," he said once he caught up with her.

"Oh, Your Grace, I do not think I have ever loved you any more than I do now," she said with a sincere smile, and chuckled. "Thank you for rescuing me."

"Always," he smirked and winked. "After all, I love you too."

The Bridgertons all heard horses galloping and turned their head towards the sound, and met with the Princess and the Duke approaching them in their own horses.

"Benedict, dearest," his mother called for him.

Benedict stopped eating and looked at his mother. She nodded in the direction of the Princess who just arrived with the Duke. But before he could stand to greet her, Anthony started running towards her, while Daphne went to the Duke's side.

"Lord Bridgerton," Charlotte smiled at the sight of him approaching her.

"Allow me to help you," he offered, and she nodded.

The Princess leaned towards him, and he helped her off Snow by grabbing her around her waist. Once she was down, one of the Bridgerton's guards took care of Snow and the Duke's horse.

Anthony was still holding her waist, and their face were inches away from each other's. The Princess forgot how to breathe as she stared at the Viscount's brown eyes.

But they snapped out of their little staring contest when the Duke of Hastings cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes at Anthony.

"Shall we?" Anthony let go of her waist and offered her his hand.

"We shall," she nodded and looked at Simon and Daphne. "Are you coming with us?"