
[1] sunflower

In a field of sunflowers, their love story began.

6cidii · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"ice want to know if Ice is the most important person in your life, sunflower"

"of course you are my sun~ through I have my big sister Bella as my rain."

"…ice don't like how you have rain in your life… tell ice where Ice can find your so-called rain."

"don't try doing something bad to big sister Bella! Oh that's right were going to have our weekly chat tonight~ that's why your sleeping on your own."

"ice…will be lonely…sunflower."

"don't worry my sun, this only happens once a week… oh I can introduce you to my big sister…!"

"Ice though you don't like social interaction."

"big sister Bella taken care of me every time auntie and uncle were out from the house and she's someone who always funny~ she moves out a few years back but she teaches me computer stuff so we can communicate to one another~ don't you know she's someone who teaches me all that I know about the cyberworlds and the reason I meet you again~"

"ice will think different about this big sister of yours because she made way to let ice and you meet again~"