

Back into the past? Again?

PePe_Stare · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Nosferatu

Good news and bad news.

Good news, I am part of the experimentation crew.

Bad news, I am part of the experimentation crew. 

At least I won't be killed just yet, hopefully.

"Did you bring what I asked for?" A deep chilly voice questioned, as the owner of the voice, stared at us. 

And I can see why he is called the Nosferatu, pale skin that seemed ghastly enough to scare children. 

As the boy nodded, the Nosferatu cracked a smile. "You never disappoint me, Max." Saying that his vision shifted towards me. "You too Adam." 

At least now I know the boy's name. But I also know how uncomfortable he is around the Nosferatu.

He stood up from his chair and walked towards us. "Now, I want to hear your answers. You two promised to answer before the Führer returned." He looked at the calendar that hung near his desk. "And time is something that you lack."

Max looked down, unresponsive to the pale man. 

Whereas I stood in confusion.

Answer? What was he even talking about? I was obviously not in my own body and entered someone else's. But didn't inherit their memories. 

So, what was I supposed to answer?

Simple, I didn't.

Max stared at me for a moment before answering. "We talked about it and… we agree."

This could be dangerous. I have no clue what we agreed to but considering this is the experimentation department, this cannot be good. 

Can I escape? 

I thought to myself, but the answer was simple. No. 

I was malnourished, confused and unarmed. Would my knowledge of the future work? Maybe. But would it work to let me escape now?

No. Instead I will be called insane.

I focused too much on my grandfather that I didn't keep much track of the others and that was a mistake. 

"You two are special. You have power that no normal human has." He grinned. "And I promise that I will make sure both of you are able to tap into it." 

There were crazy scientists in the Nazi but I never heard of anyone like him back then. And this guy is also the head of this department… That's weird. 

Is this… a butterfly effect. 

His smile grew bigger. "Do not worry, you will be safe. I cannot lose you two."

I can understand why Max was scared of this guy. He is a lunatic. 

With no escape from the situation, I decided to follow the lunatic to his experimentation lab. And as one would expect, it was bloody eerie. 

Massive tubes filled with liquid of various colours and textures stood erect near the walls and countless wires lined to old computers made sure that the facility was running properly. 

There were creatures inside the tubes, humanoid and non-humanoids. 

A not so safe sign. 

"Do not be afraid." The mad scientist said, almost as if reading my mind. "Unlike them, you two are precious. And I cannot allow you two to end up like them."

I was not surprised by the non-human creatures in the tubes, being in the Nazi organisation made me witness things… things that I am not too proud of. 

And was I being gutsy walking into this facility? Of course, I was. But I know how crazy these guys can be. I don't know what he meant by us being special. But I know that people like them would give their lives rather than let their precious experiments die. 

But that doesn't mean it is going to be completely painless for us. 

"What… is so special about us?" I asked, uncaring of the fact that he might have revealed the reason to my past self. 

He stared at me and raised an eyebrow. "I have rarely seen you ask such questions, Adam." Saying that he smiled. "But to answer your question… both of you have something that very few people have. A set of genes that can change the lives of both of you and even the people around you." 

Genes? So much effort for a pair of genes? That's quite confusing and concerning. 

"And you promise that we will get back our freedom if the experiment is successful?" Max questioned, making the Nosferatu chortle. 

"If—" He paused and shook his head. "Once the experiment is over, you will be able to gain freedom with your own capability."

He doesn't give a straightforward answer but it's enough to give you an idea. 


"Sir." I called, making the man look back at me. 

"Yes, Adam."

"Will we… still be humans after the experiment."

This made both Nosferatu and Max pause and stare at me. Max looked at me in worry while the Nosferatu looked at me intrigued.

"That depends on your interpretation of the word human." He calmly answered. "Humanity is something no one can steal from you but… I am unsure of the physical changes before the experiment is over." 

The answer made me hesitant to accept the deal and Max felt the same way. However… After all the bullshit in my past life, I just want to escape this place. 

"As long as you can promise our safety… I agree." I declared despite having no power over the matter.

He smiled. "Excellent."

My heart rate increased as he entered a breathing pipe down my throat. Multiple belts strapped me to the bed while needles of countless sizes were pierced in my skin at multiple places. 

"Relax, if you move too much, it will hurt." Nosferatu said. 

Gulping thickly, I closed my eyes… preparing my body and mind for the incoming surge of pain. 

Max was strapped onto another bed to the far right. And that kid just might be in a worse state than me. He was shaking violently in nervousness. Despite the fear, neither he nor I said anything.

"You two have a pair of dormant genes that I am going to awaken. The shock might be painful but bear with it. Once the process is complete and the genes are woken up, you two will have unique abilities." He said, walking towards me. "It will depend on your luck whether you end up with some godly power or some weak ability that destroys your appearance. However, whatever the result is. You will be able to escape this place." He looked at Max. "And you will also be able to protect that little lover of yours."

As the scientist said those words, Max froze. It was quite clear that the Nosferatu was referring to Max's lover and while I had no clue who she was, I knew that Max would definitely go to her once the experiment was over. 

"Stay calm." He said. "I am about to start." 

I closed my eyes shut, relaxing my body. And before I knew it —I was sent into a world of pain.