

Back into the past? Again?

PePe_Stare · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

A Slight Miscalculation.

[[Nathaniel Essex]]

Essex saw the rise and fall of countless ambitious men. Men wanting to rule the world, men wanting to change the world, men wanting to revolutionise the world. And the man standing in front of him was no different. 

He was just another ambitious man that was soon going to meet his doom. 

"How is the progress, Essex?" The man asked in German, keeping his back facing Essex. 

"Just as you would like, Führer." Essex answered with a fake smile. "It's completed." 

The man froze before bursting out in a cackling laughter. 

"Excellent Essex! Excellent!" He praised. "You never disappoint me."

Taking a slow turn, he let his face be seen by the soldiers. 

A middle-aged face with frowning eyes and a toothbrush moustache stood in front of the ghastly man. 

However, other than them there was one more man in the room. And unlike them, he was not very enthusiastic about the situation.

"My lord, I still believe that this is not the correct time for this. Our forces are crumbling down and if you don't accept the test now, we might not be able to preserve your consciousn—"

"Arnim Zola."

To the man's dismay, the Führer was not interested in his words. 

"You made your suggestion. Now stay quiet. This is far more important than preserving my consciousness." He smirked. "When we succeed in this mission, we will have the world. But we do not have much time. So, we have to leave now." 

Zola was not so optimistic and still wanted the Supreme Ruler to go with the previous plan. 

"But Sire—"

"Enough!" Hitler roared. "Any more than that and you will be demoted to the experimental department." 

Annoyed and horrified by the statement, Zola clenched his fists and stood quietly before them.

As they were about to leave, Hitler paused and stared at Essex. 

"Tell me, Essex." He asked, raising an eyebrow. "How is your other experiment going?"

"Unfortunately, it hasn't been that great." Essex said with a fake sigh. "No human has been able to handle such strength." 

Hitler nodded and placed his hand over Essex's shoulder. "You are one of the sharpest minds out there, and as my lead scientist… You will figure something out."

"Your trust is all I need, sir." 

Smiling in satisfaction, the Führer nodded.

"Very well." He mumbled. "Now, let's proceed with Plan Armageddon."

[A Few Days Later]

[Unknown Location]

[[Adam Galler]]

It took me two weeks to escape that shithole. Two weeks of hiding and mind-controlling people while making sure not to get caught.

It had been rough. 

At first, I was hesitant to use my ability but then I realised that unless I use it, I won't be able to figure out the limits of the ability. And I am glad that I did that as I was able to figure out a lot of things. 

Firstly, the ability didn't work on people with the X-gene. And this was theorised by Essex which I am not stupid to experiment with just yet.

Secondly, I can control humans but only up to five for the time being. To control another, I need to lose control over a previous target. However, this number increases with time as I only started with being able to control one person at the start.

Thirdly, the effects of the pheromones decrease with the increase in distance between me and the target. 

And lastly, the targets do not remember that I was the one that commanded them after the effect wears off. There is no time limit to when the effect wears off. Instead, it wears off once the task given to them is completed.

But this was all about my ability. So, now…

Where the fuck am I?!?

Turning my head around, I saw one of the densest forests ever. I got onto a ship to escape that hell but turns out that the ship was smuggling bear hide from Antarctica. And with my luck, I ended up in Antarctica.

Then why is there a forest in the middle of ice?


"Quiet, little one."

I hussed the feline that walked next to me. It was not a normal cat, instead it was a jaguar-like animal. 

"You are not a jaguar either. You are too big to be one." I considered the possibility of it being some crossbreed but dismissed the thought. "You seem prehistoric."

It was wild and if not for my pheromones, I might have been eaten alive.

"Sadly, I will have to let you go. You are too dangerous to be kept around." Petting its head, I gave it a command. "Scarm, little one."

Without any questions, the felina rushed inside the deep forest. Leaving me on my own. 

To be fair, this place was quite scary. It was hidden from human civilisation and there were wild beasts roaming around. I could get rid of most beasts with my ability but I had totally lost my sense of direction which meant destinationless travelling. 

However, there was a huge miscalculation that I made. 



A quick arrow flew past me, scratching my cheek. It was not a miss but a warning to keep me in my place. 

As I stood there frozen, I saw two tribesmen walking towards me from behind a bush. 

I definitely made a miscalculation…

I should have considered the tribal people living in these wildlands.

"Who are you!" The bulkier of the two asked, surprising me with the fact that they spoke English. 

"I am—" I started while keeping my hands in the air, surrendering. "Just a traveller."

Allowing my pheromones to sweep in the air, I let the two men be trapped inside of the pheromone haze. And the moment it touched them, they went into a daze. 

Putting my hands down, I walked towards them.

"And now, who are you?" I asked, wondering which tribe I was dealing with. 

"I am Zoam." The taller one said. 

"I am Izhan." The bulkier one answered. 

Nodding, I continued to ask them questions.

"What is this place?"

"These are the lands ruled by Lord Azan." They both said at the same time. 

*Sigh* These people are a little dumb, but before I asked them the name of the place… Something else drew my interest.

I walked back towards the arrow that they shot at me and squatted down. The arrowhead was shiny but seemed, unlike any other metal that I knew of. 

And moreover…

I plucked the arrow from the ground and took out a coin from my pocket. Placing the coin on the ground, I touched it with the arrowhead. And to my utter surprise, the solid metallic coin turned to liquid. 

Previously when the arrow flew past me, the earring that I wore melted and surprisingly it didn't burn my ear. To test my theory, I took my finger near the melted coin and felt no heat emission. Taking the risk, I pushed my pinky into the puddle and once again I was left speechless. 

The coin melted, yet it was not hot. The puddle formed by the molten coin was cold and that discovery gave me goosebumps. 

"Errr… You two." I mumbled which made the two men stand straight. "What is the name of these lands?" 

Without delay, the taller man replied. "The Savage Lands."