
Status and a stranger

3rd person POV

A blonde adolescent youth is seen lying in a clearing inside a forest, dressed in garish black and orange tracksuit( imagine adolescent naruto vs pain dress minus the robe and scroll ) surrounded by a bluish white sphere. It was our hero, Naruto. The youth starts moving.

"Who am I?"

Instinctively he said " Status"


Name: Naruto

World: The Land of Five Nations

Lvl : 1

Hp :100

Cp: 150 (600)

Mp : ?

Skills: ACTIVE

1. Kage bunshin (2 Cp for 1 bunshin)

2. Frog Kata (no cp)[ requisite: sage mode]

3. Rasengan [ 50 *1]

4. Rasenshuriken [100*1] {locked till lvl 30}


1. Nine Tails recovery : 10 hp/ minute

i) 5 cp / second

ii) max lvl: 20{upgrade to nine tails chakra mode requires 10 skill points}

2. Sage mode : Increases all senses, physical invulnerability.

i) 10hp/ minute reduced until lvl 10 is reached reduces as each lvl increases after 10 .

ii) Max lvl :20 {upgrade to nine tails sage mode requires 10 skill points}

3. Nine tails chakra mode : upgraded nine tail recovery

ii) unlocks KURAMA



Protection : 1 hour

System Prediction: Easy win this time ]


A message is shown to all the participants, showing the probability of winning and photos of everyone.

1. Naruto Uzumaki (20.0%)

2. Riser Phoenix ( 3.0%)( HS DxD)

3. Nie Yan (nirvana flame) 2% (RotWRtW)

4. ...


others ( 75%)


Naruto POV

It all came rushing back to him. He was Naruto, the son of the Yellow Flash and The Red Habanero, the jinchuuriki of Kurama, the nine tails.

'Calm down.. its just you here.. you are going to be hokage, you can't die here'. I compose myself. Let me first evaluate all my skills.. can only use upto Rasengan? And Nine tails mode is locked ? Never mind, as long as i can use sage mode, winning this shit will be a cinch.

I'll use sage mode and locate all my adversaries.

???: Look What we have here! Naru-chan❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!!!