

Looks like Shikamaru's laziness even affected me.. huh.. I sense a guy near me.. He doesn't seem to have any malicious intent. It is Surprising that in a deathmatch, he would not have any. Seems like he has something special. Looks like Shikamaru really did affect me . shi-shi-shi..(grinning foolishly)

Naruto spots a black haired lithe young man whom he recognises as Nie Yan from the announcement. He instantly appears behind him and karate chops him.


Nie Yan blocked it. Naruto is surprised.

"How did you do that?", asked naruto.

" Training, i could not have survived had you been serious, Naruto-kun", said Nie Yan

"What do you want?"


"Why would i accept that?"

"Because i have this(shows him the contract). We can both win, and moreover , killing alone gets boring"

"Amen to that"

And so their partnership began

The story of the Assassin and the Sage