
"You are the Protagonist"

Transmigrating with a system is a bit overwhelming for Paige at the age of 34 and being a Hikikomori. She can't act and can't deal with the male lead's retaliation that would be coming for sure. So what to do? Clinging to his thigh! "You are the protagonist of this world." She stated while getting electric shocks left and right as well as sirens and a big [WARNING] from the system. But she is determined not to lie to the protagonist and lays her cards on the table, trying to resist the control that it had over her. So she has to act this out while trying not to let the male lead blacken. And not unintentionally killing the female lead while at the same time bullying her. And trying not to let the brain-dead author make a sadistic novel out of this story. And trying to survive by the way. WARNING: BLOODY, GORE, MENTION OF RAPE, DRUGS, YANDERE.... The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them

watAm0Te · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

9. Action

She slowly walked up along the other students that were chatting with their reunited friends. Her arms and legs began to swing unnaturally. Her face froze all over.

Lance following behind her noticed the unusualness around her and the way she walked, he first furrowed his brows then his lips twitched upwards.

Arriving at the top of the stairs Paige waited a moment and there she was, the female lead. She was a meter in front of her, stumbled over something invisible and tilted backwards the iced frappuccino she was holding for a girl beside her crashed in Paige's white blouse making her wet. The surrounding students were stunned, making way for the two to confront each other. Before Paige could even register what happened, or look at the appearance of the female lead, a text popped up before her. The system had seemed to have given up about the non-disclosure rule concerning the male lead, as the shocks for talking about the story line were so light it didn't evoke even a reaction from her anymore. This time it had, however, been upgraded. At the end of the text stood the punishment for not acting as being told:

[Punishment for changing lines or action of the original host: Losing a finger.] She gulped while reading, having thrown her las scruples out of the windows. The male lead was here anyway. She woodenly repeated her text looking into a far away distance. Reading it apparently down, the way she spoke: "You bitch. Are you out of your mind. I will kill you for this." The evenly volume combinated with the stony face astonished the onlookers, while Lance standing still on the upper half of the stairs , mentally facepalmed, trying to hold back his laughter.

The skinny loveable female lead Natasha was stunned when the cold voice was heard. She had the impulse to turn her head to see if behind her was a board with text that was readen down.

After an obvious pause Paige hesitantly grabbed the hair of the stunned female lead, then turned around, throwing a pointed look at Lance and seeing him nodding, she pushed the gril down the stairs.

With their obvious difference in body size, this scene was no problem for Paige, only, she nervously hoped for Lance to catch the kid.

Lance catched the female lead accurately. He wanted to show a triumphantly smile at Paige but his face fell, looking at her transparent blouse, showcasing her assets in a white bra that fortunately held some discretion.

Lance lightly held the female lead in one arm and stabilized her while he tossed with the other hand his blazer to Paige so that she could cover herself. When Paige received the blazer she looked in question down at her cleavage, seeing the problem. 'Damn, that wouldn't get out with just washing' she thought reflexively, but then remembered that she was rich now, sighing in relief. Then seeing the grown boys staring at the spot that was now covered, and the girls around her looking at her mockingly, she clicked her tongue, slipping in the blazer and buttoning it up. 

Lance thought he would see her flustered or something, but her frozen face revealed nothing of that sort. He turned to finally see his counterpart in the scenes that they would come to play. 

Natasha was skinny, her light brown hair flowing down her shoulders in waves. She had honey eyes with scientifically unreasonable good skin. Even he, the male lead had a pimple here or there, but she was just the epitome of perfectness. It was so gorgeous that he felt a bit plastic. He touched her face for a moment and when he looked at his finger he saw a thick make up trace. 'Ah, now I get it." It was really fascinating what you could do with the right foundation. 

Natasha blushed furiously from not only being rescued from a super hot guy, but he even touched her face lovingly. 

Paige saw all his little motions and coughed lightly from the second-hand-embarrassment she was feeling.