
"You are the Protagonist"

Transmigrating with a system is a bit overwhelming for Paige at the age of 34 and being a Hikikomori. She can't act and can't deal with the male lead's retaliation that would be coming for sure. So what to do? Clinging to his thigh! "You are the protagonist of this world." She stated while getting electric shocks left and right as well as sirens and a big [WARNING] from the system. But she is determined not to lie to the protagonist and lays her cards on the table, trying to resist the control that it had over her. So she has to act this out while trying not to let the male lead blacken. And not unintentionally killing the female lead while at the same time bullying her. And trying not to let the brain-dead author make a sadistic novel out of this story. And trying to survive by the way. WARNING: BLOODY, GORE, MENTION OF RAPE, DRUGS, YANDERE.... The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them

watAm0Te · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

8. Cut

The next day when she got up with chicken hair making herself an instant coffee, Lance was already showered reading the leaflet again on the couch. He looked up, stunned at her dizzy appearance. "Did you cut your hair?" He asked.

Yesterday it was till her lower back, now it barely reached her shoulder, and after sleeping it was all over the place. With the weight she lost till now, she looked more curvy than average girls, but she looked surprisingly good if not wearing her pajamas or jogging suit. She spotted the black school uniform, her full breasts filling her white blouse beautifully. Just her expression looked neither alive nor dead, moving like a zombie.

"Yeah, it's more convenient like this." Besides having had her hair short since she was a child in her original world, she would never admit that she was also scared that some teenage girl would randomly go crazy pulling her long hair out. Naturally this could happen now too, but the range of attacks would shorten.

He heard her muttering under her breath. "Do you have some misgivings about teenagers? What happened in your generation." She looked up in confusion, so she spoke out loud what she thought. It was embarrassing but it couldn't be helped, if you live alone for so long, not communicating with anybody, your thoughts become your voice and your voice becomes your thoughts.

"I'm freaking out- to have to go to school again. Back in my time they were all monsters, I tell you." It was really funny that she just accepted the role of an elder, he had just joked with her. He didn't really think 34 was that old to speak from different generations. Then to add the crazy hairstyle and this sentence coming from a tender fifteen years old with a big black cup full of coffee.

She pulled a headband out of nowhere and pulled her hair in a messy short ponytail.

"Don't be nervous, you can even get rid of one of them today." He grinned evilly.

"Don't speak like that about your future wife, young man." She said casually, continuing "Do you have everything? Go ahead, and I go a little after you. If someone sees you coming out of the same building as me in the future, just say you live with your cousin and have never seen me."

He got goosebumps being reprimanded about an illusory wife. He shook himself in irritation and followed with a "yeah, yeah" to her reminder.

Finally he left, as if running away. Even though he believed her whole story and reasoning, he had moments like just now where a little soft voice in his head reminded him : 'That woman is crazy, run away.' Believing themselves as characters in a book was nothing to do this fast. Still, he obediently walked to school and waited a bit before the gate.

Paige waited ten minutes before following. The school was just a twenty minutes walk away or 3 stations with the bus for rich school kids in this area. She was already tense so she didn't take the bus, trying to procrastinate meeting the other kids.

Arriving at the tall gate of the high end school, a mix of modern and old architecture, she was still a bit surprised about the big size. It wasn't as big as she thought, making it more convenient for spreading rumors, or bullying. If there were as many people as at a university, then everyone had too much to do in his own group, for caring about what X said about Y at the other end of the campus.

She spotted Lance who languidly leaned against the gate, getting flirty looks from the girls walking past him. Nodding at each other secretly like some special agents, she led the way, him following a few meters behind her.

She walked through the little open green compound, going through the wide entrance door of the school building. Looking at the big staircase before her she narrowed her eyes at the culprit of this scene.