
"You are the Protagonist"

Transmigrating with a system is a bit overwhelming for Paige at the age of 34 and being a Hikikomori. She can't act and can't deal with the male lead's retaliation that would be coming for sure. So what to do? Clinging to his thigh! "You are the protagonist of this world." She stated while getting electric shocks left and right as well as sirens and a big [WARNING] from the system. But she is determined not to lie to the protagonist and lays her cards on the table, trying to resist the control that it had over her. So she has to act this out while trying not to let the male lead blacken. And not unintentionally killing the female lead while at the same time bullying her. And trying not to let the brain-dead author make a sadistic novel out of this story. And trying to survive by the way. WARNING: BLOODY, GORE, MENTION OF RAPE, DRUGS, YANDERE.... The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them

watAm0Te · Fantasy
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24 Chs

3. Meet Paige

When she woke up it was already night. She washed up and grabbed a baggy jogging suit and put it on. She walked downstairs in the living room, seeing Lance sitting on the couch reading the novel she left for him. It looked like he was nearing the end of the book. She nodded at him, though he didn't even acknowledge her presence. Rummaging through the kitchen she took a yogurt and sat across from him eating silently and thinking about how to talk to him about what was about to come. 

Lance put down the book observing her eating. It was nicely cool in the apartment, a welcomed change to the heat outside. 

"What's your name?" His voice was raspy from not talking for a long time.

"Paige." She answered, putting down the cup.

Paige waited patiently till he asked more.

"Who is the villain?" He waved the book in his hand.

At this she had to smile helplessly. After a pause she shrugged and pointed at herself. "In this story it is me." She had to suppress a shudder from the electric shock running through her.

"You have a system?" He asked, noticing her being in pain.

"Y...Y...Yeah" Her whole body twitched and she had to breathe deeply to calm down.

Lance nodded slowly glancing at the book "If you disclose information about the setting you get punished?" he asked but it was more like a conclusion.

She nodded, this time her reaction was not as extreme.

"Mhmm" he mused, putting his finger under his chin, tapping it.

"If the answer is yes then blink slowly instead of nodding or answering with words"

He continued: "I'm the protagonist and you are the villain... So you told me all this despite getting punished because I retaliated against you at a later point in the story?" 

As expected of the protagonist. She slowly blinked. Surprised, she didn't feel as hurt as before. It was absolutely right to cling to the protagonists tight.

He was in a jogging suit himself and finally showered. He was like a different person. Light grey eyes noticed everything in front of him not letting the slightest change of her expressions go.

He was two heads taller than her, and only now, even seated, could you feel the presence of the male lead.She felt relieved to see him like this. When Paige saw him first hunched over looking like a beggar she felt a dissonance about him- he shouldn't live like this.

"My parents are rich?"He came to the important point. She blinked slowly in agreement.

"Do you know their name or how to contact them?" Again she blinked slowly.

"You won't tell me who they are because you need my assistance?" He slowly carried on.

"J-J-Jane W-W-Walker and Ter-r-rence Walker. Rosemary Street 95 in M-City, District 9." Sweat flowed over her face as she curled up on the couch, twitching. He stared at her in shock, never would he have thought that she would tell him this. Lance let the names of his parents roll over his tongue, not feeling any familiarity and neither the excitement he had anticipated.

"You had a good card in your hand. Why tell me? Now I can find them and leave you and your mission behind. I don't think you won't get punished for that." He asked in real curiosity.

When she was able to answer again she said "I will never deceive you. I want to form a team and go through the storyline together. I can help you till you are recognized back in your family, and you will get the female lead. I want one thing from you. When we finished this transaction- please don't....." After thinking of the ending of Paige her blank face twitched even without an electric shock from the system.

"Is what I will be doing to you this bad ?" He asked with curiosity, getting a numb nod from her back.

Coming back to her baiting him with: "The female lead....." He purred in contemplation. To be honest, he couldn't be more disinterested.