
"You are the Protagonist"

Transmigrating with a system is a bit overwhelming for Paige at the age of 34 and being a Hikikomori. She can't act and can't deal with the male lead's retaliation that would be coming for sure. So what to do? Clinging to his thigh! "You are the protagonist of this world." She stated while getting electric shocks left and right as well as sirens and a big [WARNING] from the system. But she is determined not to lie to the protagonist and lays her cards on the table, trying to resist the control that it had over her. So she has to act this out while trying not to let the male lead blacken. And not unintentionally killing the female lead while at the same time bullying her. And trying not to let the brain-dead author make a sadistic novel out of this story. And trying to survive by the way. WARNING: BLOODY, GORE, MENTION OF RAPE, DRUGS, YANDERE.... The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them

watAm0Te · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

1. Warning

In a busy street stood a fat girl, looking for someone. She took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on her face. Her eyes scanned the ground dark side streets and beggars. There was a skinny boy, about fifteen years old, looking desolate as he watched his surroundings. Others may think he was an ordinary street urchin, but she knew how special he was.

She walked to him and stood in front of him. He looked up warrily.

The fat girl took a purse out of the pocket and rummaged through it. She took a 100 dollar bill and waved it before him. Blankly she stated, "I have to talk to you for an hour. Hundred dollars now, hundred dollars after an hour. Nothing creepy. Just go with me to Mcdonalds for a meal."

He fixated the bill and after a short contemplation he took the bill, stood up and followed her in. She asked what he wanted and he ordered a few burgers, fries and a coke. She took the same drink but had nothing to eat.

After receiving their food, she searched for a secluded place to eat and talk. He followed obediently with his tray. They sat across from each other and he began wolfing down his meal. 

"You have to listen till I finish, no matter how unbelievably it sounds." She took her handkerchief out again. She played with it after wiping new sweat. She took a few gulps of cola and waited till she got affirmation from him. 

First he just shot a glance at her before continuing to eat. Then as she stopped speaking he looked up again and seeing her gaze, he nodded.

She took a deep breath. "You are the protagonist of this world." She paused, but didn't look at him, continuing to play with the handkerchief, plucking it slowly.

Her teeth started to chatter and sweat poured from her forehead.

"Your name is Lance Walker, you were born on 31.1.20XX. You are now fifteen years old. Presumably orphaned." Her finger started to tremble.

He tensed for a moment, but listened as she continued. "But that's not true." Her voice started cracking. "You were kidnapped as a kid. You were imprisoned and I know what they did to humiliate you... you had to drink and eat out of a bowl on the floor, barking like a dog." Her arms and legs started to twitch, as she pressed her teeth together, trying to bear the pain.

She didn't want to reopen the wounds of the protagonist, but otherwise he would never believe her. 

When he heard what she said he froze briefly, before reaching for his folding knife, pressing it against her neck. He still chewed the rest of his burger languidly while holding the knife, leaning over the table.

He had to move the knife back to not unintentionally hurt her because now she shaked like a leaf, her face red and drenched in sweat. 

"You...h-h-have no r-r-reason to be hostile a-a-a...a-against me." She stammered.

She took deep breaths trying to stay calm. "Y-y-you w-w-will have a happ-happy e-e-end."

He snorted at that.

The redness on her face subsided and instead she started to look deathly pale. Her sweat turned cold and she knew she had to hurry. She moved her hand to the knife he was holding, sliding her fingertip against the blade. He flinched back and sat back down in shock. 

She showed him her fingertip and he stared at it in wonder. After a time, despite being a deep wound, there was no blood. 

The shock on his face was evident.

She did her best to keep her finger still so he could see, but after a bit she failed and trembled again. He grabbed her finger, moving it before his eyes so he could see. Then he rubbed the wound and pinched her finger. There was no blood.

He scrutinized her. She was chubby, black hair and eyes, having her hair tied to a messy bun. She wore an oversized black T shirt, looking mediocre beyond comparison.

She let his eyes wander over herself and waited till he digested what he saw.

Meanwhile she tried to ignore the shrill sound in her head roaring