
"The final journey in the world of Evola"

Story is about 19 years old kid named Zeltar. He was just a teenager that lived of bare minimum needs. Due to the fact that his parents were having huge lack of money his days were pretty grey, until the day that soldiers were knocking on his door. He received a news that he got recruited into elite military school and has to go with them right this instance. In school he reunites with his older brother Alan, that has left home five years ago. After completing battle class test, Alan realized that Zeltar has two hearts one of which has pure berserker energy in it, one of most violent and uncontrollable battle classes. To prevent Zeltar from getting into hands of scientists, Alan decided to join his team and train along side with him. And now all that is left to Zeltar is opportunity of changing his life, will he use it to change his life for good or will he give in to the desire of bloodshed nature that his brother tries to keep from eyes of society?

Darver_Reaver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Part 2 "Useful chit-chat"

While walking through the campus, Reek constantly keeps reminding Zeltar that after they reach the lab, will be the moment where their ways separate. This moment clearly bothers him since he clearly isn't familiar with any person in this territory and soon he is about to be left completely alone.

"Come on, don't be childish! There is an opportunity to open an entirely new world for yourself and all you think about is some kind of recently met guy leaving."

"It's not that easy for me, okay? There I at least had parents that would always be there for me. Who do I have now?"

The sound of Zeltar's voice becomes rough as he gets more open to Reek. The man stops in his tracks and faces the boy with a serious face.

"Listen, kid! There will be people for you at this place, just be patient and open for whatever comes in your way. Just remember, no one here will leave you, got it?"

The boy nodded in response as they kept walking, but deeply in his heart, this advice did not make him feel better at all. On their way to the lab, Zeltar gets a feeling of this place being too quiet.

" Aren't there supposed to be any people?"

" At this time? No way."

" Why so?"

"Because we use the campus for physical training only until 9 am as for right now it's 11 a.m. After that, every student is sent to the cafeteria so that they can refill their energy to continue studying in classes until lunchtime."

"And that's it? No studying after that?"

Reek's expression is priceless as he would get struck by listening.

"What kind of maniac studies after lunch?"

"Heh, we do in our schools"

"Oh my godly slippers, no wonder you are so fat and depressed."

"What do you mean? Does this place has a different schedule?

"Absolutely! As we start our day we do training exercises so that blood flows all around our body, breakfast is used to turn on your brains just for the studying period. At lunch, we fill our belly full and after two hours of rest, we begin to train students for their battle classes. Only after that our, so-called, school time is finished."

" Isn't that a slightly, not enough for studying?"

" Well It might be a surprise to you, but right after students reach class S category, attendance of school will become optional ."

It is clear that this information cannot settle in Zeltar's head. As he was following the classic educational system for twelve years, even the idea of having so much time to spend out of studying makes it difficult to think straight.

("Is that true? This place must be paradise. But I can't believe that there is no catch to it. It's too good*Zeltar!* to be true*ZELTAR!*")

"AH! Yes, I am listening!"

Started by Reek screaming his name, he turns to the man and sees two hands pointing at the trail they were walking on a few seconds ago. It appears that Zeltar walk of it and would keep going towards the lake if Reek wouldn't stop him. He quickly runs back as they keep walking.

"Lost in thoughts?"

"Kind of."

Upon reaching the destination, they stand right next to a large glass dome that has no entrance to it. It is placed on a roundly shaped black stone that perfectly matches the size of the construction.

"What is this?"

"Teleportation room."

"So this is how we will get into the lab?"

"Yes, just hold on a second."

Reek takes out a leather coin pouch from his hidden pocket on the left side of the robe. After opening it, he pulls many necklaces out of it. They seem to be intertwined with each other, so he puts them in hand and starts to sort them out as if looking for a specific one.

As seconds go by Reek begins to mumble something under his nose in anger.

"When I fucking told them that it would be much easier if I just sort out every key and put them into different pouches, they said I would have to carry too many of them. So here I am, making fun of myself in front of a newcomer. AH FINALLY!"

He finds a necklace that has been needed for an unknown purpose and gives it to a boy. This accessory looks pretty plain. Just a black wire and little rectangle-shaped plate, supposedly made out of Akmarite, the most common white stone that is used to make jewelry, cheap and forgiving towards beginners. However, Zeltar's attention is quickly caught by the symbols on that plate: N3 and V2.

"What do those numbers denote?"

"Put it on and I will explain."

Right after the necklace is around his neck, Reek tells him to follow as he goes through the glass. Being a little bit hesitant about the safety of this process, he steps towards the glass wall and goes right through it like it would be nothing but just an illusion. All the section he felt was just a slight breeze on his skin as he went through.

"So you were wondering about those symbols earlier, right?"

"Yes, if it's not a secret of course."

"Sure it isn't. First, take a look around the stone plate we are standing on."

As he observes the ground, there are six smaller pressure plates positioned in six corners with one symbol engraved on each of them.

"So, apparently the meaning of these symbols is simple:

Z1 is a school tournament and exam field.

V2 is the lab that we soon will go to.

N3 is the place that we landed on at first.

S4 is used by guards since it is the school rooftop.

As for S5 and A6, well... let's just say this is probably part of the secret. Even S category students won't receive necklace to teleport there."

Zeltar seems to be catching up so far and after a brief explanation man asks him to press a plate that has a V2 symbol. Right after boy pressed the necessary plate. Pressed mechanism triggers beam of light appears in the center of a dome with V2 symbols shaped out of it.

"Good job! Well, of we go."