
"The final journey in the world of Evola"

Story is about 19 years old kid named Zeltar. He was just a teenager that lived of bare minimum needs. Due to the fact that his parents were having huge lack of money his days were pretty grey, until the day that soldiers were knocking on his door. He received a news that he got recruited into elite military school and has to go with them right this instance. In school he reunites with his older brother Alan, that has left home five years ago. After completing battle class test, Alan realized that Zeltar has two hearts one of which has pure berserker energy in it, one of most violent and uncontrollable battle classes. To prevent Zeltar from getting into hands of scientists, Alan decided to join his team and train along side with him. And now all that is left to Zeltar is opportunity of changing his life, will he use it to change his life for good or will he give in to the desire of bloodshed nature that his brother tries to keep from eyes of society?

Darver_Reaver · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Part 1 "Where do I apply?"

After they instantly appeared in place which at first glance was supposed to be the park, the first thing Zeltar gets to notice is a blast of heat that feels like steam bursting right into his face.

"Ahh! Where is that coming from?"

"Don't you worry, it's just one of teleportation aftereffects."

"There's more?"

"Of course! There can be even accidents where your clothes goes under your skin, it is usually such a bloody mess to fix."

After imagining this scene with his current t-shirt going right under his skin and mixing up with flesh and nerves, Zeltar clearly understood that he does not want to keep the conversation in that direction.

"Well let's not waste your time and get right to the point. Follow me."

Before he starts to follow his steps, Zeltar noticed that something is clearly off.



"Shouldn't there be another guy near you?"

He looked around as if not understanding what did he meant by that question. But after a short, while he facepalms himself as if realizing what was the meaning of this question. Stone's expression breaks as well as his though character after he burst into laughter.

"Hahhahahahah oh my! I am so sorry but this just always gets me.

Clearly puzzled by Reeks reaction, Zeltar just can't understand where was the funny part in what he just asked. Feeling calmer he finally explains where did mysterious partner go.

" You see, he was never even there. Your eyes just saw what I wanted you to see, and in that case, it was my colleague that you would not want to mess with"

Taking a few steps away from men, stories of magic users started to drifting through his head. In old legends are many mentions about human-like creatures that back in old days were supposed to live side by side with ordinary people but as time goes on creatures devoted wish for power and authority which resulted in war between their own kind. To prevent unnecessary deaths of humans, the so-called "Archimage order" decided to split the continent in two and sent humans far away from the chaos that their own kind resulted in.

Just the idea of such being standing in front of him, makes Zeltar's bones shiver and face turn pale. For a moment Reek watches how a boy gets nervous and flustered but as he figures out the reason for such behavior he just asks:

"Scared of me?"

"Y-yes, just a little bit"

"Don't be. I am not a magical being that your current thoughts are focused on"

His answers still are not enough to assure Zeltar that there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay. Let's just say that, what I did back there was just a result of me using energy that every and each one of this school's representatives possesses in their own amount and type. I could call it, human type of magic."

"And even you *points his finger at Zeltar* are over of such abilities."

His eyes are opened wide and his heart gets cold after hearing such unexpected words from someone he nearly knows.

"Ho-how do you even know that?"

"Simple, the recruitment."

"What about it?"

"You see the person who sent it was pretty sure...no wait, absolutely sure that you have this kind of energy sleeping right in the middle of your heart. So we are here to help awaken it and teach you how to use it for exchange for our own good."

"What kind of exchange are you talking about?"

"Don't think about it yet, everything will come clear. As for right now, we need to give you in hands of my real colleague."


"Heh, do you really think that if I would say his name, it would pull some strings in your head?"

"No, I guess."

"Then let's head over to the lab."

As they continue walking, Zeltar throws his glance he and there to appreciate the surroundings. The path they walk on is made out of massive plates that seem to be made of pearls because of their white rainbow-like color. Around that trail, he sees lots of flowers and mushrooms as well as their different varieties, doom shrooms, velvety silk flowers, wild bloody roses, light shrooms that will give this place blue color glow at night. Only trees that are growing here are ones with fireberries on them. Perfect place for sweet and spicy flavor lovers. Grass doesn't even seem to be cut, from this sight of view it is only about six centimeters from the base. Perfect for laying around, not much sunlight, absolutely quiet, and gifts of nature to enjoy. As they move further to the end, Zeltar sees that there are many torii gates almost stacked up together which are supposed to serve as the main exit and entrance to this place. The biggest surprise however was that after they went through the gates, from the hill they were standing on, Zeltar spots a humongous campus that fits even a small lake with a giant fountain in it. Dozens of training fields, many buildings of unknown purpose, and one specific building that is made in gothic style church and shaped like a hexagon with six massive towers on every edge of it. Every building and the specific place is connected with a trail of gray bricks that only adds bonus esthetic to this place. Without a doubt, this should be Zeltar's new school. Reek crossed his hands with a look into the horizon before asking Zeltar:

"So, what do you think?"

As he asks it, small smile cracks on Zeltar's face before he answers:

"Where do I apply?"