
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The training.

It was six o'clock in the morning, the day was dawning with Clark running at super speed. Today they were going to start training with All Might at Dagobah Beach. Clark stopped abruptly in front of a landfill. Was he in the right place? His doubts were instantly answered when he heard an excited shout.

"Hey hey hey hey! This fridge is a good place to sit!" Clark heard All Might shout excitedly.

Walking amidst piles of trash, Clark found All Might sitting on top of a fridge while Izuku gave his all trying to pull it with ropes tied around his body.

"Ah, Young Kent! Glad you're here, now we can really get started!" All Might exclaimed excitedly, jumping off the fridge just as Izuku collapsed exhausted on the ground.

"Hey guys, by the way All Might, why was Midoriya trying to pull a fridge with you on top of it?" Clark asked, confused by the scene he had witnessed moments ago.

"Ah, I was just trying to give young Midoriya a little training session. Looks like I was right, and we'll need to ramp up our training until the entrance exam," All Might said, looking down at Izuku still on the ground.

"By the way, All Might, why are we at the seaside park hauling trash?" asked Izuku, getting to his feet and brushing the sand off his clothes.

"It's because your body is squishy!" said All Might, pointing at Izuku, who had a confused expression on his face.

Clark had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing in front of the two of them upon hearing that.

"All Might explained to the boys, who listened attentively, 'Think of One For All as a convergence of the accumulated peak strengths of countless individuals! A body so weak that it wouldn't be capable of withstanding such power.'"

"Your limbs would fly off and you would explode into pieces!" All Might finished the explanation smiling.

"What ?!" Both boys screamed upon hearing the hero's explanation.

"Right then...for my body to reach this level...am I collecting trash?" Izuku asked, confused.

"But that's not all!" All Might exclaimed. "I found this park on the internet yesterday. It's been abandoned for who knows how many years," explained All Might, giving the refrigerator a light punch that dented a part of it.

"So all these things floated here through ocean currents and piled up. And we're going to ignore the illegal dumping to take advantage of it?" Clark asked as he approached All Might and Izuku.

"Today's young heroes are obsessed with showing off. But being a hero has to be a labor of love! Call it 'Simple' all you want! But I won't let the fundamentals get muddled!" shouted All Might, placing a hand on the refrigerator and crushing it from top to bottom.

"Let's resurrect the horizon of this place!" continued the hero, now with the morning sun reflecting off the ocean waters ahead.

"Mark this day, boys, as the first step toward becoming a hero!" exclaimed All Might.

"My first step is to clean up... all of this...?" asked Izuku, looking at the trash around him.

"Midoriya, my boy, you want to get into U.A., don't you?" asked All Might to the green-haired student.

"Oh, y-yes!! Since U.A. was your school and all... If I could learn heroism anywhere, it would definitely be at U.A. Without a doubt! Ah, if that's alright..." said Izuku, reminiscing nostalgically about the information shared.

"It's not like you can learn to be a hero just inside a classroom; you do that every day, helping those in need," Clark said, arms crossed beside Izuku.

"You're absolutely right, young Kent. What makes a hero are your intentions and, most importantly, your actions," All Might said, pleased with Clark's response.

"Only ten months until the entrance exam... we need to turn you into a suitable vessel by then! But I've got you covered!" said All Might, picking up papers and letting them slip between his fingers. "This is the plan I've devised! It's called 'Focus on Passing! The American Dream Plan!'" All Might exclaimed excitedly to the boys.

"So don't mind that it's garbage collection! Focus on how to do the training! I'll make you follow every second of your life to the letter!" All Might said as he handed the papers to Izuku, who couldn't help but feel nervous as he looked at the schedule.

"Now, with you, young Kent, since I'm not sure about your abilities, I'll join you in some training sessions. As you progress, I'll seek to find suitable training for you," the hero said with a smile, placing a hand on Clark's shoulder.

"Whatever you say," Clark replied, smiling back at the hero.

And so, ten months of training passed. Izuku struggled to lift weights much heavier than his own body and often failed. Clark started small, pulling a few refrigerators and small piles of trash. As All Might noticed that Clark could handle these tasks effortlessly, he increased the challenges to see Clark's limits. He was surprised to see that after a few training sessions, Clark effortlessly pulled mountains of garbage. Clark knew he hadn't even reached his full potential, but he didn't trust All Might enough to reveal the extent of his abilities. 

Clark's parents found Clark's training strange at first, as their son would be away from home for many hours, which affected his daily tasks, but after Clark assured them that he would do the remaining tasks at super speed, his Parents slowly got used to their son's new routine.

As the months passed, Clark noticed Izuku often exhausted in class, rarely paying attention to what the teacher was saying. But Clark was happy for his friend; he saw Izuku's effort and was pleased to see him slowly progressing.

Izuku's training involved lifting weights, loading trucks with collected trash, swimming in the sea, and, to Clark's initial surprise, carrying All Might on his back. Clark hated to admit it, but he too had to carry the hero on his back in his muscular form. It was a rather unpleasant experience, Clark had to say.

So the day of the entrance exam quickly arrived. It was cold at this time of year now, it was six in the morning, and Clark had just slowed down from super speed as he arrived at the beach. He was proud to see what they had accomplished; they had spent months cleaning the beach, and as they did so, slowly people began to return to the area. Looking around, he could see the beach clean and a serene atmosphere that was only interrupted by the sound of the waves crashing.

Clark observed a figure on the beach pier whom he quickly recognized as Izuku. In the next moment, he heard the green-haired boy let out a victorious shout atop a final pile of trash. At that same moment, Clark heard All Might in his skeletal form stop the truck they used for garbage collection just in time to witness Izuku's scene.

"He made it just in time! He crossed the finish line!" All Might exclaimed as he got down from the truck.

"Oh my, oh my, goodness!!" All Might shouted as he transformed into his muscular form and leaped towards Izuku, who was collapsing from exhaustion on top of the pile of trash.

Seeing this, Clark smiled and raced forward at super speed alongside the hero.

"You deserve a rest!" said All Might as he held Izuku's exhausted body.

"All Might, I did it, I did it... I did it!" exclaimed Izuku, exhausted.

"You did it, man. Congratulations, I'm happy for you," Clark said, smiling beside All Might.

"You did a great job! Especially for a teenager! Here, take a look at this!" exclaimed All Might excitedly as he helped Izuku to his feet and pulled out a cellphone from his pocket.

"What's this?" asked Izuku as the hero held the cellphone in front of him.

"This was you ten months ago!" All Might exclaimed, showing Izuku a picture on his phone. The photo depicted Izuku trembling on the ground at the beginning of his training.

"You did very well!" said the hero, looking at the sweaty and now relatively muscular body of the green-haired boy.

"Now that's quite a change," Clark chuckled, seeing his exhausted friend.

"We've reached a faint mirage of our path ahead... But now you're a genuine vessel!" exclaimed All Might to Izuku.

Izuku smiled, now trembling with exhaustion. "I feel like I cheated somehow... I... You've gone so far for me, All Might, and I feel so blessed," he said, starting to cry.

"Come on, Midoriya, enough with the tears! You've worked so hard these past months. Both All Might and I have seen firsthand your effort. Now stop crying; there's no more time for that," said Clark, tiredly giving his friend a light tap on the back of the neck.

"Hahaha, stop being a crybaby ! Now is the time for your reward, Izuku Midoriya!" said All Might, smiling as he placed a hand on the green-haired boy's shoulder in front of him.

"You know what they say, right? There's a difference between something you're born with by pure luck and something you've worked hard to earn!" said All Might, pulling a strand of hair from his head.

"What?" Clark thought, watching the hero pull out a strand of hair.

"Inflate your chest and be proud. This is the power you've earned, fair and square, kid," the hero said, igniting a fire in Izuku's heart.

"Now, eat this," said All Might, referring to the strand of hair in his hand.

"Huh?" both boys said, confused.

"Technically, how you absorb my DNA isn't important, but we're running out of time!" said All Might to the boy in front of him.

"This wasn't what I had in mind...!!" exclaimed Izuku.

"Thank goodness I won't have to eat that," Clark thought with relief, finding the situation in front of him amusing.

Time remaining until the entrance exam: Three hours.