
"Superman: Guardian of Hope"

We all know how this story goes. I've often found myself looking for something like this and never found it, so I decided to create it myself. So here it is: what would happen if a man died and reincarnated in Boku no Hero as a Kryptonian? ~~~~~~~~ NO HAREM~~~~~ English is not my native language, so please be patient with me, and I would appreciate any tips you can give me. * I don't own any characters from the Boku no Hero universe or Superman; I'm writing just for fun. All credits for the characters go to their respective creators. * * My first time writing, so I'm subject to mistakes and the chapters are subject to changes, but without much impact on the story. *

Black_Light22 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The strange girl.

After the end of the test, Clark and Uraraka returned to the observation room victorious. Clark was now downcast because his suit had been damaged. It didn't take long for transporter robots to arrive at the test area to take Bakugou to the infirmary.

Now the students were gathered in the observation room for the results.

" I would say that young Iida was the best in this match," said All Might to the students in the room, causing a sense of confusion to spread.

" But weren't Kent and Uraraka the winners?" asked Asui, confused.

" So I ask you all, why would I think that way!?" questioned All Might to the class.

" Yes, All Might-sensei. It's because Iida adapted well to the situation," said Momo, raising her hand.

" After watching the fight, Bakugou's behavior was clearly driven by personal resentment and thus entirely arbitrary. Furthermore, as Kent pointed out to us, sensei, launching a large-scale attack like that in a confined space without knowing the enemy's strength or surroundings is foolishness. "

 " Uraraka's strategy was good, but she almost got caught when Iida noticed her. However, I believe Kent had good control of the situation; he always knew where everyone was from the beginning, understood his own strength when attacking and being attacked. "

" Of course, his suit was destroyed along with part of the building, but no one could have predicted Bakugou would go berserk. So I understand your reasoning, but I think Kent was the best in this match," said Momo, expressing her thoughts with much of the room agreeing with her.

" Well, young Kent did very well. I believe your answer is more correct! Hehe..." said All Might, surprised by the girl's detailed response.

Clark was somewhat happy to see his classmate's response, but his mind was still on his suit. He would have to go to the support department to get it repaired or try to make it more resilient.

As the exams continued, Todoroki, instead of using a complicated strategy, simply froze the building once he was certain his partner was outside, thereby capturing the opposing team.

The other students also performed well in the test, employing creative strategies with their quirks. When it was Izuku's turn for the exam, Clark found himself intrigued as the green-haired boy attempted to win the test without using his quirk, resulting in a lengthy strategy that, with Momo's help, proved successful.

" Good job, everyone!" exclaimed All Might to the students now gathered outside the test area.

" Except for young Bakugou, there were no major damages! However, any detentions were prevented!! For the first comprehensive training exercise, you all did a wonderful job !"

Saying a few more things, All Might sped off in the opposite direction of the students at high speed, likely because his time was running out.

Clark and the students stood still for a few seconds before they started talking—or rather, bombarding Clark with questions.

" Oh, hey Kent !! What was that back there, man ? Couldn't hear anything you guys were saying, but you were incredible !! I didn't know you could shoot lasers from your eyes, that was so cool !" said an excited Kirishima.

" Is it true, Kent ! I didn't know you could do that. Is it something you developed recently? Do you have more abilities !? " asked Midoriya excitedly, approaching Clark with starry-eyed curiosity.

"Well... if I spill all the beans now, it wouldn't be as fun, would it?" Clark said with a smile on his face.

Clark's classmates bombarded him with more questions and compliments about his performance in the test. However, Clark wasn't used to receiving so much attention at once. He said he needed to change and go to the support department to fix his suit, which was not a lie. His classmates, noticing his state, cleared a path for him to go.

After changing into his school uniform, Clark made his way to the support department. It was a bit tricky to find, but he knew right away where it was, after all, you don't need to be Clark to notice a robot rushing out of a room on fire.

" HATSUME ! IF YOU DON'T START CONTROLLING YOUR CREATIONS YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO CREATE THEM ! " A voice shouted out, which Clark identified as Power Loader, the hero, poking his head out of the room to search for where the robot on fire had gone. As he glanced around, he noticed Clark approaching.

"Oh, hey there! How are you doing, young man? Hero Department, right? How can I help you?" asked the hero, now facing Clark as he had reached the door of the room.

"Well, I had a training session this afternoon and my suit got damaged. I was hoping you could help me fix it. Maybe even make it more resilient," Clark said to the hero, holding up the case containing his suit.

"I understand, but I can't help you right now. I have to go after that robot on fire before it destroys something. However, my assistant is inside; I believe she can help you. Just be careful, okay?" said the hero to Clark as he hurried off to chase after the robot.

Clark found the warning a bit strange but decided to ignore it and entered the room.

As Clark walked through the area, he passed various creations—support items likely for heroes and students alike. Continuing further, he spotted a girl wearing a welding mask, fusing pieces of metal together.

"Hello there," Clark said, trying to get the girl's attention. It seemed to work as she stopped what she was doing, removed her mask, and looked towards Clark.

The girl had pink hair, yellow eyes, and was wearing a black tank top along with work gloves.

"Hey there, stranger! How can I help you?" Mei said cheerfully, approaching Clark.

Clark was in the middle of explaining, "Well, I needed to fix my suit and maybe make it stronge-," when Mei interrupted by patting his arms excitedly.

"Wow, you're strong! Okay, I can do this. Let's get started," Mei said, removing her hands from Clark's arms, grabbing his case, and heading toward the workbench.

Clark stood still for a moment, surprised by Mei's behavior. Seeing him hesitating, Mei called out, "Hey, big guy, are you coming? I need your help to make these adjustments!"

"Okay, now I think I understand what the teacher meant," Clark said, laughing a bit as he followed Mei.

~~An unknown location~~

"Did you see this? He's become a teacher..." said a young man, placing a newspaper on the counter of what appeared to be a bar, showing the news that All Might had started teaching at U.A.

"Ei, what do you think would happen if the 'Symbol of Peace' were killed by villains?" said the menacing-looking young man, pale with white hair, a slim physique, and hands wrapped around his body, one on his shoulder, another on his arms, and one on his face.

On the other side of the counter, the bartender was a man made of purple smoke. He had bright yellow eyes and remained silent as he busied himself cleaning a glass.